User involvement is increasingly important in developing relevant health care services. The aim of
this study was to contribute to a deeper understanding of user involvement and patients
experiential knowledge
as recognized and incorporated into clinical practice by rehabilitation professionals.
A qualitative design using a grounded theory approach was applied. Data were collected by
observations of the interprofessional meetings at two rehabilitation units treating patients with traumatic brain
injury and multiple trauma and by individual semi-structured interviews with rehabilitation professionals.
The professionals recognized and incorporated user involvement into clinical practice as formal or
authentic. Formal user involvement was sometimes considered pro forma. Incorporating patient
knowledge was considered a part of authentic user involvement. Possible gaps between the patients
knowledge and professional expertise were recognized. Challenges included dealing with
, sources of
information external to the patients
own experiences, and addressing the patients
possibly reduced insight due to
experiential knowledge was recognized as an essential component of the professionals
knowledge base. The professionals considered user involvement and patients
experiential knowledge as part of
their clinical practice. Implementation of user involvement and contribution of patients
experiential knowledge
could be improved by understanding the issues raised in practice, such as possible negative consequences of user
involvement in form of burdening or disempowering the patients. A better understanding of the characteristics and
measures of user involvement is necessary in order to be able to offer its full benefits for both the patients and the