• Contentious politics of slums: Understanding different outcomes of community resistance against evictions in Rio de Janeiro 

      Sørbøe, Celina; Braathen, Einar (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)
      Between 2010 and 2016, over 65,000 slum dwellers were forcibly evicted in Rio de Janeiro. This article compares three cases of anti-eviction resistance over this period. While the three case study communities were all ...
    • Coping with uncertainty 

      Marith Markussen (NIBR-notat 2002:115, Notat, 2002)
      Last ned gratis This working paper was originally submitted as a thesis to fulfill the Cand.Polit. degree (hovedfag) at the Institute for Sociology and Human Geography, University of Oslo.
    • Countering violent extremism in Somalia and Kenya: Actors and approaches 

      Hansen, Stig Jarle; Lid, Stian; Okwany, Clifford Collins Omondi (NIBR Working Paper;2019:106, Working paper, 2019-04)
      This study, carried out for the Norwegian Embassy in Nairobi and the Norwegian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, focuses on the Norwegian government’s support to peace and reconciliation projects in Somalia and Kenya, on those ...
    • Covid-19: informasjon, etterlevelse og vaksinasjon blant innvandrere–en kunnskapsoppsummering 

      Orderud, Geir Inge; Ruud, Marit Ekne; Wiig, Henrik; Tronstad, Kristian Rose (NIBR-rapport;2021:11, Research report, 2021-06)
      Denne rapporten er skrevet på oppdrag fra Kunnskapsdepartementet. Formålet med rapporten har vært tredelt. Kunnskapsoppsummeringen skal sammenfatte erfaringer med å nå frem med covid-19 relatert informasjon til innvandrermiljøer, ...
    • ‘Crimea will forever be Russian’: dissenting Norwegian media discourses on Russia’s annexation of Crimea 

      Myhre, Marthe Handå; Aasland, Aadne; Holm-Hansen, Jørn (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)
      The scholarly literature on Russia’s influence in Europe has so far mainly focused on Russia’s influence activities, discussed either as ‘disinformation’ or ‘soft power’. Less attention has been paid to understanding the ...
    • Cultural policy and the politics of display. The establishment of the opera house in Oslo. 

      Henningsen, Erik; Takle, Marianne (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)
      How can we understand governments’ willingness to make large investments in iconic cultural buildings? What does this trend tell us about governments’ cultural policy interests and priorities? In this article we illuminate ...
    • Dagligvaretilgang i ulike regioner - utvikling 1980-2000 

      randil (Oppdragsrapport 5-2001, Report, 2001)
      Nummer: 5-2001
    • Datakvalitet i Ung i Oslo 2006 

      Elstad, Jon Ivar (NOVA Notat 1/10, Notat, 2010)
      I 2006 gjennomførte NOVA en stor datainnsamling, Ung i Oslo 2006, der omlag 11.500 Oslo-elever i 14-17-årsalderen deltok ved å besvare et spørreskjema distribuert på skolene. Notatet diskuterer om måten datainnsamlingen ...
    • Dealing with Difference: Two classrooms, two countries 

      Seeberg, Marie Louise (NOVA Rapport 18/03, Research report, 2003)
      Rapporten er basert på et halvt års sosialantropologisk feltarbeid i en grunnskole i Oslo og et tilsvarende feltarbeid i en grunnskole i Amsterdam. Diskusjoner om et flerkulturelt samfunn må forstås på bakgrunn av hvordan ...
    • Decentralisation in conflict and post-conflict situations 

      Schou, Arild; Haug, Marit (NIBR-notat 2005:139, Notat, 2005)
      Last ned gratis This paper reviews the literature on decentralization in multiethnic states with the objective of exploring key issues in the literature, identifying research gaps and suggesting policy recommendation for ...
    • Decentralisation in Laos 

      Braathen, Einar; Pär Sköld (NIBR-notat 2006:121, Notat, 2006)
      Last ned gratis The study contains the appraisal of the decentralisation project in the Luang Prabang province, phase II. The political-social context of the reform is critically assessed. THe appraisal found the underlying ...
    • Decentralization in Nepal - what are the alternatives? 

      Haug, Marit (NIBR-notat 2008:116, Notat, 2008)
      Last ned gratis This paper describes the background to the current debate on federalism in Nepal. Political, civil society, ethnic, and community-based mobilization in Nepal has created strong pressure on the Constitutional ...
    • Decentralization in Nepal: Laws and Practices 

      Dhungel, Dwarika Nath; Haug, Marit; Sapkota, Mahendra Raj; Regmi, Pradyuman Prasad (NIBR-rapport 2011:23, Report, 2011)
      This report analyses the legal framework for local governance in Nepal and how it is practiced in six districts. It focuses specifically on transfer of resources and delivery of services, how various groups participate ...
    • Demand-driven governance 

      David Jordhus-Lier; Haug, Marit; Hari Regmi (NIBR-notat 2009:118, Notat, 2009)
      Last ned gratis This Working Paper reviews demand-driven governance as a concept, as  an element of international donor policy, and as a set of principles which have characterised aid and development interventions in ...
    • Democracy promotion through schools in Ukraine: Mid-term evaluation of the European Wergeland Centre’s Schools for Democracy Programme 

      Holm-Hansen, Jørn; Rabinovych, Maryna (NIBR Report;2021:3, Research report, 2021-03)
      The Schools for Democracy programme supports education reforms in Ukraine in the period in 2017-2021. The mid-term evaluation found that the programme is in accordance with national and donor priorities and is well linked ...
    • Democratic decentralisation and poverty reduction: Exploring the linkages 

      Vedeld, Trond (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2003)
    • Demografi og kommuneøkonomi i Asker kommune 

      Hild Marte Bjørnsen; Barlindhaug, Rolf; Johansen, Steinar (NIBR-notat 2013:106, Notat, 2013)
      Last ned gratis Notatet gir en gjennomgang av befolkningsutvikling og migrasjon i og til/fra Asker, og hvilken betydning ulike scenarioer for framtidig vekst vil ha for kommuneøkonomien. Kommunen har gitt innspill i form ...
    • Demografi og mobilitet i Møre og Romsdal 

      Kjetil Sørlie (NIBR-notat 2003:101, Notat, 2003)
      Møre og Romsdal har hatt netto utflytting gjennom ungdomsfasen og netto innflytting av småbarnsfamilier gjennom mange år. Fylket har en nokså homogen utvikling de fleste steder. Ungdomsutflyttingen har gradvis økt noe, og ...
    • Demografi og næringsutvikling i Sogn og Fjordane 

      Gundersen, Frants; Sørlie, Kjetil (NIBR-rapport 2009:13, Report, 2009)
      Rapporten er en av fire i et samarbeid mellom Asplan Viak, Høgskulen i Sogn og Fjordane og NIBR. Med utgangspunkt i at Norsk Hydro startet nedbemanning i Høyanger og Årdal i 2004, har hovedfokus i prosjektet vært å følge ...
    • Demografisk utvikling i fem storbyer 

      Juvkam, Dag; Sørlie, Kjetil; Texmon, Inger (NIBR-rapport 2010:16, Report, 2010)
      Rapportene tar for seg befolkningsutviklingen i fem storbyer de siste årene, og ser på hvilken befolkningsutvikling vi kan forvente i de nærmeste årene framover. Tilknyttet prosjekt Befolkningsutviklingen i storbyene