• Counting maximal Lagrangian subbundles over an algebraic curve 

      Cheong, Daewoong; Choe, Insong; Hitching, George Harry (Journal of Geometry and Physics;Volume 167, September 2021, 104288, Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)
      Let C be a smooth projective curve and W a symplectic bundle over C. Let LQe(W) be the Lagrangian Quot scheme parametrizing Lagrangian subsheaves E ⊂ W of degree e. We give a closed formula for intersection numbers on ...
    • Quantum Riemannian geometry of quantum projective spaces 

      Matassa, Marco (Journal of Geometry and Physics;Volume 179, September 2022, 104611, Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022-07-11)
      We study the quantum Riemannian geometry of quantum projective spaces of any dimension. In particular, we compute the Riemann and Ricci tensors using previously introduced quantum metrics and quantum Levi-Civita connections. ...