Now showing items 544-563 of 1088

    • Kva er arbeid - Eigentleg? Cato Wadel og Sysselsettingsutvalet 

      Heggebø, Kristian (Tidsskrift for samfunnsforskning;Årgang 61, nr. 1-2020, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020-02-04)
      I 1977 blei «Hva er arbeid? Noen refleksjoner om arbeid som aktivitet og begrep» publisert i volum 18 av Tidsskrift for samfunnsforskning. Artikkelen er ført i pennen av sosialantropologen Cato Wadel (f. 1936), og det er ...
    • Kvalifiseringstiltak for innvandrere og muligheter for Supported Employment 

      Maximova-Mentzoni, Tatiana (Søkelys på arbeidslivet;Årgang 36, nr. 1-2-2019, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)
      Noen grupper innvandrere har svak tilknytning til arbeidsmarkedet til tross for omfattende kvalifiseringstilbud. Supported Employment (SE) – en forskningsbasert tilnærming til arbeidsinkludering av utsatte grupper, prøves ...
    • Kvalitetsarbeid i Supported Employment-tjenester 

      Bakkeli, Vidar; Frøyland, Kjetil; Spjelkavik, Øystein (AFI-rapport;2020:04, Research report, 2020-08)
      Arbeidsforskningsinstituttet (AFI) og Proba fikk våren 2019 i oppdrag fra Arbeids- og velferdsdirektoratet å gjøre en undersøkelse av erfaringer, styrker og svakheter ved «ulike systemer for kvalitetssikring» av SE-tilnærminger ...
    • Labour market inclusion of young people with mental health problems in Norway 

      Bjørnshagen, Vegar; Ugreninov, Elisabeth (Alter: European Journal of Disability Research;Volume 15, Issue 1, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020-07-06)
      People with mental health problems face barriers to labour market inclusion. In this study, we investigate the extent to which employers are attentive and willing to include young people with mental health problems. The ...
    • Labour Market Participation for Young People with Disabilities: The Impact of Gender and Higher Education 

      Ballo, Jannike Gottschalk (Work, Employment and Society;First Published September 23, 2019, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019-07)
      To what extent does higher education promote labour market participation for disabled people in school-to-work transitions and early career trajectories? This article argues that the effect of higher education on labour ...
    • Lack of recognition at the societal level heightens turnover considerations among Nordic eldercare workers: a quantitative analysis of survey data 

      Elstad, Jon Ivar; Vabø, Mia (BMC Health Services Research;21, Article number: 747 (2021), Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021-07-27)
      Background: Recruiting and retaining staff are standing challenges in eldercare. Low pay, difficult working conditions, and social relations at the workplace impact on turnover intentions. Few studies have used quantitative ...
    • Late-life loneliness in 11 european countries: results from the generations and gender survey 

      Hansen, Thomas; Slagsvold, Britt (Social Indicators Research;124(1), Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2015-09-29)
      This study explores country differences in late-life loneliness in Europe among men and women and establishes the role of micro-level differences in socioeconomic status, health, and social variables in these patterns. We ...
    • Laundry Care Regimes: Do the Practices of Keeping Clothes Clean Have Different Environmental Impacts Based on the Fibre Content? 

      Laitala, Kirsi; Klepp, Ingun Grimstad; Kettlewell, Roy; Wiedemann, Stephen (Sustainability;Volume 12, Issue 18, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020-09-12)
      Clothing maintenance is necessary for keeping clothing and textiles functional and socially acceptable, but it has environmental consequences due to the use of energy, water and chemicals. This article discusses whether ...
    • Lånefinansiert forbruk i Norge anno 2019 

      Poppe, Christian; Borgeraas, Elling; Bakkeli, Nan Zou (SIFO Rapport;2019:13, Research report, 2019-12-18)
      Rapporten anlegger et helhetsperspektiv på lån til forbruk, og er basert på premisset om at t husholdenes opptak og bruk av lån gjennom ulike låneprodukter forutsetter en sosial aksept. Analysene omhandler to hovedproble ...
    • Leadership, staffing and quality of care in nursing homes 

      Havig, Anders Kvale; Skogstad, Anders; Kjekshus, Lars Erik; Romøren, Tor Inge (BMC Health Services Research;11:327, Journal article; Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2011-11-28)
      Background Leadership and staffing are recognised as important factors for quality of care. This study examines the effects of ward leaders' task- and relationship-oriented leadership styles, staffing levels, ratio of ...
    • Leading co-creation for the green shift 

