• Applying BIM and 3D laser scanning technology on virtual pre-assembly for complex steel structure in construction 

      Ying, Chunli; Zhou, Yin; Han, Daguang; Qin, Guocheng; Hu, Kaixin; Guo, Jieming; Guo, Tong (IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science;371 (2019), 022036, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)
      Steel structure needs to be assembled before the components are transported to the site to ensure the installation of the steel structure successfully. The traditional assembly is a physical assembly method, which needs ...
    • Automatic reverse modelling of box girder bridge from point cloud data 

      Knutsen, Torjus Berg; Vaksdal, Fridtjof (MABY;2020, Master thesis, 2020)
      Building Information Modelling (BIM) has over the last decades brought the physical- and digital worlds closer together. BIM implementation is now expected in construction projects, ensuring interdisciplinary cooperation ...
    • BIM i prosjektering av inneklimaanlegg i bygg 

      Vårdal, Harald (MAEN;2022, Master thesis, 2022)
      For at byggebransjen skal ta del i effektene av industri 4.0 og industri 5.0 er det en forutsetning med verktøy som kan håndtere store mengder data. Data må struktureres på en måte som gjør at den kan vedlikeholdes, ...
    • BIM technology acceptance among reinforcement workers - the case of Oslo airport's terminal 2 

      Merschbrock, Christoph; Rolfsen, Christian Nordahl (Journal of Information Technology in Construction;21(1), Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2016-03-01)
      Today’s design teams deliver engineering models sophisticated enough to serve as blueprints for production and construction work. However, issues of adoption persist for the on-site use of building information modelling ...
    • BIM understanding and activities 

      Hjelseth, Eilif (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)
      The AECOO (architects, engineers, contractors, operators, owners) industry is moving toward increased digitalization. This unstoppable process requires a clear understanding of the important elements required to reach the ...
    • BIM-basert samhandling og modellbasert produksjon i fremtidens byggeprosjekter 

      Nilsbakken, Magnus Wille (MAEN;2018, Master thesis, 2018)
      For å prosjektere, bygge og drifte et bygg skal mange fag jobbe sammen med samme informasjon. Ved konvensjonelle prosesser utveksles informasjon på papir, dette kan skape misforståelser og feil og være en hindring for ...
    • Digitalt fortrinn: Effektivisering av prosjekteringsoppgaver innen VVS ved bruk av visuell programmering 

      Ilgen, Murat; Nordeidet, Markus; Tørholen, Terje Prestby; Økland, Pawel (Bachelor thesis, 2018-05-22)
      I denne oppgaven ble det sett på Dynamo, og muligheten dette verktøyet har for å effektivisere VVS prosjektering. Skript har blitt utviklet for dette formålet og det har også blitt sett på hvordan utvikling av egne skript ...
    • Enhancing learning outcomes by introducing BIM in civil engineering studies – experiences from a university college in Norway 

      Lassen, Ann Karina; Hjelseth, Eilif; Tollnes, Tor (International Journal of Sustainable Development and Planning;Volume 13, Issue 1, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)
      It is a challenge to introduce building information modeling (BIM), as demanded from the industry, in an already packed curriculum for higher engineering education. There is therefore a need for alternative ways to include ...