Organisering av grønne leveranseprosjekter Casestudie av Johan Castberg og Northern Lights
The society is dependent on rapid adjustment so that growth and development take place in line with the energy transition (Klima- og miljødepartementet, 2021). This study discusses two modern delivery projects by Aker Solutions: the oil and gas project Johan Castberg and the green project Northern Lights. The projects will be compared and analysed with a focus on organization and critical success criteria. The analysis is rooted in a theory chapter based on three specific theoretical assumptions. The purpose of the study is to define how critical success criteria form the basis for organization. The goal of the present study is to answer the following research question:
How does Aker Solutions organize green projects compared to traditional oil and gas projects, and in what way is it anchored in critical success criteria?
The qualitative research method is a multiple case study consisting of one unit of analysis and two cases. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with both project managers and one key informant from each project. The project managers also responded to a survey regarding the assessment of the defined critical success criteria. The results of the interviews and surveys formed the observations in the study. The observations from both projects were analysed against each other to find patterns between the projects in line with the research question.
As an answer to the research question the study concludes that there are similarities between the organization of green projects and oil and gas projects. Nevertheless, there is a need for a leaner organization with people who cover several areas in green projects. This is rooted in critical success criteria where finances are considered more important in such projects, partly due to lower earnings by completed projects.
The conclusion led to modification of the existing theory. The Project Pyramid illustrates the connection between contract and form of compensation, critical success criteria, and organization of delivery projects. The Contract Model describes the contract and form of compensation as the framework for the critical success criteria scope, HSE, and the iron triangle of time, cost, and quality in delivery projects.