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dc.contributor.advisorVaagan, Robert Wallace
dc.contributor.authorMosaker, Helene
dc.description.abstractThis master thesis analyses to what extent Norway's largest public and private sector media groups, NRK and Schibsted, recruit, manage and implement policies regarding diversity. Theoretically, this master thesis has operated with the AMEC framework, the public vs private sphere model, organisational communication, and transformational leadership theory. A qualitative content analysis of publicly published sources between 2017-2022 was used to collect data and material. Qualitative interviews with NRK and Schibsted's management from 2017 and 2021 are also included. The main findings show that the two organisations have made significant changes with different approaches to diversity, organisational communication, and leadership. The organisations have different responsibilities and expectations due to their positions as public and private media organisations. NRK primarily focuses on diversity in content and organisation and defines diversity differently from Schibsted. NRK's definition of diversity attempts to represent the Norwegian population, including the Sami population, Norwegian Nynorsk-users, disabled, and multicultural groups in society. Schibsted, on the other hand, had a significant change over a short period regarding the gender balance in their organisation and management, as well as being more transparent, focused, and outspoken about leadership and a diverse workforce.en_US
dc.subjectTransformational leadershipen_US
dc.subjectOrganisational communicationen_US
dc.titleDiversity in NRK and Schibsted. A case analysis of recruitment strategy, implementation, and leadership regarding diversity.en_US
dc.typeMaster thesisen_US

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