Browsing ODA Open Digital Archive by Author "Finne, Joakim"
Now showing items 1-20 of 21
Arbeids- og velferdstjenestene: En forenklet kunnskapsoversikt over arbeidsinkluderingssystemet
Sadeghi, Talieh; Thørrisen, Mikkel M.; Bråthen, Magne; Finne, Joakim; Fossestøl, Knut; Skarpaas, Lisebet Skeie; Karlsen, Elisabeth; Ødemark, Ingjerd L. (AFI-rapport;2023:19, Research report, 2023-11)Denne rapporten er en forenklet kunnskapsoversikt over arbeids- og velferdstjenestene med et fokus på arbeidsinkludering. Oversikten gir en fremstilling over temaer det forskes på, forskningens omfang og utvikling, ... -
Arbeids- og velferdstjenestene: Protokoll for en forenklet kunnskapsoversikt
Sadeghi, Talieh; Thørrisen, Mikkel M.; Fossestøl, Knut; Finne, Joakim; Skarpaas, Lisebet Skeie; Bråthen, Magne; Karlsen, Elisabeth; Ødemark, Ingjerd L. (AFI-notat;2023:04, Working paper, 2023-06)Foreliggende protokoll er første leveranse i prosjektet Forenklet kunnskapsoversikt over arbeids- og velferdstjenestene. Protokollen gir en detaljert oversikt over hvordan kunnskapsoversikten skal gjennomføres, herunder ... -
Attitudes toward and Utilization of Evidence-based Practice among Norwegian Social Workers
Finne, Joakim (Journal of Evidence-Informed Social Work;Volume 17, Issue 2, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019-12-03)Purpose: This study analyzes Norwegian social workers’ attitudes toward evidence-based practice (EBP). Method: Qualitative interviews were conducted with 30 social workers and managers from social services and child welfare ... -
Collaborative mental health treatment: current practices among mental health providers in Norway
Finne, Joakim; Skyberg, Henriette Lund; Kjelling Skagseth, Synne Marit; Holt, Karin (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)The objective of this study is to examine the frequency of collaboration among mental health providers´ and assess perceptions of whether collaborative practices have an impact on the help that patients receive during ... -
Comparing digital to traditional follow-up in the Norwegian Labour and Welfare Administration: A youth perspective on trust and satisfaction
Sadeghi, Talieh; Finne, Joakim; Løberg, Ida Bring; Bakkeli, Vidar; Thørrisen, Mikkel Magnus (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)Public employment services are increasingly becoming digital. Previous literature has highlighted potential and intersectional risks associated with digitalizing these services. To address this, the current study explores ... -
Evaluering av forsøk med to-språklig undervisning
Finne, Joakim; Høydal, Øyunn Syrstad (AFI-rapport;2024:03, Report, 2024-01-19)Prosjektets hovedmål har vært å evaluere et forsøk med tospråklig undervisning i VG 1 på tre videregående skoler i Viken fylke. Dette er et tilbud der elevene får undervisning på engelsk i fag som samfunnsfag, naturfag og ... -
Evidence-based practice in social work: Who are the critics?
