Hvordan fungerer diskrimineringsnemnda som et politisk instrument for mennesker med nedsatt funksjonsevne i arbeidslivet?
This thesis examines how the Norwegian Equality and Anti-Discrimination Tribunal work as a policy
instrument for people with disabilitiies in working life.
Studies show that many people with disabilities wishes to participate in the working force, but at the same
time its shown that a lot of these people experiences discrimination in regards to work-related conditions.
Nevertheless, there are few complaints from this group of people in the complaint-system.
This thesis explores the policy process, in which policy instruments are a part of, and how these
instruments work. Thereafter the Norwegian Equality and Anti-Discrimination Tribunal is linked to these
theories. This examination uses qualitative methode through interviews as data colletction method. The
informants are employees of various associations and foundations that have in-depth knowledge about
people with disabilities, and discrimination against these people.
The findings from this examination shows that this policy instrument have several challenges in regards to
preventing discrimination of this group of people. A big challenge is the lack of knowledge about this field,
that affects the system both directly and indirectly. Moreover the difference in power between employer and
employee, the lack of sanctions, and a ineffective system, effects the efficiency of the complaint-system.
Proposed solutions are linked to increasing the level of knowledge, universal design of workplaces, free
legal aid, and a more efficient legislation with more sanctions for those who break the law.
Master i sosialfag