Blar i ODA Open Digital Archive på forfatter "Kvarme, Lisbeth Gravdal"
Ammefremmende veiledning på nyfødt intensivavdeling
Juterud, Margrete (Master thesis, 2019)Bakgrunn: Masteroppgaven består av en artikkel og en tematisk fordypning. Helseeffektene for mor og barn ved amming er godt dokumentert. Det er likevel en økt risiko for at premature- og syke nyfødte barn ikke ammes ved ... -
Associations between self-efficacy, bullying and health-related quality of life in a school sample of adolescents: A cross-sectional study
Haraldstad, Kristin; Kvarme, Lisbeth Gravdal; Christophersen, Knut-Andreas; Helseth, Sølvi (BMC Public Health;19, Article number: 757 (2019), Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019-06-05)Background: To better understand health-related quality of life (HRQOL) in adolescents, it is important to gain knowledge about factors associated with HRQOL. Being involved in bullying is a significant threat to health, ... -
Associations between self-efficacy, bullying and health-related quality of life in a school sample of adolescents: A cross-sectional study
Haraldstad, Kristin; Kvarme, Lisbeth Gravdal; Christophersen, Knut-Andreas; Helseth, Sølvi (BMC Public Health; 19, Article number: 757 (2019), Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)To better understand health-related quality of life (HRQOL) in adolescents, it is important to gain knowledge about factors associated with HRQOL. Being involved in bullying is a significant threat to health, and social ... -
Children as Next of Kin in Higher Education: An Exploratory Cross-Sectional Study Among Health, Social Care, and Teacher Education Programs
Almendingen, Kari; Bergem, Anne Kristine; Sparboe-Nilsen, Bente; Kvarme, Lisbeth Gravdal; Saltyte Benth, Jurate (Journal of Multidisciplinary Healthcare;Volume 2021:14, Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021-11-27)Introduction: Children who are “next of kin” (ie, sick/dying/addicted/imprisoned close relatives) are at increased risk for health consequences. Health professionals in Norway are required by law to help such children, and ... -
Core Competencies for Interprofessional Collaborative Practice among teacher education, health and social care students in a large scaled blended learning course
Almendingen, Kari; Nilsen, Bente; Kvarme, Lisbeth Gravdal; Saltyte Benth, Jurate (Journal of Multidisciplinary Healthcare;Volume 2021:14, Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021-08-20)Introduction: Society’s demands for better coordination of services for children are increasing. Interprofessional learning (IPL) has been suggested to achieve the triple aim of better services, better outcomes and reduced ... -
Erfaringer fra opplæring i Supportgruppe - en kvalitativ studie
Bjerke, Miriam (Master thesis, 2023)Supportgrupper er et tiltak med systemisk og løsningsfokusert tilnærming (LØFT). Hensikten med tiltaket er å redusere mobbing og bedre psykososialt miljø hos skolebarn. Supportgrupper har en stegvis metodikk hvor medelever ... -
Evidence-Based Solution-Focused Care for School-Age Children Experiencing Cyberbullying
Kvarme, Lisbeth Gravdal (Journal of psychosocial nursing and mental health services;52(3), Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2013-11-07)Cyberbullying is a global phenomenon. The experiences of bullied children are the same across cultures and languages, and psychiatric nursing interventions are known to be effective. It is critical to widely disseminate ... -
Family experiences with palliative care for children at home: A systematic literature review
Winger, Anette; Kvarme, Lisbeth Gravdal; Løyland, Borghild; Kristiansen, Camilla; Helseth, Sølvi; Ravn, Ingrid Helen (BMC Palliative Care;19, Article number: 165 (2020), Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020-10-24)Background: The main goal of pediatric palliative care (PPC) is to improve or maintain the best possible quality of life (QoL) for the child and their family. PPC can be provided in community health centres, within the ... -
From victim to taking control: Support group for bullied schoolchildren.
Kvarme, Lisbeth Gravdal; Aabø, Liv Sandnes; Sæteren, Berit (Journal of School Nursing;, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2015)School bullying is a serious problem affecting the victims in their daily lives at school. The aim of this study was to investigate whether support groups were able to help the victims of bullying to overcome their victim ... -
A gap between children’s rights and curricular content in health, social care, and teacher education programs: An exploratory cross-sectional study
Almendingen, Kari; Tørstad, Marit; Sparboe-Nilsen, Bente; Kvarme, Lisbeth Gravdal; Saltyte Benth, Jurate (Journal of Multidisciplinary Healthcare;Volume 14, 2021, Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021-11-25)Introduction: Exposure to child maltreatment is a social and public health challenge that will require interprofessional collaboration to overcome. Evidence indicates that professional students in health, social care, and ... -
The health literacy questionnaire (HLQ): Initial validity testing in a Norwegian sample.
