Responsiveness of Offshored Clinical Trials among Women in the Philippines
The state of responsiveness of the offshored clinical trials in the Philippines on the health needs of Filipino
women is a quantitative research using the feminist standpoint as the theoretical framework. To test for
responsiveness, conditions on both offshored clinical trials and the health needs of Filipino women are the
main indicators which are subcategorised by death, premature death/years of life lost (YLL),
morbidity/years lived with disability (YLD), neglected tropical diseases (NTDs), maternal conditions, and
specific conditions affecting Filipino women. The results and findings obtained are then analyzed on
Filipino women, men, and the general population. This study used descriptive analysis describing
distributions using proportions and percentages, rates and ratios, and frequencies in the data obtained from
1) and 2) from the Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation. An in-depth analysis on
validating/invalidating the state of responsiveness of offshored clinical trials to the health needs of Filipino
women that highlights the case ‘65 clinical trials on diabetes mellitus’, conditions that cause death and
morbidity that mostly affect Filipino women, maternal conditions, neglected tropical diseases, and
female/male-specific conditions. The implication of the concept ‘responsiveness’ is also discussed based
on the results and findings, but also as a concept itself based on the definitions attached to it by the
different international organizations. The health status of Filipino women and the conditions that affect them
will be analyzed by incorporating the principles of feminism.
Master i International Social Welfare and Health Policy