Which factors are reliably important for predicting leverage?
This thesis examines various determinants that affect capital structure in the Norwegian
market from 1994-2019. Our study presents some important theoretical framework and
previous empirical evidence in order to highlight the justification of capital structure but did not
successfully explain all aspects of capital structure. By applying econometric methods for our
data analysis, we were able to construct multiple regression models regressed on several
leverage measures which later was used to answer our hypothesis.
Our first model used BIC - selection criterion to choose our core factors, which later was
used for core model (5). We found evidence for significant determinants for the nature of
assets, growth, industry leverage and risk. Therefore rejected the null hypothesis that there is
no correlation between the determinants and leverage. When considering model (6), we
examine if the determinants still will be significant when grouping the firms in different
industries. This section serves as our contribution to existing literature of capital structure in
the Norwegian market. Our result is mostly consistent with trade-off theory when relating
literature to our implications and predicts many of the same relations we were studying. In
general terms, we can conclude that none of the theories could fully explain our results, like
many earlier studies. This study gave us factors that were reliable important for leverage.