Approaching online gaming patterns through correlations and similarity
The purpose of this master thesis is to investigate similarities found in online video game patterns, with the use of applications found in Steam, a distributor of video games. This has been done through correlation in order to investigate what video games are found to be similar, or dissimilar. The research has been done by creating a few assumptions and hypotheses, which serves as a foundation for the results and findings. The video game industry is a billion dollar industry and there are a lot of factors surrounding it that makes it important to conduct further research, in order to discover potential for new development. The approach has been to investigate the video games both in a narrow and broad approach, which combined has allowed for more knowledge on the subject. In the cases were similarity were presumed, it has been found, but it is not a bulletproof method. There is still need for further research on this subject, but the findings in this project can contribute to future work.