Children’s bodies in time and place; an onto- epistemological approach
Original version
Rossholt, R. (2012). Children’s bodies in time and place; an onto- epistemological approach. Reconceptualizing Educational Research Methodology, 3 (2)
Working with concepts from Foucault and Deleuze I analyze how the youngest children relate to matter and the environment around them in a preschool context. The children are always connected to space, time and place and here I analyze how space, time and place are linked to the body in an epistemological and ontological sense. I research the daily life in preschools, analyzing early childhood spaces in an environment comprising water, sand, spades, leaves, trees, clothes, buildings, other bodies, etc. These relate further to how movements are situated, not only in language, but in bodily practices. From this angle I also make my selves as a researcher visible both during my fieldwork and in the writings.