Now showing items 2306-2325 of 2671

    • T-banestasjon i Homansbyen 

      Guttormsen, Eline; Johnsen, Ida-Helene; Nøsted, Anette (Bachelor thesis, 2018)
      Estimater for befolkningsvekst i Oslo Kommune, fra Statistisk sentralbyrå (SSB), tilsier at en forbedring av kollektivtilbudet er helt nødvendig for å dekke fremtidige behov. Denne oppgaven tar for seg mulige alternativer ...
    • TAKE ME - I'M YOURS: Deltakelse i kunsten - et kunstnerisk forskningsprosjekt 

      Dahl, Camilla (MEST;2020, Master thesis, 2020)
      Denne masterstudien omhandler ulike perspektiver på publikumsdeltakelse i kunsten. Undersøkelsesområdet ble valgt fordi jeg som aktør i kunstfeltet fant det utilfredsstillende at temaet vanligvis ble behandlet som omforent, ...
    • Taktil kommunikasjon: produkter rettet mot synshemmede og seende 

      Hansen, Marie Jeanette Skaug (Master thesis, 2011)
      Det er blitt et viktig gjøremål å skape universelt design. På bakgrunn av dette, har det blitt utarbeidet forslag til nytenkende mobilitetskonsepter, i form av estetiske og funksjonelle ledefliser i vegg. Hovedsakelig er ...
    • Tangible Cup for Elderly Social Interaction: Design TUI for & with Elderly 

      Bong, Way Kiat; Chen, Weiqin (Journal on Technology and Persons with Disabilities;Volume 7, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)
      Social interaction is found to have significant impacts in our quality of life. Information and communications technology (ICT) has been designed to improve our social interaction and well-being. Elderly people face ...
    • Tangible User Interface for Social Interactions for the Elderly: A Review of Literature 

      Bong, Way Kiat; Chen, Weiqin; Bergland, Astrid (Advances in Human-Computer Interaction;Volume 18, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)
      The global population is aging rapidly. The aging population faces not only the risk of health-related problems but also the challenge of social isolation and loneliness. While mainstream technology is designed to improve ...
    • Target Tracking Control for an Unmanned Surface Vessel: Optimal Control vs Reinforcement Learning 

      Frafjord, Aksel Johan (Master thesis, 2023)
      This thesis studies the development and performance of Nonlinear Model Predictive Control (NMPC) and Reinforcement Learning (RL) for a target-tracking problem. The methodology involves developing the NMPC and RL approach ...
    • Target Value Design – A comparison of Norwegian public construction projects 

      Hegdal, Vebjørn; Gjeterud, Hans Henrik (MABY;2021, Master thesis, 2021)
    • Taswir - perspektiver fra en meningsutveksling om figurativ fremstilling i sunni-islam 

      Brekketo, Birte (FORMakademisk;7 (5), Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2014)
      På hvilke måter angår det oss hva islamske lærde måtte mene om figurativ fremstilling? Vi lever i massemedienes og de sosiale medienes tidsalder der visuelle budskap når ut til store og sammensatte betraktergrupper. Stadig ...
    • A Taxonomy for Cloud Storage Cost 

      Khan, Akif Quddus; Nikolov, Nikolay Vladimirov; Matskin, Mihhail; Prodan, Radu; Bussler, Christoph; Roman, Dumitru; Soylu, Ahmet (Communications in Computer and Information Science (CCIS);, Chapter; Peer reviewed; Conference object; Journal article, 2024)
      The cost of using cloud storage services is complex and often an unclear structure, while it is one of the important factors for organisations adopting cloud storage. Furthermore, organisations take advantage of multi-cloud ...
    • Teaching Computer Science to Students with Asperger’s Syndrome 

