Purchasing Power Parity in Scandinavian Countries: Multi-Period Approach
This paper investigate the idea of PPP for Scandinavian countries for the period
1946-2015. The dynamic properties of PPP is examined by graphical analysis and
ADF test. Johansen test is applied to asses the long-run relationship between
exchange rates and relative price levels. This paper nds partial support for the
PPP hypothesis. That is, for both currency pairs, the PPP is supported only in
one sub-sample while not in other sub-samples. Denne oppgaven tar for seg hypotesen om kj pekraftsparitet mellom nordiske land
for perioden 1946-2015. De dynamiske egenskapene til PPP er studert ved gra ske
analyser og ADF test. Johansen test er anvendt for a studere den langsiktige
relasjonene mellom valutakurser og relative priser. Denne oppgaven konkluderer at
kj pekratspariteten holder for begge valuta-par men kun i en periode.
Master i økonomi og administrasjon