Browsing ODA Open Digital Archive by Author "Terragni, Laura"
Now showing items 1-20 of 89
Access to Norwegian healthcare system - Challenges for sub-Saharan African immigrants
Mbanya, Vivian N.; Terragni, Laura; Gele, Abdi; Diaz, Esperanza; Kumar, Bernadette. N (International Journal for Equity in Health;18, Article number: 125 (2019), Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019-07-28)Background: Immigrants face barriers in accessing healthcare services in high-income countries. Inequalities in health and access to healthcare services among immigrants have been previously investigated. However, little ... -
The application of a new classification of food based on degree and purpose of processing: a quantitative study of Norwegian food sales from a representative sample of retail stores
Solberg, Siri Løvsjø (MAEH;2014, Master thesis, 2014)Background and aim: Although generally recognized that increased consumption of processed foods is contributing to the obesity epidemic, industrial processing is generally underestimated or overlooked in frameworks for ... -
Barriers to access to the Norwegian healthcare system among sub-Saharan African immigrant women exposed to female genital cutting
Mbanya, Vivian N.; Terragni, Laura; Gele, Abdi; Diaz, Esperanza; Kumar, Bernadette. N (PLOS ONE;, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020-03-18)Introduction Millions of women and girls have been exposed to female genital cutting (FGC). The practice of FGC extends beyond countries in Africa and Asia in which it is traditionally practiced. Women living with FGC in ... -
Beskrivelser av måltidsstruktur og måltidstilbud overfor ungdom i barnevernsinstitusjoner i Norge
Nysether, Tina Bardosen; Vik, Catrine; Terragni, Laura; Pettersen, Kjell Sverre (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)Bakgrunn Ungdom som oppholder seg i norske barneverninstitusjoner er en sårbar gruppe. Mange har trolig opplevd mangel på måltidsstruktur og begrenset tilgang på sunn mat under oppveksten, noe som barneverninstitusjonene ... -
Cervical cancer screening among immigrantwomen in Norway- The healthcare providers’perspectives
Møen, Kathy Ainul Mashrooka; Terragni, Laura; Kumar, Bernadette. N; Diaz, Esperanza (Scandinavian Journal of Primary Health Care;VOL. 36, NO. 4, Journal article; Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018-10-05)Objective: To explore health care providers’ (HCPs) experiences regarding cervical cancer screening (CCS) among immigrant women, their strategies to facilitate these consultations and their need for further information. Design: ... -
Comparing three screen-based sedentary behaviours' effect upon adolescents' participation in physical activity: The ESSENS study
Chortatos, Arthur; Henjum, Sigrun; Torheim, Liv Elin; Terragni, Laura; Gebremariam, Mekdes Kebede (PLOS ONE;15 (11): e0241887, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020-11-25)Background Literature focusing on the association between sedentary behaviours and physical activity has provided equivocal results and has been dominated by TV viewing as the indicator of sedentary behaviour. There is a ... -
Consumption habits of school canteen and non-canteen users among Norwegian young adolescents: a mixed method analysis
Chortatos, Arthur; Terragni, Laura; Henjum, Sigrun; Gjertsen, Marianne K.; Torheim, Liv Elin; Gebremariam, Mekdes Kebede (BMC Pediatrics;(2018) 18:328, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018-10-16)Background: Food/drinks available to adolescents in schools can influence their dietary behaviours, which once established in adolescence, tend to remain over time. Food outlets’ influence near schools, known to provide ... -
Correlates of fruit, vegetable, soft drink, and snack intake among adolescents: the ESSENS study.
Gebremariam, Mekdes Kebede; Henjum, Sigrun; Terragni, Laura; Torheim, Liv Elin (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2016-09-20)Background : Identifying modifiable correlates of dietary behaviors is of utmost importance for the promotion of healthy dietary behaviors. Objective : This study explores individual, home, and school/neighborhood ... -
Correlates of screen time and mediators of differences by parental education among adolescents.
