Alltid på – fra indre motivert til oppsigelse. En studie om de modererende effektene fra skjult arbeid og kompetanse på sammenhengen mellom indre motivasjon og turnoverintensjoner
The purpose of this study has been to explore the relationship between intrinsic motivation and turnover intentions. We also included a moderator to explore if supplementary work will affect this relationship. A second moderator was included in competency to explore the interaction between supplementary work and competency, and how this affects the relationship between intrinsic motivation and turnover intentions. We conducted a quantitative cross-sectional survey with a total of 252 respondents. In accordance with previous research, the negative relationship between intrinsic motivation and turnover intentions was supported, and we found moderate statistically significant support for the moderation effect of supplementary work. The theorized interaction effect between supplementary work and competency was not supported. The findings suggest that employees who perform supplementary work will experience a reduction in intrinsic motivation and an increase in turnover intentions, however this relationship will not be affected by competency. The study's strengths, research limitations, suggestions for future research and practical implications are further discussed.