Now showing items 1166-1185 of 3248

    • Global Investigative Collaboration 

      Konow Lund, Maria; Bebawi, Saba (Chapter, 2023)
      In this chapter, we focus on how investigative cross-border collaboration has arisen and developed in the digital era by drawing upon our relatively unprecedented access to several news workers at the Forbidden Stories ...
    • Global platforms and asymmetrical power: Industry dynamics and opportunities for policy change 

      Ihlebæk, Karoline Andrea; Sundet, Vilde Schanke (New Media & Society;, Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021-07-10)
      Global platforms have radically changed institutional dynamics within the media industry. In this study, we explore how national media organisations manoeuvre in an increasingly uneven playing field. Combining theoretical ...
    • The Global State of Young Scientists in Latin America and the Caribbean: An Exploration of Constraints and Strategies 

      Nieto, Alejandro Miranda; Schreiber, Franziska F. N.; McAlpine, Lynn (Research report, 2022)
      This report provides an overview of the first phase of The Global State of Young Scientists in Latin America and the Caribbean (GloSYS LAC), a research project developed by the Global Young Academy (GYA). Its aim is to ...
    • Goal orientation: A review of the miles traveled and the miles to go 

      Vandewalle, Don; Nerstad, Christina G. L.; Dysvik, Anders (Annual Review of Organizational Psychology and Organizational Behavior;Volume 6, 2019, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018-11-16)
      Goal orientation, a theory that originated primarily in the educational and social psychology fields, has emerged in the past two decades as a prominent theory in organizational psychology and organizational behavior. We ...
    • God kommunikasjon er å oppnå forståelse 

      Pedersen, Heidi Lovang; Linnestad, Hege (Master thesis, 2020)
      In this study we intend to achieve a better understanding of how hospital Department Heads use communication as a tool in their leadership role. We have seen that there are many individual interpretations of what ...
    • «God kveld og velkommen til Dagsrevyen» En studie av innholdsbeskrivelser for nyhetsinnslag i NRKs arkiv fra oktober 2012 

      Bakkeli, Miriam (Master thesis, 2014)
      Denne studien undersøker indeksering av nyhetsinnslag fra NRK sitt produksjons- og arkivsystem Programbanken. Indekseringspraksisen er i dag desentralisert og metadata blir utarbeidet av produksjonsmedarbeidere. Datamaterialet ...
    • God nok? Hvordan kommer identitet og normer til syne når mødre snakker om tabuer knyttet til morsrollen? 

      Nordahl, Karoline (Master thesis, 2020)
      I denne oppgaven undersøker jeg hvordan mødre snakker om tabuer knyttet til morsrollen, og hvordan identitetsdannelse og normer kommer til syne i diskusjonen. Å bli mor innebærer å skape en ny identitet og forholde seg ...
    • Godt nok inkludert? -om IA-arbeid i Patentstyret 

      Meisler, Monika (Master thesis, 2015)
      En reduksjon i sykefraværet har i mange år vært et fokusområde i norsk arbeidsliv, også i min etat, Patentstyret. Målet er et arbeidsliv, der arbeidsgivere og arbeidstakere i fellesskap lykkes med å få ned sykefraværet. ...
    • A gold mine, but still no Klondike: Nordic register data in health inequalities research 

      van der Wel, Kjetil A.; Östergren, Olof; Lundberg, Olle; Korhonen, Kaarina; Martikainen, Pekka; Andersen, Anne-Marie Nybo; Urhoj, Stine Kjaer (Scandinavian Journal of Public Health;Vol 47, Issue 6, 2019, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019-07-10)
      Aims: Future research on health inequality relies on data that cover life-course exposure, different birth cohorts and variation in policy contexts. Nordic register data have long been celebrated as a ‘gold mine’ for ...
    • Good governance in Norway 

      Koht, Harald (Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2009)
    • Good sense on global warming 

      Ytterstad, Andreas (International Socialism;(144), Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2014-10-10)
    • Google analytics for digital library evaluation 

      Lee, Hsin Ju (Master thesis, 2011)
      This master dissertation use the evaluative purposes and e-metrics found in the literature review to examine the appropriateness of applying the web analysis tool, Google Analytics (GA), for the evaluation of digital ...
    • Google Search Volume as an Attention Proxy in the Stock Market - A Study of Nasdaq Copenhagen 

      Wilhelmsen, Helene (Master thesis, 2020)
      This paper investigates whether Google search queries data correlates with or predicts stock market parameters on the Nasdaq Copenhagen (Copenhagen Stock Exchange), and whether excess return can be generated utilizing ...
    • Governance of the young unemployed - a comparative study of the UK, Germany and Norway 

      Kane, Aina Aune; Köhler-Olsen, Julia (European Journal of Comparative Law and Governance;Volume 5: Issue 4, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018-12-04)
      In this article, we focus on how the United Kingdom, Germany and Norway govern and balance young unemployed claimants’ right to social benefits with conditions of compulsory activities, with the aim of their transition ...
    • Graduate Students’ Views on Information Literacy 

      Oware, Daniel Wilfred (Master thesis, 2010)
      The purpose of this study is to examine graduate students‟ views on information literacy with the aim of understanding their opinions and experience about some aspects of information literacy and its importance in academic ...
    • Gravitasjonsmodellens forklaring av bilateral handel innen EU og EFTA 

      Gudmundsen, Live; Gulbrandsen, Frida Colleen Østvang; Cevro, Nedim (Bachelor thesis, 2017-05)
      Formål med oppgaven er å finne ut hvor godt gravitasjonsmodellen forklarer den bilaterale handelen innenfor EU og EFTA. For å besvare problemstillingen er det gjennomført en regresjonsanalyse av modellen. Forfatterne har ...
    • Grensearbeid: Barnevernets møte med foreldrekonfliktsaker 

      Jevne, Kari Sjøhelle; Ulvik, Oddbjørg Skjær (Fontene forskning;(2), Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2012)
      Tema for denne artikkelen er barnevernets møte med foreldrekonfliktsaker. Barn som har ikke-samboende foreldre med høyt konfliktnivå kan være i en sårbar livssituasjon. Å bistå disse familiene kan være en utfordring for ...
    • Grep for langtidsbevaring - hvordan bevare læreplanverket for Kunnskapsløftet 

      Haugland, Bjørg (Bachelor thesis, 2017-05-29)
      Denne bacheloroppgaven tar for seg et fagsystem som eies av Utdanningsdirektoratet og som går under navnet Grep. Fagsystemet er brukt som case og med en kvalitativ litteraturstudie har jeg sett på hvilke at de to norske ...
    • Group dynamics and peer-tutoring: A pedagogical tool for learning in higher education 

      Qureshi, Muhammad Azeem; Stormyhr, Even Marius (International Education Studies;5(2), Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2012)
      The increasing diversity in students’ enrolment in higher education in Norway offers an opportunity to use collaborative learning and teamwork as a learning vehicle to exploit the synergy in the community to have formal ...
    • Group Teaching in Plenum: Active Learning in Labour Law 

      Praino, Diego (Læring om læring;Vol. 4 No. 1 (2020): Proceedings fra Læringsfestivalen 2020, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020-04-17)
      In order to maximize active learning and foster the development of legal skills (e.g. the ability to identify legal questions in practical cases, use relevant legal sources, etc.) we combine elements of group teaching and ...