Now showing items 616-635 of 2671

    • Digitalized story making in the classroom : a social semiotic perspective on gender, multimodality and learning 

      Skaar, Håvard ( : Media, technology and lifelong learning;3 (1), Academic article, 2007)
      The article takes the case of pupils in a fifth-year primary school class (10-11 years old) who use text and pictures in their creative writing on the classroom computers. The study confirms what the research ...
    • Digitalt fortrinn: Effektivisering av prosjekteringsoppgaver innen VVS ved bruk av visuell programmering 

      Ilgen, Murat; Nordeidet, Markus; Tørholen, Terje Prestby; Økland, Pawel (Bachelor thesis, 2018-05-22)
      I denne oppgaven ble det sett på Dynamo, og muligheten dette verktøyet har for å effektivisere VVS prosjektering. Skript har blitt utviklet for dette formålet og det har også blitt sett på hvordan utvikling av egne skript ...
    • Dimensions of Behaviour Change in the context of Designing for a Circular Economy 

      Daae, Johannes; Chamberlin, Lucy; Boks, Casper (The Design Journal;Volume 21, 2018 - Issue 4: Includes the Special Themed Section: The Product Lifetime and the Environment (PLATE), Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019-01-30)
      Circular economy research has seen increasing attention over the years, but with limited attention for how to design circular solutions that actually will change user behaviour. At the same time, Design for Sustainable ...
    • Dimensions of sustainable behaviour in a circular economy context 

      Daae, Johannes; Chamberlin, Lucy; Boks, Casper (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)
      Although Design for Sustainable Behaviour research has seen increasing attention over the last decade, limited attention has been directed towards behaviours relevant for a circular economy. To investigate this shortcoming, ...
    • Dimensjonering av effekt-topper: Analyse av måledata fra 2 næringsbygg 

      Parfenau, Andrei (MAEN;2018, Master thesis, 2018)
      Sterke indikasjoner på overdimensjonering av effektbehov i moderne kontorbygninger og som følge leveringstransformatorer fører til nødvendighet for analyse av dagens metode for dimensjonering av effekttopper, definering ...
    • Dimensjonering av effekt-topper: Estimering av effektbehov i tidlig prosjekteringsfase 

      Stene, Martin (MAEN;2018, Master thesis, 2018)
      Fra samarbeidende bedrift er det fremmet en problematikk rundt dimensjoneringer av elektriske effekter og at leverings-transformatorer overdimensjoneres. En stor andel av elektriske effekter i bygninger går til VVS-teknisk ...
    • Dimensjonering og optimalisering av CO2-varmepumpeanlegg 

      Kjellesvik, Emil Mikael Weiseth; Håkon, Haglund Norstrand (Bachelor thesis, 2018-05-23)
      Denne oppgaven har tatt for seg hvordan en CO2-varmepumpe kan brukes til rom- og tappevannsoppvar-ming. Det er utarbeidet to skript i Engineering Equation Solver der det er simulert drift under ulike forhold og ved ...
    • Dimensjoneringsprogram for væske/vann- varmepumpe 

      Fossberget, Even Ruud (Master thesis, 2023)
      Denne masteroppgaven anvender Python til utvikling av et dimensjoneringsprogram for bereg- ning av ytelser til varmepumper. Målet er å skreddersy programmet for en rådgiver innenfor VVS med behov for utredning og ...
    • The Dirac operator on compact quantum groups 

      Neshveyev, Sergey; Tuset, Lars (Journal für die reine und angewandte Mathematik;2010 (641), Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2010-01-20)
      For the q-deformation Gq, 0 < q < 1, of any simply connected simple compact Lie group G we construct an equivariant spectral triple which is an isospectral deformation of that defined by the Dirac operator D on G. Our ...
    • Direct Numerical Simulations of Turbulent Flow in Helical Pipes 

