Blar i TKD - Institutt for bygg- og energiteknikk på tittel
Viser treff 453-460 av 460
Veien til bedre avfallsreduksjon
(Bachelor thesis, 2023)Byggebransjen er en av de viktigste årsakene til klimautslipp og energiforbruk i verden. Reduksjon av klimautslipp og energi har de siste årene vært i høyt fokus, men nå flyttes oppmerksomheten til reduksjon av avfallsmengdene. ... -
Verification of simple illuminance based measures for indication of discomfort glare from windows
(Building and Environment;92, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2015-06-02)Modern office buildings are often designed with highly glazed facades, with an intention of being sufficiently day lit. However, extensive daylight supply has its backside, as glare might be a considerable concern. From a ... -
VOC contributions from building materials, furniture, and user equipment in low emitting and modular classrooms
(SINTEF Proceedings;9, Conference object, 2021)This study aimed to assess whether building materials, furniture, and user equipment are sources of pollution that would influence the need for ventilation. Between 2017-2020, measurements were taken in four regular ... -
VOC emission rates in newly built and renovated buildings, and the influence of ventilation – a review and meta-analysis
(The International Journal of Ventilation;, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018-02-20)Few field studies have evaluated ventilation strategies, such as temporarily increasing the ventilation rate, to counter the high pollutant-load from off-gassing of volatile compounds from new materials in these buildings. ... -
Vulnerability assessment of cultural heritage structures
(ECCOMAS Congress;8th European Congress on Computational Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering, Conference object, 2022)Cultural heritage (CH) assets are the legacy of a society that are inherited from the past generations and can give us lessons for contemporary construction. Not only the formally recognized CH assets but also the non-CH ... -
What should the Minimum Ventilation Rate Be in a Demand-Controlled Ventilation Strategy?
(Springer Proceedings in Energy;CCC 2018: Cold Climate HVAC 2018, Conference object, 2019)Demand-Controlled Ventilation is emerging as a dominant ventilation strategy in non-residential buildings in Norway. The ventilation airflow rate is controlled between pre-set minimum (Vmin) and maximum (Vmax) values, based ... -
Where the Gaps Lie: Ten Years of Research into Collaboration on BIM-Enabled Construction Projects
(Construction Economics and Building;Vol. 17, No. 1, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017-03)A BIM-enabled Construction Project (BIMCP) refers to a project involving relevant BIM tools to generate, exchange and manage project data between project participants. Success in delivering BIMCPs largely relies on how ... -
Årsaker til den lave bruken av selvkomprimerende betong i Norge
(Bachelor thesis, 2017)SAMMENDRAG I følge flere forskningsartikler skal bruk av selvkomprimerende betong (SKB) kunne gi flere fordeler som tradisjonell betong ikke kan tilby. Likevel har SKB en relativt lav markedsandel i Norge, og bruken er ...