Evaluation of performance and space utilisation when using snapshots in the ZFS and Hammer file systems
Modern file systems implements snapshots, or read-only point-in-time representations
of the file system. Snapshots can be used to keep a record of the
changes made to the data, and improve backups. Previous work had shown
that snapshots decrease read- and write performance, but there was an open
question as to how the number of snapshots affect the file system. This thesis
studies this on the ZFS and Hammer file systems. The study is done by running
a series of benchmarks and creating snapshots of each file system. The
results show that performance decreases significantly on both ZFS and Hammer,
and ZFS becomes unstable after a certain point; there is a steep decrease
in performance, and increase in latency and the variance of the measurements.
The performance of ZFS is significantly lower than on Hammer, and the performance
decrease is higher. On space utilisation, the results are linear for ZFS,
up to the point where the system turns unstable. The results are not linear on
Hammer, but more work is needed to reveal by which function.
Master i nettverks- og systemadministrasjon
Høgskolen i Oslo. Avdeling for ingeniørutdanningUniversitetet i Oslo