Does Clicker Use Improve Exam Scores? A Controlled Randomized Experiment in a Bachelor-Level Course in Software Engineering
Original version
Kvadsheim, R., Haugerud, H., Hammer, HL, Bratterud, A., & Habib, L. (2015). Does Clicker Use Improvement Exam Scores? A Controlled Randomized Experiment in a Bachelor-Level Course in Software Engineering. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING EDUCATION , 31 (2), 505-520.Abstract
This paper reports a study of clicker use within an undergraduate course in Operating Systems. It is based on a controlled,randomized experiment with a crossover design that measures learning outcomes by means of test questions at differentlevels of cognitive difficulty. The study aims to investigate whether clicker use primarily promotes superficial learning,whereby students reapply uncritically a previously seen solution in a new situation, or a more genuine learning wherebythey analyze new situations and solve new problems. The results suggest that students attending clicker-based lecturesobtain better exam scores than students attending corresponding traditional lectures in the same course. Moreover, thesuperior scores achieved by the students attending the clicker-based lectures were most pronounced for exam questionsthat required knowledge of the subject matter. The article concludes that clicker-supported lectures may be tried outhelpfully in engineering education to promote learning. Advice is given as to how one may proceed.