      Hofstad, Hege; Sørensen, Eva; Torfing, Jacob; Vedeld, Trond (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)
      European cities are formulating ambitious climate mitigation goals and calling for the mobilization of societal resources through the co-creation of innovative solutions to help them achieve their goals. To improve the ...
    • Leading the Way? State Employers’ Engagement with a Disability Employment Policy 

      Østerud, Kaja Larsen (Nordic Journal of Working Life Studies;Vol 11, No 1, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020-09-26)
      In the literature on labor market integration, there is growing recognition of the importance of employers. This article aims to contribute to this stream of research by investigating state employers’ engagement with a ...
    • Lean i Norge: I ferd med å gå av moten? 

      Madsen, Dag Øivind; Storsveen, Maria; Klethagen, Pål; Stenheim, Tonny (Økonomistyring & informatik;32. årgang - Nr. 4, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017-01)
      Siden 2010 har det vært en sterk oppmerksomhet rundt ledelseskonseptet Lean i Norge. Det har blitt etablert regionale Lean-forum over store deler av landet. En rekke konsulentselskaper har tilbudt kurs og opplæring knyttet ...
    • Lean organisering i norsk arbeidsliv: slutten på medvirkning? 

      Ingvaldsen, Jonas A; Rolfsen, Monica; Finsrud, Henrik D. (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2012)
      Den norske samarbeidsmodellen blir bejublet og utforsket for tiden, vanligvis definert som samspillet mellom velferdsstat, makroøkonomiske styringsmodeller og trepartssamarbeidet. Vi ser i denne artikkelen mer spesifikt ...
    • Learning from the COVID-19 pandemic among migrants: An innovative, system-level, interdisciplinary approach is needed to improve public health 

      Diaz Perez, Esperanza; Mamelund, Svenn-Erik; Eid, Jarle; Aasen, Henriette Sinding; Kaarbøe, Oddvar Martin; Cox, Rebecca Jane; Gloppen, Siri; Beyer, Anders; Kumar, Bernadette. N (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)
      The effects of the COVID-19 pandemic are amplified among socially vulnerable groups, including international migrants, in terms of both disease transmission and outcomes and the consequences of mitigation measures. Migrants ...
    • Learning systems and learning paths in sustainability transitions 

      Svare, Helge; Gjefsen, Mads Dahl; Boer, Alanya; Kok, Kristiaan P. W. (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)
      Scholars have stressed the need to better understand the role of learning in sustainability transitions. Even though progress has been made, there is a call for more research, both in the form of large-scale empirical ...
    • Ledelse og organisering av innovasjonsprosesser i Gran og Lunner kommuner. En casestudie av implementering av hverdagsmestring i helse og omsorg 

      Wittrock, Christian; Ingelsrud, Mari Holm; Norvoll, Reidun (AFI Rapport;2020:02, Research report, 2020-02)
      Rapporten behandler konkrete problemstillinger og dilemmaer rundt innovasjonsarbeid i to norske kommuner, med hverdagsmestring som case. Vi har gjennom fokusgrupper, spørreskjema, dialogkonferanser og workshops undersøkt ...
    • Lengre liv, nye hjelpemønstre i familien? 

      Herlofson, Katharina (Sosiologi i dag;45(3), Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2015)
      Lengre liv gjør at familiebånd på tvers av generasjoner varer lenger enn noen gang før. Dette innebærer at det å ha både foreldre, barn og barnebarn ikke er uvanlig. I denne artikkelen tar jeg et flergenerasjonsperspektiv ...
    • Libraries of Orthodox Theological Schools of the Russian Empire 

      Blinkova, Alexandra (Bylye Gody;, Journal article, 2022)
      Статья посвящена библиотекам православных духовных учебных заведений Российской империи. В Российской империи библиотеки играли исключительную роль в духовном образовании, будучи частью системы государственных дисциплинарных ...
    • Licence to Care – Licensing Terms for For-Profit Residential Care for Children in Four Nordic Countries 

      Pålsson, David; Backe-Hansen, Elisabeth; Kalliomaa-Puha, Laura; Lausten, Mette; Pösö, Tarja (Nordisk välfärdsforskning | Nordic Welfare Research;Årgang 7, nr. 1-2022, Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022-05-16)
      Licensing is a public instrument used to control welfare services. One such service is residential care for children, which is targeted at children who experience maltreatment in their home environment and/or have behavioural ...