• Luksus, korrupsjon og regulering 

      Kuldova, Tereza Østbø; Østbø, Jardar N (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
      I denne artikkelen vil vi vise hvordan oppfatningen om skitten, altså illegitim, luksus spiller en sentral rolle i vestlige hegemoniske styringsdiskurser, som opprettholder og styrker herskende globale maktstrukturer. ...
    • Luxury and Corruption 

      Kuldova, Tereza Østbø (Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2021-07)
      Luxury, luxury business, and corruption are intertwined in multiple ways. Luxury goods, art, and real estate are used to launder proceeds from corruption and organized crime; luxury goods are used as bribes; the desire for ...
    • Lydhør identitetsstøtte i samtaler med personer med demens. En studie av intervjuer i en femårig narrativ forløpsstudie. 

      Thorsen, Kirsten; Johannessen, Aud (Nordisk tidsskrift for helseforskning;Årg 16, Nr 2 (2020), Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020-12-18)
      A narrative longitudinal study depends on trust and a positive relationship between the interviewer and the participant to encourage the participant’s continued participation. In reported studies, the methodological part ...
    • Lykken ved å eie sin bolig 

      Dyb, Evelyn (Tidsskrift for boligforskning;Årgang 3, nr. 1-2020, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020-09-11)
      I boligeierlandet Norge er boligetablering synonymt med å eie sin egen bolig. Diskursen om «å komme inn på boligmarkedet» dreier seg utelukkende om å kjøpe sin første bolig og starte en forventet oppadgående boligkarriere. ...
    • Lær meg å bli ansettbar. Refortolkninger av etnisitet i et karrierekurs 

      Drange, Ida; Orupabo, Julia (Norsk sosiologisk tidsskrift;Årgang 2, nr. 2-2018, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018-04-12)
      Denne artikkelen skal undersøke hvordan forståelser av etnisitet og ansettbarhet kommer til uttrykk i et talentprogram for minoritetskvinner. Artikkelen behandler talentprogrammet som en prosess derdeltagerne skal lære å ...
    • Lønn og arbeidsforhold i norsk luftfart: En kartlegging 

      Underthun, Anders; Ingelsrud, Mari Holm (AFI Rapport;07/2019, Research report, 2019-12)
      Rapporten er en kartlegging av lønn og arbeidsforhold i norsk luftfart. Med norsk luftfart menes i denne sammenhengen yrkesgrupper som inngår i kommersiell passasjertrafikk, og inkluderer piloter, kabinansatte, flyteknikere, ...
    • “Magic through many minor measures”: How introducing a flowline production mode in six steps enables journalist team autonomy in local news organizations 

      Hagen, Aina Landsverk; Tolstad, Ingrid M.; Bygdås, Arne (AI & Society: The Journal of Human-Centred Systems and Machine Intelligence;, Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021-04-19)
      While facing cuts, downsizing and revenue losses, media organizations experience paradoxical demands in being organized for print or linear production with daily deadlines and simultaneously striving to be ‘digital first’ ...
    • Making Clothing Last: A Design Approach for Reducing the Environmental Impacts 

      Laitala, Kirsi Maria; Boks, Casper; Klepp, Ingun Grimstad (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2015)
      This article discusses the extent it is possible to delay clothing disposal through improved design, thus reducing negative environmental impacts. This has been done by including user centered design methods into more ...
    • Making the case for ‘good enough’ rape-prevalence estimates Insights from a school-based survey experiment among Norwegian youths 

      Stefansen, Kari; Løvgren, Mette; Frøyland, Lars Roar (Routledge Research in Gender and Society;, Academic chapter, 2019)
      How to measure rape precisely has been an important topic in feminist research on violence against women since the 1980s. The norm in contemporary studies is to use behaviourally specific questions identifying specific ...
    • Managers’ Beliefs about Measures to Retain Senior Workforce 