Gebremariam, Mekdes Kebede; Henjum, Sigrun; Terragni, Laura; Torheim, Liv Elin (BMC Pediatrics;20, Article number: 279 (2020), Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020-06-05)Background: Existing literature shows that there is an inverse association between socioeconomic position and screen time among adolescents. What is less known is the mechanism behind these differences. The study aimed to ... -
Developing a systems-based framework of the factors influencing dietary and physical activity behaviours in ethnic minority populations living in Europe - a DEDIPAC study
Holdsworth, Michelle; Nicolaou, Mary; Langøien, Lars Jørun; Osei-Kwasi, Hibbah; Chastin, Sebastien F.M.; Stok, F. Marijn; Capranica, Laura; Lien, Nanna; Terragni, Laura; Monsivais, Pablo; Mazzocchi, Mario; Maes, Lea; Roos, Gun; Mejean, Caroline; Powell, Katie; Stronks, Karien (International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity;14(1), Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)Some ethnic minority populations have a higher risk of non-communicable diseases than the majority European population. Diet and physical activity behaviours contribute to this risk, shaped by a system of inter-related ... -
Developing a systems-based framework of the factors influencing dietary and Physical activity behaviours in ethnic minority populations living in Europe - a DEDIPACstudy
Holdsworth, Michelle; Nicolaou, Mary; Langøien, Lars Jørun; Osei-Kwasi, Hibbah; Chastin, Sebastien F.M.; Stok, F.M.; Capranica, Laura; Lien, Nanna; Terragni, Laura; Monsivais, Pablo; Mazzocchi, Mario; Maes, Lea; Roos, Gun; Mejean, Caroline; Powell, Katie; Stronks, Karien (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)Background Some ethnic minority populations have a higher risk of non-communicable diseases than the majority European population. Diet and physical activity behaviours contribute to this risk, shaped by a system of ... -
Dynamics of the complex food environment underlying dietary intake in low-income groups: a systems map of associations extracted from a systematic umbrella literature review.
Sawyer, Alexia; Lenthe, Frank van; Kamphuis, Carlijn B.M.; Terragni, Laura; Roos, Gun; Poelman, Maartje; Nicolaou, Mary; Waterlander, Wilma; Djojosoeparto, Sanne K.; Scheidmeir, Marie; Neumann-Podczaska, Agnieszka; Stronks, Karien (International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity;18, Article number: 96 (2021), Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021-07-13)Background: Inequalities in obesity pertain in part to differences in dietary intake in different socioeconomic groups. Examining the economic, social, physical and political food environment of low-income groups as a ... -
Eating preferences and behaviors of healthy aging, older immigrants in Oslo: A qualitative study
Maxson, Stephanie (Master thesis, 2023)Introduction: Norway´s population of older, first-generation immigrants is expected to grow from 7% of older adults today to more than 24% by 2060 due to decreased mortality and continued immigration. Studies indicate that ... -
Eating preferences and behaviors of older immigrants in Oslo: A qualitative study
Maxson, Stephanie; Grini, Ida Synnøve Bårvåg; Ueland, Øydis; Terragni, Laura (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Norway's population of older, first-generation immigrants is expected to almost triple by the year 2060 due to decreased mortality and continued immigration. Studies indicate that older immigrants in Norway have a higher ... -
Elevers vurdering av matmiljø og fysisk miljø på skolen, og hvilke muligheter og barrierer dette utgjør for et sunt kosthold og fysisk aktivitet: En kvalitativ studie på elever i 9. klasse i Øvre Romerike
Gjertsen, Marianne (MAEH;2016, Master thesis, 2016)Bakgrunn Grunnlaget for sunne matvaner legges allerede i barndommen, og skolemåltidet er derfor av stor betydning for elevers kosthold. I Norge har man sett en økning i forekomst av overvekt og fedme hos barn og unge. ... -
En kvalitativ studie om deltakere i en kostintervensjonsstudie og deres holdninger til og erfaring med fisk i livsløpet
Rosendal, Henriette Riis (MAEH;2016, Master thesis, 2016)Bakgrunn De matvalgene man tar hver dag påvirker helsen. Fisk er en viktig del av et sunt kosthold og myndighetene anbefaler befolkningen to-tre måltider fisk per uke for å forebygge hjerte- og karsykdom og andre ... -
Erfaringer med og holdninger til sped- og småbarnsernæring blant somaliske mødre i Norge - en kvalitativ studie
Amundsen, Marlen (MAEH;2015, Master thesis, 2015)Landsdekkende undersøkelser (Spedkost og Småbarnskost) har studert etnisk norske barn, og i følgende undersøkelser har ikke barn med innvandringsbakgrunn blitt tatt med. For å kunne kartlegge og danne et bedre grunnlag for ... -
Etisk politisk forbruk
Vittersø, Gunnar; Torjusen, Hanne; Roos, Gun; Jacobsen, Eivind; Terragni, Laura (Oppdragsrapport 13-2006, Report, 2006)Nummer: 13-2006 Tilknyttede prosjekter SIFO-survey Etisk- politisk forbruk -
Etisk politisk forbruk
Vittersø, Gunnar; Torjusen, Hanne; Roos, Gun; Jacobsen, Eivind; Terragni, Laura (Oppdragsrapport 13-2006, Report, 2006)Nummer: 13-2006 Tilknyttede prosjekter SIFO-survey Etisk- politisk forbruk -
Etisk-politisk forbruk
Torjusen, Hanne; Vittersø, Gunnar; Jacobsen, Eivind; Terragni, Laura (Prosjektnotat 1-2006, Notat, 2006)Denne rapporten presenterer de første resultatene av prosjektet ”etisk-politisk forbruk” som SIFO gjennomfører på oppdrag fra Barne- og likestillingsdepartementet (BLD). Målet med prosjektet er å belyse faktorer som kan ...