Towards automatic management and live migration of virtual machines
This project will concider management of a Xen-based virtual infrastructure
in several aspects. First, management of the infrastructure itself with configuration
and provisioning of virtual machines, followed by a proof-of-concept
model for dynamic resource sharing for the virtual machines using the newly
introduced Xen-API for resource consumption monitoring. Experiments will
document the feasibility of such a model, using both single, independent virtual
machines and various size private networks connected by local bridge devices.
Two applications, XeniNFO for resource consumption monitoring and
XenGuard for load balancing of the virtual infrastructure using live migration,
have been developed. XenGuard, which utilizes the features of XeniNFO, has
been merged with the open source virtual machine management tool MLN
(Manage Large Networks) and will be publicly available in a future release
of MLN while XeniNFO has been contributed to XenSource and is publicly
available from the Xen-Unstable repository.
Master i nettverks- og systemadministrasjon
Høgskolen i Oslo. Avdeling for ingeniørutdanningUniversitetet i Oslo