      Lupi, V.; Örlü, Ramis; Schlatter, P. (ERCOFTAC Series;, Chapter; Peer reviewed; Conference object; Journal article, 2023)
      Direct numerical simulations of the fully developed turbulent flow through helical pipes are performed. The numerical procedure is described, and a validation of the volume force driving the flow is presented. A comparison ...
    • Disaster Risk Reduction for All? Understanding Intersectionality in Disaster Situations 

      Paupini, Cristina; Gjøsæter, Terje (IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology;Volume 622, Conference object, 2021-07-31)
      When designing digital services for citizens in a disaster situation, the diversity of its audience and their particular needs are not always sufficiently taken into account. Variables like digital equipment available, ...
    • Discovering Fuzzy Association Rules from Patient's Daily Text Messages to Diagnose Melancholia 

      Huang, Yo-Ping; Chiu, Hong-Wen; Chuan, Wei-Po; Sandnes, Frode Eika (Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2010)
      With the constant stress from work load and daily life people may show symptoms of melancholia. However, most people are reluctant to describe it or may not know that they already have it. In this paper a novel system ...
    • The discovery of the expansion of the universe 

      Grøn, Øyvind (Galaxies;Volume 6, Issue 4, Journal article; Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018-12-03)
      Alexander Friedmann, Carl Wilhelm Wirtz, Vesto Slipher, Knut E. Lundmark, Willem de Sitter, Georges H. Lemaître, and Edwin Hubble all contributed to the discovery of the expansion of the universe. If only two persons are ...

      Blaasvær, Linda; Gulden, Tore (Chapter, 2023)
      A typical approach when designing a system for social service functioning in the European and Norwegian contexts is to emphasize what does not function—i.e., one does not ask for reasons behind the existence of conforming ...
    • Disentangling stochastic signals superposed with periodic oscillations 

      Kampers, Gerrit; Waechter, Matthias; Hoelling, Michael; Lind, Pedro; Queiros, Silvio D.A.; Peinke, Joachim (Physics Letters A;Volume 384, Issue 15, 29 May 2020, 126307, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020-02-05)
      We introduce a procedure for separating periodic oscillations superposed on a stochastic signal. The procedure combines empirical mode decomposition (EMD) of a signal with tools of data analysis based on stochastic ...
    • Diskusjonen om det romlige 

      Sæter, Oddrun Kristine; Seim, Sissel (Barn og unge. By, sted og sosiomaterialitet.;, Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2018)
      I dette innledende kapitlet skal vi gjennomgå noen teorier om steder, rom og sosiomateriell. Vi vil vise hvordan filosofer og forskere definerer og diskuterer steder og stedstilhørighet, hvordan rom kan sanses ...
    • Dissecting social media and TikTok for children and young adults 

      Pathak, Ananta (ACIT;2021, Master thesis, 2021)
      The purpose of this thesis is to find out the effect of such AI algorithms used in social media like TikTok on the mental health/wellbeing of Norwegian children and young adults. To answer our research questions, we used ...
    • Distance Estimation Methods for Smartphone-Based Navigation Support Systems 

      Kuriakose, Bineeth; Shrestha, Raju; Sandnes, Frode Eika (Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems;295, Conference object, 2021-08-03)
      Distance estimation is a key element of a navigation system. Various methods and instruments are used in distance estimation procedures. The methods and instruments used usually depend on the contexts of the application ...
    • Distinction between sequential and direct ionization in two-photon double ionization of helium 

      Selstø, Sølve (Physical Review A. Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics;90, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2014-11-10)
      This paper aims to shed some light on the role of the direct, or nonsequential, ionization channel in the regime in which the sequential channel is open in two-photon double ionization (TPDI) of helium. In this regime the ...
    • Distributed Learning Automata-based S-learning scheme for classification 

      Goodwin, Morten; Yazidi, Anis; Jonassen, Tore Møller (Pattern Analysis and Applications;Published online 12 October 2019, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019-09-10)
      This paper proposes a novel classifier based on the theory of Learning Automata (LA), reckoned to as PolyLA. The essence of our scheme is to search for a separator in the feature space by imposing an LA-based random walk ...