Strukturerende virkemidler - En narratologisk undersøkelse av muntlig
Since the early beginnings of human existence we have shared narratives with each other; from
ancient cave paintings to the stories that we share from our everyday life by facebook statuses or
the movies we watch on Netflix.
Even though oral story telling is assumed to be the first medium of these narratives, according to
historians, it has only recently been admitted into the Norwegian educational system. In this
master thesis I shall examine this expressive art form in the light of the science of narratives;
Narratology is in the context of this thesis, briefly summarized, a human science that seeks to
interpret what is depicted in a narrative, and how this is done. It is common to apply the
diconomy story level and discourse level on a narrative, where the first term corresponds with
what and the latter one with how. Further the theory of narratolgy offers categories of devices to
understand and to sort out what from the story level that is represented on the discourse level of
the narrative, and how it´s done. When the discursive articulation through this process of
representation is done, the narrative is ready to be manifested in a medium.
In this thesis I attempt to discover how "Krigsfortellinger", as a representaive of the art of oral
story telling, relates to different categories presented in narrative theory. The theoretical
framework is mainly based on the perspectives of Seymour Chatman and Gèrard Genette, who
are both described as structuralists in the field of narratology. Through hermeneutic interpretation
I shall perform a narratological analysis where I examine "Krigsfortellingers" application of
narrative effects.
Master i estetiske fag