Kommuners bruk av Smart city konseptet: Hvilke beveggrunner, muligheter og utfordringer kan identifiseres?
Globalization and urbanization affect the migration to cities, and scientists expect that by 2050, three billion
people will move to bigger cities. Today cities cover about 2% of the land but utilize up to two-thirds of the
world's resources. This creates challenges related to air pollution, infrastructure, and waste management.
In addition, modern economies today are already affected by chronic health problems, an ageing
population, unemployment and climate change. Over the last decade, the Smart city phenomenon has
flourished in many Norwegian municipalities as a vision for a comprehensive solution to all their problems.
This “Small-N-study” looks closer at three municipalities in Eastern Norway and their use of the Smart city
concept. Through interviews with those responsible for establishing Smart city in their respective
municipalities, it is investigated which factors that influence the development of the concept, what motives,
opportunities and challenges that can be identified. The study shows that demographic trends related to an
ageing population, increased health costs, fewer resources and increased differences in society are the
main motives we find in the municipalities. The challenge has been to understand and define what Smart
city really is, and how this should be organized internally, and what priorities a Smart city should have.
Challenges related to "plugs" in the system have also been identified, and that there are people that not
easily are changed, and would prefer to continue as before. The different models of governance in the
municipalities appear to have a reinforcing either positive, or negative effect on parts of the Smart city
concept that focuses on cross-border collaboration, anchoring throughout the organization both politically
and administratively, and long-term perspective. On the other hand, Smart city represents a greater
opportunity to bring about change in the municipality both internally, and externally among the citizens. A
change that puts away the idea of maximizing profits, to a municipality that prioritizes sustainable urban
and community development.
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