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dc.contributor.advisorSeltzer, Michael
dc.contributor.advisorBangstad, Sindre
dc.contributor.authorRaja, Madia
dc.descriptionMaster i sosialt arbeiden_US
dc.description.abstractDenne masteroppgaven omhandler eldre pakistanere og deres tanker og behov knyttet til alderdom i Norge. Hensikten med denne studien har vært å bli kjent med eldre pakistanere gjennom deres liv og yrkeshistorie, og finne ut hvor og hvordan disse eldre ønsker å tilbringe sin alderdom. Mitt ønske med denne oppgaven har blant annet vært å bidra til å skape ny kunnskap om eldres oppfatninger og opplevelse av å bli eldre i et fremmed land gjennom deres egne stemmer. Denne studien er basert på kvalitative intervju med seks eldre pakistanere, menn som innvandret på grunn av arbeidskraft på 1970-tallet og kvinner som følge av familiegjenforening i 1980 årene. I denne kvalitative studien av masteroppgaven har jeg tatt utgangspunkt i mine informanters ønsker og behov knyttet til alderdom og vist at pakistanske eldre som eldes i Norge har særegne behov i kraft av deres kultur, religion og immigrasjonshistorie. Gjennom analysen har jeg vist hvordan mine informanter omgjøres til de andre i flere diskursive sammenhenger. Eldre pakistanere som eldes i Norge opplever flere risikofaktorer i kraft av sin etnisitet, religion og andre sosioøkonomiske forhold noe som ytterligere marginaliserer deres posisjon som eldre innvandrere i et fremmed land.nob
dc.description.abstractThis thesis deals with older Pakistanis and their thoughts and needs related to old age in Norway. The purpose of this study was to explore the old Pakistanis through their life and professional history, and find out where and how these older want to spend their old age. My aim with this study has been to help to create new knowledge about the elderly's perceptions and experiences of growing older in a foreign country through their own voices. This study is based on qualitative interviews with six older Pakistanis, men who immigrated to Norway to work in the 1970‟s and women as a result of reunification in the 1980‟s. This qualitative study is based on my informants wishes and needs related to old age. The study has shown that Pakistani elderly age in Norway have special needs by virtue of their culture, religion and immigration history. Through the analysis, I have shown how my informants turned into the other in several discursive contexts. Older age Pakistanis in Norway are experiencing multiple risk factors by virtue of their ethnicity, religion and other socio-economic conditions which further marginalize their position as older immigrants in a foreign country.en_US
dc.description.sponsorshipThis thesis deals with older Pakistanis and their thoughts and needs related to old age in Norway. The purpose of this study was to explore the old Pakistanis through their life and professional history, and find out where and how these older want to spend their old age. My aim with this study has been to help to create new knowledge about the elderly's perceptions and experiences of growing older in a foreign country through their own voices. This study is based on qualitative interviews with six older Pakistanis, men who immigrated to Norway to work in the 1970‟s and women as a result of reunification in the 1980‟s. This qualitative study is based on my informants wishes and needs related to old age. The study has shown that Pakistani elderly age in Norway have special needs by virtue of their culture, religion and immigration history. Through the analysis, I have shown how my informants turned into the other in several discursive contexts. Older age Pakistanis in Norway are experiencing multiple risk factors by virtue of their ethnicity, religion and other socio-economic conditions which further marginalize their position as older immigrants in a foreign country.en_US
dc.publisherHøgskolen i Oslo. Avdeling for samfunnsfagen_US
dc.subjectVDP::Samfunnsvitenskap: 200::Sosialt arbeid: 360en_US
dc.titleNår gjestene blir : en kvalitativstudie av eldre pakistanere og deres alderdom i Norgeen_US
dc.typeMaster thesisen_US

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