60 Days of sharing: A Distribution of Artistic products On The Online Gallery; Instagram
This thesis will study a distribution of artistic products on the social network of Instagram.
Through artistic and scientific reflections the project looks at how the online photo-sharing
network shapes an artist’s feed and how a viewer reacts and participates towards a work
of art. This theoretical angle will function as a base from which I execute and evaluate the
practical part -the artworks- of the thesis that takes place on the Internet; mainly on the
social network Instagram.
In the course of the project, which consists of 60 days of sharing artistic material on
Instagram, log writing and contextualizing, I will also consider the cultural tendencies on
Instagram; Hashtags, Likes, followers, @s, and the moral does and don’ts of the network.
This has been documented through the logs that I have recorded everyday, together with
the post of that day.
The content of the posts being shared varies from day to day, but a commonality for them
all will be the artistic facture. There are planned series of works that will inspect different
ways of sharing in form, context and media related manners.
Master i estetiske fag