Browsing TKD - Master i Anvendt data- og informasjonsteknologi (ACIT) by Title
Now showing items 240-244 of 244
A web-based tool to calculate the health profile during the innovation process of new food products
(ACIT;2022, Master thesis, 2022)Food is a basic need in our daily life, and this is why we need to consume healthy foods. Fremtidsmat is a Norwegian food cluster for food and beverage producers, research institutes, and knowledge companies to develop ... -
Wireless security and user attitude in SOHO environments
(Master thesis, 2006)Wireless telecommunications networks have been one of the outstanding success stories over the last decade or so. Wireless Local Area Networks (WLANs) are reaching the same success in a very short time.[1] Corporate and ... -
XMask Clustering: Leveraging eXplainable AI and Clustering for Medical Knowledge Discovery
(Master thesis, 2023)Deep Learning, a subset of machine learning, has shown great ability in supervised medical image classification tasks. Although there are significant advantages, DL models have low interpretability and are considered ... -
Your head in the clouds - Towards intuitive cloud interaction through virtual reality
(Master thesis, 2023)As cloud services continue to expand every year, their complexity in terms of user interaction also increases. For the untrained, navigating cloud tools can be confusing, especially when the interaction still relies on ... -
Å vere lærar i programmering utan å kunne programmere
(Master thesis, 2019)Programmering er på veg inn i den norske skulen om ein del av fornyinga av læreplanane i Norge, omtala som Fagfornyinga, den største endringa i skulen sidan Kunnskapsløftet i 2006. Fagfornyinga vart lansert med ei målsetjing ...