Finne, Joakim (Journal of Social Work;, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020-09-11)Summary: The aim of this study is to analyse attitudes towards and the utilisation of evidence-based practice among social workers in Norway. The data were collected in 2014–2015 from social workers in four Norwegian ... -
Evidensbasert praksis - et veiskille i sosialt arbeid
Finne, Joakim; Malmberg-Heimonen, Ira (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)Blant forskere og praktikere har det de siste tiårene vært et økende søkelys på evidensbasert praksis (EBP) i sosialt arbeid. EBP vært gjenstand for omfattende kritikk, blant annet har forskere og sosialarbeidere hevdet ... -
Examining the Complexities of Conducting Randomized Controlled Trials in Child Welfare Settings
Finne, Joakim; Pedersen, Eirin; Malmberg-Heimonen, Ira; Tøge, Anne Grete (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Background: Randomized controlled trials (RCTs) are considered the gold standard for assessing the effectiveness of interventions. At the same time, it is challenging to evaluate interventions using experimental designs ... -
Familiepartner – Midtveisrapport
Tøge, Anne Grete; Pedersen, Eirin; Finne, Joakim (AFI-notat;2023:05, Working paper, 2023-06)Familiepartner er et tiltak i barnevernet, utviklet i samarbeid mellom SOS-barnebyer, OsloMet og tre kommuner. Tiltaket blir prøvd ut i Lillehammer, Øvre Eiker og Larvik. OsloMet har bidratt i utformingen av tiltaket, og ... -
The framing of educational digitalization: A scoping review of empirical studies
Høydal, Øyunn Syrstad; Finne, Joakim; Malmberg-Heimonen, Ira (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)The aim of this scoping review is to systematically inves- tigate the framing of European empirical research on digi- talization for teaching and learning in the classroom within primary and secondary school (K-12/K-13). ... -
Hjemme hos familien: Hva er det som virker? En oppgave om terapeuters erfaringer med et intensivt hjemmebasert tiltak i barnevernet
Vik, Ingri (Master thesis, 2024)Denne oppgaven handler om terapeuters erfaringer med å levere tiltaket «Familieparter» i tre norske kommuner. Oppgaven er designet som en case-studie som benytter seg av et mulitmetodisk design. Datamaterialet er samlet ... -
The ideas of ethnicity among social work students and practitioners in Sarajevo, Bosnia-Herzegovina
Sehic, Belma; Finne, Joakim (Master thesis, 2018)The aim of this study is to explore the ideas about ethnicity and ethnic identity among social work students and practitioners in Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH), Knowledge about ethnicity is an essential aspect ... -
Interventions to Reduce Child Maltreatment: A Systematic Review with a Narrative Synthesis
Malmberg-Heimonen, Ira; Finne, Joakim; Tøge, Anne Grete; Maiken, Pontoppidan; Dion, Jacinthe; Pedersen, Eirin (International Journal on Child Maltreatment: Research, Policy and Practice;, Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Child maltreatment has been a prominent topic on the political agenda for the past decade. However, while there are several types of interventions that can potentially benefit the prevention of child maltreatment, uncertainties ... -
Mental health professionals’ expectations and efforts to include employment for people with moderate to severe mental illness in treatment settings
Finne, Joakim; Karin, Holt (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023) -
Norwegian social work and child welfare students’ attitudes toward research-supported treatments
Finne, Joakim; Malmberg-Heimonen, Ira (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)Evidence-based practice (EBP) has increasingly become a part of social work education, but there is a lack of knowledge about students’ attitudes towards it. This study evaluated Norwegian social work students’ attitudes ... -
Predictors of satisfaction with digital follow-up in Norwegian Labor and Welfare Administration: A sequential mixed-methods study
Finne, Joakim; Sadeghi, Talieh; Bring Løberg, Ida; Bakkeli, Vidar; Sehic, Belma; Thørrisen, Mikkel Magnus (Social Policy & Administration;, Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)This study examines predictors of satisfaction with digital follow-up among young people in the Norwegian Labor and Welfare Administration (NAV). A total of 1195 young employment seekers were recruited across Norway. ... -
Predictors of satisfaction with digital follow-up in Norwegian Labor and Welfare Administration: A sequential mixed-methods study
Finne, Joakim; Sadeghi, Talieh; Bring Løberg, Ida; Bakkeli, Vidar; Sehic, Belma; Thørrisen, Mikkel Magnus (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)This study examines predictors of satisfaction with digital follow-up among young people in the Norwegian Labor and Welfare Administration (NAV). A total of 1195 young employment seekers were recruited across Norway. ... -
A scoping review of school leadership practices in Lesson Study
Borg, Elin; Finne, Joakim (Cogent Education;, Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)There is growing interest in the value of teacher–learning communities for practice improvement. Lesson Study is an approach to build capacity, strengthen professional communities among teachers, and improve teaching. This ... -
A scoping review of school leadership practices in Lesson Study
Borg, Elin; Finne, Joakim (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)There is growing interest in the value of teacher–learning communities for practice improvement. Lesson Study is an approach to build capacity, strengthen professional communities among teachers, and improve teaching. ...