Browsing ODA Open Digital Archive by Author "Sandaker, Ingunn"
Now showing items 1-20 of 22
A science of culture: Conceptual and experimental analysis on cultural selection
Stokken, Anne-Lise (MALKS;2016, Master thesis, 2016)Behavior analysis offers a conceptual framework of the scientific model of selection, which explains selection on three different levels: phylogenetic, ontogenetic and cultural. Cultural practices can be considered the ... -
An ethnographic study of tagging behavior
Carvalho, Lucas Couto De; Sandaker, Ingunn; Ree, Gunnar (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)Tagging is a kind of graffiti that involves writing one’s name using markers or spray paints. In Brazil, the tagging behavior has spread all over the country and especially in the big cities. Aspects of the culture deserve ... -
Attribution style, theory and empirical findings
Krohn, Charlotte (MALKS;2017, Master thesis, 2017)Attribution theory is a long-standing and widely discussed theory that addresses individuals’ explanation of causes of events. People attribute events of success and failure individually. Previous studies indicate that ... -
Behavioral and Cultural Accounts of Corruption in the Interface Between Public Officer and Client
Agbota, Tete Kobla; Carvalho, Lucas Couto De; Sandaker, Ingunn; Couto, Kalliu (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)This paper applies a behavior analytic framework to examine corrupt behavior. With this article, we heed to the call made some decades ago to behavior analysts to extend the interests and strategies of their discipline ... -
Byråkrati, variasjon og læring
Sandaker, Ingunn; Andersen, Britt; Ree, Gunnar (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2014)Byråkratisering, i betydningen at administrative støttefunksjoner flyttes fra kjernevirksomheten til spesialiserte kontrollfunksjoner i mellomledelsen, har økt innen for eksempel helsevesen, skole, høyere utdanning ... -
Conceptual approaches to culture and communication: Approaches from each of the three levels of selection
Bahari, Mohsen (MALKS;2016, Master thesis, 2016)B. F. Skinner suggested that selection by consequences is a process that occurs at three levels. Natural selection, selection of individual behavior and cultural selection. In this article we explore the third level of ... -
Contributions of Behavior Analysis to Behavioral Economics
Furrebøe, Elise Frølich; Sandaker, Ingunn (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)This article discusses behavior analysis’ contribution to behavioral economics. Nobel Laureate Award winner Herbert Simon described the science of economics in an evolutionary context in A Behavioral Model of Rational ... -
The effects of feedback on cooperation in the prisoner’s dilemma game simulating a closed market scenario
Tagliabue, Marco; Sandaker, Ingunn; Ree, Gunnar (Revista Brasileira de Análise do Comportamento;15(1), Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)This study explores the effects of feedback on cooperation in the iterated prisoner’s dilemma game (PDG). Four sources of feedback were identified: peer, buyer, market and cultural feedback. Peer and buyer feedback were ... -
The effects of performance feedback on organizational citizenship behaviour: A systematic review and meta-analysis
Tagliabue, Marco; Sigurjonsdottir, Sigridur; Sandaker, Ingunn (European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology;, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020-08-10)Performance feedback is a managerial practice whose effects widely impact job satisfaction and commitment. Job satisfaction and commitment represent antecedents of organizational citizenship behaviour (OCB), denoting a ... -
Efficiency of In-Store Interventions to Impact Customers to Purchase Healthier Food and Beverage Products in Real-Life Grocery Stores: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
Slapø, Helena; Schjøll, Alexander; Strømgren, Børge; Sandaker, Ingunn; Lekhal, Samira (Foods;Volume 10 / Issue 5, Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021-04-22)Grocery stores are important settings to promote healthier food and beverage choices. The present paper aims at reviewing the effectiveness of different types of in-store interventions and how they impact sales of different ... -
En atferdsfortolkning av team-effektivitet: med fagartikkel: Problemløsende strategi for team-atferd
Eriksen-Deinoff, Tina E. Svedenborg (MALKS;2014, Master thesis, 2014)The concept of team defines a group of people by design or by selection of behaviour in a collaborating working process. Overall, teams are supposed to perform with better outcome than individuals do. Scholars have voiced ... -
Experimental Analysis of Macrocontingenciesand Metacontingencies Between Group Competition
Couto, Kalliu Carvalho; Bahari, Mohsen; Stokken, Anne‑Lise; Carvalho, Lucas Couto De; Sandaker, Ingunn (Behavior and Social Issues (BSI);, Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)Metacontingencies describe a functional relationship between interlocking behavioral contingencies that produce an aggregate product and a selecting environment. Various metacontingency procedures employ operant contingencies ... -
Feedback and Variability:Does feedback sign in the learning history affect variability?
Nergaard, Siv Kristin (MALKS;2014, Master thesis, 2014)The CEO study from IBM (Berman, 2010) concludes that creativity is the single most important leadership competency for the organizations of today. At the same time, we know that our educational system can be detrimental ... -
How should behavior analysis interact effectively with the social sciences
Sandaker, Ingunn (Behavior and Social Issues, Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2006)ABSTRACT: I would like to discuss some perspectives on scientific approaches traditionally viewed as mutually incompatible or antagonistic. This might be illustrated by e.g. natural scientists’ claim of unambiguous ... -
Influencing choice behavior and improving well-being by applying behavior analysis and behavioral economics
Mobekk, Hilde (OsloMet Avhandling 2021;Nr 35, Doctoral thesis; Peer reviewed, 2021)Humans possess a distinct capacity for behavioral adaption; that is why we have thrived as a species. Even though our ability to adapt is often attributed to rational choices, decades of research show that human behavior ... -
Natural, Behavioral and Cultural Selection/Analysis: An Integrative Approach
Couto, Kalliu; Sandaker, Ingunn (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2016)In Selection by Consequences, Skinner (1981) described a causal model that explains human behavior as a joint product of three levels of selection: (i) the contingencies of survival involved in ... -
Om Prestasjonsledelse: En pragmatisk tilnærming
Solheim, Mari Dahl (MALKS;2014, Master thesis, 2014)Article one is a follow-up content analysis of the American Academic Journal of Organizational Behavior Management (JOBM). The Journal publishes research on management of organizational behavior, for managers and employees ... -
Prestasjonsutvikling fra et atferdsanalytisk perspektiv
Bjørklund, Frida (MALKS;2015, Master thesis, 2015)When it comes to behavior analysis and other scientific approaches, minor research has been done concerning meetings in organizations. There has also been done minor research in what kind of assumptions that should be ... -
Seleksjon på forskjellige nivåer av organisert kompleksitet
Ree, Gunnar; Sandaker, Ingunn (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2016) -
Societal Well-Being: Embedding Nudges in Sustainable Cultural Practices
Tagliabue, Marco; Sandaker, Ingunn (Behavior and Social Issues;28 (2019), Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019-02-11)This study provides a behavior analytic framework to a previous nudging experiment from Kalbekken and Sælen (2013). We are concerned with achieving societal wellbeing from a selection of cultures perspective, and we call ...