      Ribu, Kirsten (Norsk Informatikkonferanse;2010, Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2010)
      As more young people enter higher education, there will be an increasing number of students with physical and mental disabilities. Hidden disabilities like dyslexia, Attention Deficit (Hyperactive) Disorders, (ADD and ...
    • Teaching cybersecurity to computer science students utilizing terminal sessions recording software as a pedagogical tool 

      Hassan, Ismail (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)
      This Innovate Practice Full Paper presents our experience with teaching a cybersecurity course to undergraduate students utilizing terminal sessions recording software as a pedagogical tool.Developing a practical cybersecurity ...
    • Teaching Size, Area and Scale 

      Strand, Ingri; Lutnæs, Eva (Nordic Design Research;No 9 (2021): Nordes 2021: Matters of Scale, Academic article, 2021)
      Gaining an understanding of scale, area and size is an important part of the subject of Art and crafts. Although this skill should be practiced, perhaps even mastered, by pupils in primary education, it is regarded as ...
    • Teaching Universal Design : How and Why 

      Ribu, Kirsten (The proceedings of Unitech : International Conference on Universal Technologies;2010, Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2010)
      Universal design is a product design philosophy that strives to give freedom to all; the freedom of mobility, the freedom to work, to enjoy entertainment, and to use ones’ physical and mental abilities without encountering ...
    • Teater når øyeblikket er alt du har: Et essay om demensbrems 

      Aaserud, Heidrun Persdatter (MEST;2022, Master thesis, 2022)
      I denne masteroppgaven undersøker jeg norske institusjonsteatre og hva som skal til for at teatrene skal satse på teatertilbud rettet mot personer med demens. Undersøkelsen startet med en antagelse om at det finnes få eller ...
    • Teatervitenskap etter vendingen mot deltagelse – disiplinære skillelinjer for fall? 

      Berg, Ine Therese (Peripeti;Årg. 16 Nr. 30.7 (2019): Teatervitenskapelige forhandlinger – dokumentasjon, refleksjon og praksis, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019-12-02)
      Publikumsdeltagelse gjør at skillet mellom teater og sosial hendelse viskes ut, noe som utfordrer teaterbegrepet som baserer seg på relasjonen mellom sal og scene. Med utgangspunkt i Erika Fischer-Lichte og Willmar Sauters ...
    • A technical study of charge back and monitoring systems in virtual environment 

      Shahzad, Kashif (Master thesis, 2008)
      In the recent years the shared services concept has become an integral part of business. These shared services can be in the form of information technology, engineering and lot more. Service providers spent huge amounts ...
    • Technological Utilization in Remote Healthcare: Factors Influencing Healthcare Professionals' Adoption and Use 

      Grønli, Tor-Morten; Ghinea, George (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)
      Background: This study focuses on evaluating the perceptions, competencies, and acceptance of remote healthcare monitoring technology among healthcare professionals in developing countries, specifically India and Bhutan, ...
    • Technology Acceptance and Quality of Life among Older People Using a TUI Application 

      Bong, Way Kiat; Bergland, Astrid; Chen, Weiqin (International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health;Volume 16, Issue 23, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019-11-21)
      Good quality of life is important for healthy ageing. Studies have shown that although information and communication technology can improve older people’s quality of life, their technology acceptance level is rather low. ...
    • Technology students’ perceptions of learning in higher education 

      Eika, Evelyn (British Journal of English Linguistics;Vol 9, Issue 1, 2021, Academic article, 2021)
      This study set out to probe students’ thoughts regarding what engaged them to learn, what did not, and what they envisage an engaging future higher education to be in relation to the status quo. A journal writing activity ...
    • Tegnelærebøkers fagspråk – Med fokus på kontur og linje 

      Stavnås, Clara Christina Myhr (Master thesis, 2015)
      Denne masteroppgaven har fokus på fagspråk i tegning. Jeg har analysert fire lærebøker i tegning fra litteraturlisten 2014 på faglærerutdannelsen i Formgiving, Kunst og håndverk på Høgskolen i Oslo og Akershus (HiOA). Ved ...