Now showing items 81-100 of 185

    • Hva sier loven - hva tror folk? 

      Sandlie, Hans Christian (NOVA Rapport 6/06, Report, 2006)
      The subject of this report concerns a study to determine how much the public know about the legal dos and donö‚'ts in the rental market. Norwayö‚'s housing policy seeks primarily to ensure everybody has a chance to obtain ...
    • Hva skjer med innvandrerfamiliers bruk av barnehage når et gratis tilbud går over til å koste penger? 

      Nergård, Trude B. (NOVA Rapport 12/06, Report, 2006)
      The report deals with how the use made of a service changes when it switches from being free to being charged for. In autumn 1998 a trial scheme started involving fours hours of free day care centre provision for all ...
    • Implementering med problemer 

      Falck, Sturla; Mathisen, Anders S. (NOVA Notat 9/10, Notat, 2010)
      Det er sjelden et prosjekt prøver å lære noe av hvorfor det ikke lot seg gjennomføre som planlagt. Her startet både forskere og oppdragsgivere i Helse- og velferdsetaten i Oslo ut med entusiasme, men ble tvunget til å se ...
    • Innsats mot utkastelser - fra lovende forsøk til effektiv rutine? 

      Blekesaune, Morten; Pedersen, Axel West (NOVA Notat 3/11, Notat, 2011)
      The project is part of the activities of FAMI - Center for research on poverty and social assistance and it is financed by the Directorate for Social affairs and health. It is an evaluation of an ongoing experimantal project ...
    • Innvandrerungdom - integrasjon og marginalisering 

      Øia, Tormod (NOVA Rapport 20/05, Research report, 2005)
      This report seeks to penetrate the reasons why immigrant youth are more delinquent and asocial than Norwegian youth. The report is based on data from Young in Norway 2002. As in previous surveys, immigrant youth score ...
    • Institusjonsplassering - siste utvei? 

      Backe-Hansen, Elisabeth; Bakketeig, Elisiv (NOVA Rapport 21/11, Report, 2011)
      I 2010 ble det iverksatt en evaluering av barnevernsreformen av 2004, fordelt på fem deloppdrag. Denne rapporten presenterer resultatene fra evalueringen av institusjonstilbudet. Rapporten bygger på en omfattende ...
    • Integrering av flyktningbarn 

      Bjerkan, Kristin Ystmark (NOVA Notat 9/09, Notat, 2009)
      This publication reports findings from a study of Norwegian municipalities' integration of refugee children after settlement. The main purpose of the study has been to give an account of the municipalities' approach to ...
    • «Jeg gleder meg til torsdag» 

      Moen, Bjørg (NOVA Rapport 7/09, Report, 2009)
      The senior centers are important for the preventive health work for elders. They are localized in local communities and this makes them open (accessible) to many elderly people. Still there are few elders with migrant ...
    • Kartlegging av opplæringstilbudet til enslige mindreårige asylsøkere og barn av asylsøkere 

      Engebrigtsen, Ada; Sletten, Mira Aaboen (NOVA Rapport 20/11, Report, 2011)
      This report is about the educational opportunities for minor, unaccompanied asylum-seekers and children of asylum-seekers in Norway. The report is based on surveys to municipalities and counties and on interviews with ...
    • Klara Klok, en helsenettjeneste for ungdom 

      Gundersen, Tonje; Winsvold, Aina (NOVA Notat 8/11, Notat, 2011)
      Klara Klok er en anonym internettbasert spørsmål- og svartjeneste til ungdom i aldersgruppen 10–30 år. Tjenesten gir ungdom mulighet til å stille spørsmål som angår rus, seksualitet, vennskap-, familie- og parforhold og ...
    • Kommunale leieboeres boligkarrierer 2001-2005 

      Gulbrandsen, Lars Petter; Hansen, Thorbjørn (NOVA Rapport 4/10, Report, 2010)
      Unlike many other European countries, Norwegian municipalities don’t play any important role in the national housing supply. Less than five per cent of Norwegian household live in a dwelling owned by the municipality. This ...
    • Kommunen som boligeier 

      Langsether, Åsmund; Skårberg, A. (NOVA Rapport 5/07, Report, 2007)
      This report describes a project carried out by the social research institutes NOVA and Fafo on behalf of the Ministry of Local Government and Regional Development (KRD). The Ministrys prime concern was to document routines ...
    • Kommunikasjon ved demens - en arena for samarbeid 

      Ingebretsen, Reidun (NOVA Rapport 13/05, Report, 2005)
      In the project ö‚'Communication in case of dementiaö‚' the aim was to collect knowledge on different approaches and discuss experiences from the formal service system (geronto-psychiatric and geriatric units, teams and ...
    • Kontroverser om biologisk mangfold i norske skoger 

      Krange, Olve; Seippel, Ørnulf; Strandbu, Åse; Figari, Helene (NOVA Rapport 4/13, Report, 2013)
      To maintain biological diversity is an important aim for Norwegian environmental policies, and the Nature index for Norway is supposed help this policy by surveying the situation for biodiversity in Norway. The nature index ...
    • Kunnskap og kontakt 

      Gundersen, Tonje (NOVA Notat 2/11, Notat, 2011)
      Å få et barn med en sjelden tilstand oppleves ofte som vanskelig for foreldre fordi de ikke har kjennskap til diagnosen fra før og ikke vet hva som kan være konsekvensene av den. I tillegg opplever foreldrene at hjelpeapparatet ...
    • Kvalitet i barnehager 

      Gulbrandsen, Lars Petter; Eliassen, Erik (NOVA Rapport 1/13, Report, 2013)
      This study primarily targets the structural aspects of day care centre quality. Quality assessments will normally both be dependent on, and influenced by, the specific group that carries out the assessment. In this study ...
    • Kvalitet og innhold i norske barnehager 

      Backe-Hansen, Elisabeth (NOVA Rapport 6/08, Report, 2008)
      In this report NOVA reviews empirical studies of the quality and contents of Norwegian day care services after 2002. The previous review, «Research on day care services. A knowledge status» (Gulbrandsen et al., 2002) was ...
    • Kvalitet og kvantitet 

      Gulbrandsen, Lars Petter; Winsvold, Aina (NOVA Rapport 2/09, Report, 2009)
      The Government White Paper on day care provision presented in December 1999 announced a three-year program to improve quality. Starting in 2001, all Norwegian day care centres were to establish tools and systems designed ...
    • Langt igjen? 

      Finnvold, Jon Erik (NOVA Rapport 12/13, Report, 2013)
      The report documents findings from two separate empirical investigations. Chances of success Part I is based on a register study, using 1985 as a baseline year. What are the chances to succeed in the educational ...
    • Levekår og livskvalitet blant lesbiske kvinner og homofile menn 

      Hegna, Kristinn; Kristiansen, Hans W. (NOVA Rapport 1/99, Report, 1999)
      The NOVA report on living conditions and life quality among lesbian women and gay men has three parts: a review of existing Scandinavian research in the field (Part I), a survey of attitudes toward gays/lesbians in the ...