Management of high availability services using virtualization
This thesis examines the use of virtualization in management of high availability
services using open source tools. The services are hosted in virtual
machines, which can be seamlessly migrated between the physical nodes in
the cluster automatically by high availability software. Currently there are no
complete open source solutions that provide migration of virtual machines as
a method for repair.
The work is based on the high availability software Heartbeat. In this work,
an add-on to Heartbeat is developed, allowing Heartbeat to be able to seamlessly
migrate the virtual machines between the physical nodes, when shut
down gracefully. This add-on is tested in a proof of concept cluster, where
Heartbeat runs Xen virtual machines with high availability. The impact of migration
has been measured for both TCP and UDP services, both numerically
and heuristically. The outages caused by graceful failures (e.g. rebooting) are
measured to be around 1/4 seconds. Practical tests are also performed. The
impression is that the outages are not noticed by the users of latency critical
services as game servers or streaming audio servers.
Master i nettverks- og systemadministrasjon
Høgskolen i Oslo. Avdeling for ingeniørutdanningUniversitetet i Oslo