Viser treff 21-27 av 27

    • Kunsten i aksjonsforskning 

      Berg, Arild (Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2017)
      Action research can be a suitable approach for artists who want to contribute to systemic change. Although action research to some extent has been explored as an artistic approach internationally, there has been no case ...
    • Joint Energy-Efficient Cooperative Spectrum Sensing and Power Allocation in Cognitive Machine-to-Machine Communications 

      Pham, Hai Ngoc; Zhang, Yan; Skeie, Tor; Engelstad, Paal E.; Eliassen, Frank (Peer reviewed; Chapter, 2016)
      In battery-powered Cognitive Machine-to-Machine Communications (CM2M), the energy consumption, opportunis- tic data access capacity and interference to the licensed system need to be optimized simultaneously. ...
    • Stories from a Geisha: Den stygge Andy 

      Hovda, Remi Johansen (InFormation-Nordic Journal of Art and Research;4(2), Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2015)
      I artikkelen beskrives det kunstneriske utviklingsarbeidet Stories from a Geisha. Arbeidet består av fire forskjellige dragshow i en performativ serie med én tematisk helhet. Tematikken serien bygger, på er hentet fra ...
    • Det er ikke godt å si – om tilblivelser i Anne Biringvads malerier 

      Gunnerød, Sissel (InFormation-Nordic Journal of Art and Research;3(1), Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2014)
      Våren 2012 stilte Anne Biringvad ut ekspressive malerier med dristig bruk av tekstile fragmenter fra loppemarkeder inkorporert i verkene. Denne hendelsen fant sted på Galleri Semmingsen på Galleri Trafo i Asker. Hva er ...
    • Does employees’ compensation vary with corporate profit? 

      Seip, Knut Lehre; McNown, Robert (Journal article; Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2015-04)
      We find that from about 1965 to 1983 US employees’ compensation, EC, relative to corporate profit, CP, increases in the long run, and from 1984 to 2013 the compensation decreases relative to profit to about half its 1983 ...
    • Scenography in the staging / on the Stage / in the Mind of the Audience 

      Christensen-Scheel, Boel; Pettersen, Anette Therese; Lindgren, Christina (Performance Research;18(3), Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2013-09-24)
      In contemporary theatre the division between the different components within the production of a performance or play is often blurry. What then is the role and function of scenography? And who is the scenographer? In this ...
    • Monetary policy and stability during six periods in US economic history: 1959–2008: a novel, nonlinear monetary policy rule 

      Seip, Knut Lehre; McNown, Robert (Journal of Policy Modeling;In Press, Corrected Proof, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2012-04-03)
      We investigate the monetary policy of the Federal Reserve Board during six periods in US economic history 1959–2008. In particular, we examine the Fed’s response to changes in three guiding variables: inflation, π, ...