Urstad, Kristin Hjorthaug; Andenæs, Randi; Wahl, Astrid Klopstad; Kvarme, Lisbeth Gravdal; Helseth, Sølvi; Moum, Torbjørn Åge (HLRP: Health Literacy Research and Practice;Vol. 4, No. 4, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020-10-12)Background: The Health Literacy Questionnaire (HLQ) is a multidimensional generic questionnaire developed to capture a wide range of health literacy needs. There is a need for validation evidence for the Norwegian version ... -
High use of over-the-counter analgesic; possible warnings of reduced quality of life in adolescents - a qualitative study
Skarstein, Siv; Lagerløv, Per; Kvarme, Lisbeth Gravdal; Helseth, Sølvi (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2016)Background Use of over-the-counter analgesics among adolescents has increased markedly. High consumption of over-the-counter analgesics among adolescents is associated with frequent pain, lower self-esteem, reduced ... -
Hjemmesykepleieren i møte med den nedstemte pasienten
Halvorsrud, Liv; Pahr, Ingun; Kvarme, Lisbeth Gravdal (Sykepleien Forskning;(3), Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2014)Bakgrunn: Hjemmesykepleier har en unik mulighet til å oppdage pasienter med depressive symptomer, ofte omtalt som nedstemte. Depressive symptomer kan forveksles med symptomer på andre lidelser eller aldring, og blir derfor ... -
How do immigrant parents of children with complex health needs manage to cope in their daily lives?
Kvarme, Lisbeth Gravdal; Albertini Früh, Elena; Lidén, Hilde (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)Daily life with children who have complex health needs can be stressful for parents. Immigrant parents are vulnerable to stress because they may lack language skills and knowledge about the health care system and have ... -
Hvem går til helsesøster?
Gammelsrud, Torunn; Kvarme, Lisbeth Gravdal; Misvær, Nina (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)Ungdomstiden er for mange en sårbar tid med utfordringer knyttet til fysisk, psykisk og sosial helse, og skolehelsetjenesten betegnes som den viktigste helsetjenesten. Artikkelen kartlegger sammenhengen mellom ungdoms ... -
I feel I mean something to someone: solution-focused brief therapy support groups for bullied schoolchildren
Kvarme, Lisbeth Gravdal; Aabø, Liv Sandnes; Sæteren, Berit (Educational Psychology in Practice;29(4), Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2013-11-28)The aim of this study was to investigate how bullied schoolchildren experience solution-focused brief therapy support groups, and to examine how members of the support group experience their participation in the group. An ... -
Innføring av supportgrupper i barneskolen - En kvalitativ studie
Utgård, Linda Langfoss (Master thesis, 2024)Målet med studien er å utvide forståelsen av gunstige strategier for innføringen av supportgrupper i barneskolen. Supportgrupper er et tiltak som kan brukes for å redusere mobbing hos skolebarn og har en løsningsfokusert ... -
Innvandrerfamilier med barn med spesielle behov – mødres tilknytning til arbeidslivet
Albertini Früh, Elena; Lidén, Hilde; Gardsjord, Ragnhild; Aden, Petra; Kvarme, Lisbeth Gravdal (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2016)Artikkelen belyser hvordan mødre med innvandrerbakgrunn som har barn med spesielle behov, reflekterer over egne forventninger og muligheter til det å være yrkesaktive. Analysen er basert på kvalitative intervjuer med i ... -
Making room for life and death at the same time – a qualitative study of health and social care professionals’ understanding and use of the concept of paediatric palliative care
Winger, Anette; Albertini Früh, Elena; Holmen, Heidi; Kvarme, Lisbeth Gravdal; Lee, Anja; Bruun Lorentsen, Vibeke; Misvær, Nina; Riiser, Kirsti; Steindal, Simen Alexander (BMC Palliative Care;21, Article number: 50 (2022), Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022-04-11)Background: The concept of pediatric palliative care (PPC) is applied diferently within the healthcare system and among healthcare professionals (HCPs). To our knowledge, no studies have investigated how multidisciplinary ... -
On duty all the time: Health and quality of life among immigrant parents caring for a child with complex health needs
Kvarme, Lisbeth Gravdal; Albertini Früh, Elena; Brekke, Idunn; Gardsjord, Ragnhild; Halvorsrud, Liv; Lidén, Hilde (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2016)Aims and objectives: To provide knowledge about how immigrant parents of children with complex health needs manage their family lives and how this affects their own health and quality of life. Background: Caregivers ...