      Mykletun, Reidar J.; Furunes, Trude; Solem, Per Erik (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2012)
      This paper aims to describe and explain the beliefs of public sector managers regarding measures to promote active ageing within organizations and how these beliefs can relate to their own atti tudes, age, gender, ...
    • Managing institutional complexity in public sector reform: Hybridization in front-line service organizations 

      Fossestøl, Knut; Breit, Eric; Andreassen, Tone Alm; Klemsdal, Lars (Public Administration;93(2), Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2015-01-21)
      In this article, we explore how public front-line service organizations respond to contradictory demands for institutional reform and the types of hybridization this entails. Our research context is a major administrative ...
    • Mangfoldsperspektiver i forskning på vold i nære relasjoner 

      Bredal, Anja; Eggebø, Helga; Eriksen, Astrid (Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2020-06-10)
      Most research on domestic violence has focused on violence against women in a gender perspective. However, there has been an increasing understan- ding of the importance of other social dimensions in order to understand ...
    • Marginalisation, ebola and health for all: From outbreak to lessons learned 

      Shelley-Egan, Clare; Dratwa, Jim (International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health;Volume 16 Issue 17, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019-08-19)
      The Ebola epidemic in West Africa between 2014 and 2015 was the deadliest since the discovery of the virus four decades ago. With the second-largest outbreak of Ebola virus disease currently raging in the Democratic Republic ...
    • Marginality and banality in the segregated city: Reflections on the ‘riots’ in Oslo 

      Andersen, Bengt (Ethnicities;Volume 19, issue 6, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)
      The Israeli invasion of Gaza in late December 2008 triggered demonstrations—or, as several commentators termed them, riots—in Oslo’s city centre, as it did in other European cities. Many young people from the Oslo’s ...
    • The mark of mental health problems. A field experiment on hiring discrimination before and during COVID-19 

      Bjørnshagen, Vegar (Social Science and Medicine;Volume 283, August 2021, 114181, Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021-07-01)
      Mental health problems are associated with poor labour market outcomes. Based on data from a field experiment, this article investigates the extent to which hiring discrimination limits the job opportunities of young ...
    • Materialised Ideals: Sizes and Beauty 

      Laitala, Kirsi Maria; Klepp, Ingun Grimstad; Hauge, Benedicte (Culture Unbound;Volume 3, Journal article; Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2011)
      Today’s clothing industry is based on a system where clothes are made in readyto-wear sizes and meant to fit most people. Studies have pointed out that consumers are discontent with the use of these systems: size designations ...
    • Maternal concentrations of human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) and risk for cerebral palsy (CP) in the child. A case control study 

      Eskild, Anne; Monkerud, Lars Chr.; Jukic, Anne Marie Z.; Åsvold, Bjørn Olav; Lie, Kari Helene Elise Kveim (European Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology and Reproductive Biology;Volume 228, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018-07-04)
      Background Intrauterine conditions may be important in the development of cerebral palsy in the child. The hormone, human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG), is synthesized in the placenta, and hCG plays an important role in ...
    • Maternal Psychological Distress and Offspring Psychological Adjustment in Emerging Adulthood: Findings from Over 18 Years 

      Nilsen, Wendy; Dion, Jacinthe; Karevold, Evalill Bølstad; Skipstein, Anni (Journal of Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics;37(9), Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2016)
      Objective: To examine the long-term prediction of psychological maladaptive (i.e., symptoms of anxiety and depression) and adaptive adjustment (i.e., self-efficacy) in emerging adult offspring from trajectories of maternal ...
    • Meaning of ambiguity: a Japanese survey on synthetic biology and genome editing 

      Hibino, Aiko; Yoshizawa, Go; Minari, Jusaku (Frontiers in Sociology; December 2019 | Volume 4 | Article 81, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019-11-26)
      Synthetic biology and genome editing have become increasingly controversial issues, necessitating careful attention and engagement with the public. Our study examined ambiguity in public perception about emerging biotechnologies ...