Blar i ODA Open Digital Archive på forfatter "Nerdrum, Per"
A Norwegian prospective study ofpreterm mother–infant interactions at6 and 18 months and the impact ofmaternal mental health problems,pregnancy and birth complications
Misund, Aud R.; Bråten, Stein; Nerdrum, Per; Pripp, Are Hugo; Diseth, Trond H. (Journal article; Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2016)Objective: Pregnancy, birth and health complications, maternal mental health problems following preterm birth and their possible impact on early mother – infant interaction at 6 and 18 months corrected age (CA) ... -
Changes in Psychological Distress in Five Groups of Welfare State Service Workers over a Nine-Year Period
Geirdal, Amy Østertun; Nerdrum, Per; Høglend, Per Andreas; Bonsaksen, Tore (Healthcare;Volume 10 / Issue 4, Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022-03-22)Health and social care workers are exposed to varying degrees of stress in their work, which may be reflected in their trajectories of psychological distress during the education program and the first years in the job. The ... -
Fra grandiositet til gjensidighet. Utdrag fra en psykoterapi med en narcissistisk forstyrret gutt
Nerdrum, Per (Mellanrummet: Tidsskrift om barn- og ungdomspsykoterapi;33, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2015)Såvidt jeg vet har ingen prøvd å evidensbasere at psykodynamisk orientert leketerapi ”virker”. Selv om jeg mener at vi også må fremme forskning som virker så høyt som mulig i evidens-hierarkiet, kan det også være viktig ... -
Følelser på avveie?
Ovedal, Ane Selma; Wold, Mirjam (Master thesis, 2011)Pasienter med borderline personlighetsforstyrrelse (BPF) kan på grunn av sine symptomer, hjelpesøkende atferd og utrygghet i nære relasjoner være en utfordring for helsearbeidere som arbeider med dem. Selv om pasientene ... -
”De har erfaring med hva som hjelper” : en kvalitativ undersøkelse om medarbeidere med brukererfaring i psykisk helsearbeid
Bjørkman, Ingrid; Pettersen, Kristina (Master thesis, 2012)Bakgrunn Medarbeidere med brukererfaring er som fenomen av nyere dato i klinisk psykisk helsearbeid i Norge. Det er lite beskrevet i norsk forskningslitteratur og i beskjeden grad knyttet opp mot teori. Fenomenet beskrives ... -
Long-term risk of mental health problems in women experiencing preterm birth: a longitudinal study of 29 mothers
Misund, Aud R.; Nerdrum, Per; Bråten, Stein Leif; Pripp, Are Hugo; Diseth, Trond H. (Annals of General Psychiatry;12(33), Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2013)Background: Several studies have reported significantly higher stress levels, both short and long terms, among mothers giving preterm birth compared with mothers giving birth at term. Stress, however, is a psychological ... -
Med rus – uten ord? : en norsk studie av aleksitymi blant rusavhengige i behandling
Aamodt, Hanne Lorimer (Master thesis, 2013)Formålet med studien var å kartlegge aleksitymi blant rusavhengige i behandling og å se aleksitymi i sammenheng med rushistorie og psykisk helsesituasjon. 106 pasienter i rusbehandling i Tyrilistiftelsen deltok. Tre ... -
Mental health and quality of life among Norwegian child welfare service workers
Geirdal, Amy Østertun; Nerdrum, Per; Olkowska, Alicja (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Social workers in child welfare services play an important role in preventing crises and identifying the need for and implementing relevant measures among children and families of different ages and circumstances, often ... -
Mental health in women experiencing preterm birth
Misund, Aud R.; Nerdrum, Per; Diseth, Trond H. (BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth;14(263), Journal article, 2014-08-09)Background: The aim of the study was to explore the degree of psychological distress, anxiety, and trauma related stress reactions in mothers who experience preterm birth. Secondarily, we wanted to identify possible ... -
The Norwegian version of the scale to assess the therapeutic relationship (N-STAR) in community mental health care: Development and pilot study
Geirdal, Amy Østertun; Nerdrum, Per; Aasgaard, Trygve; Misund, Aud R.; Bonsaksen, Tore (International Journal of Therapy and Rehabilitation;22(5), Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2015)Background/Aims: Psychotherapy research has continually placed emphasis on the role of the therapeutic relationship. The current provision of mental health care, however, is often carried out in a variety of contexts and ... -
Profesjonelles oppfattelse av egen psykiatrisk kompetanse i norske barnevernsinstitusjoner : hvordan oppfatter de profesjonelle i norske barnevernsinstitusjoner egen psykiatrisk kompetanse?
Velde, Ingvill Karine (Master thesis, 2013)Hvordan profesjonelle oppfatter egen kompetanse har blitt undersøkt innen flere yrkesområder. Imidlertid ser det ut til å være en mangel på forskning på dette innen norsk barnevern. I lys av den pågående debatten rundt ... -
Psychological Distress among Young Norwegian Health Professionals
Nerdrum, Per; Geirdal, Amy Østertun (Professions & Professionalism;3(2), Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2013)High psychological distress has been shown to be a risk for acquisition of skills that are necessary when working in the health professions. In this study, we present longitudinal data on psychological distress among 169 ... -
Psychological distress and its associations with psychosocial work environment factors in four professional groups: a cross-sectional study
Bonsaksen, Tore; Nerdrum, Per; Geirdal, Amy Østertun (Nursing and Health Sciences;, Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021-06-05)This study aimed to explore associations between psychosocial work environment factors and psychological distress in four groups of professionals in Norway. Eight hundred fifty-six professionals participated in this ... -
Psychological Distress in Norwegian Nurses and Teachers over Nine Years
Nerdrum, Per; Geirdal, Amy Østertun; Høglend, Per Andreas (Journal article; Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2016)Psychological dist ress have been found to be high and influence nega- tively nurses’ and teachers’ work. In t his nine - year project , we present the first lon- gitudinal study comparing psychological ... -
The transition from university to work: what happens to mental health? A longitudinal study
Geirdal, Amy Østertun; Nerdrum, Per; Bonsaksen, Tore (BMC Psychology;7, Article number: 65 (2019), Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019-09-12)Background: When enrolled in university or college, students receive varying degrees of training in managing practical situations in the workplace. However, after graduation, the young professionals meet their responsibilities ...