Browsing Senter for velferds- og arbeidslivsforskning (SVA) by Subject "Gender"
Now showing items 1-9 of 9
1918 pandemic morbidity: the first wave hits the poor, the second wave hits the rich
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)Background Whether morbidity from the 1918‐19 influenza pandemic discriminated by socioeconomic status has remained a subject of debate for 100 years. In lack of data to study this issue, the recent literature has ... -
Examination of the double burden hypothesis—a systematic review of work–family conflict and sickness absence
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)Background: Women consistently have higher sickness absence than men. The double-burden hypothesis suggests this is due to higher work–family burden in women than men. The current study aimed to systematically review ... -
Gender and Globalization of Academic Labor Markets: Research and Teaching Staff at Nordic Universities
(Social Inclusion;Volume 9, Issue 3, Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021-07-21)In this article, we investigate how the globalized academic labor market has changed the composition of teaching and research staff at Swedish, Norwegian, and Finnish universities. We use national statistical data on the ... -
Health effects of retirement: evidence from survey and register data
(Journal of Population Economics;Volume 33, Issue 2, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019-07-05)Using a local randomized experiment that arises from the statutory retirement age in Norway, we study the effect of retirement on health across gender and socioeconomic status. We apply data from administrative registers ... -
Health trends in the wake of the financial crisis—increasing inequalities?
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)Aim: The financial crisis that hit Europe in 2007–2008 and the corresponding austerity policies have generated concern about increasing health inequalities, although impacts have been less salient than initially expected. ... -
How demographic patterns and social policies shape interdependence among lives in the family realm
(Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2016)Our starting point is that a social psychological approach dominates the literature on interdependent or “linked” lives (Elder, 1994). We argue that interdependence is not only social-psychological, but is ... -
Hybride maskuliniteter og hatideologi på nett: en litteraturgjennomgang om incels i et feministisk medievitenskapelig perspektiv
(Norsk Medietidsskrift;Årgang 29, nr. 2-2022, Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022-06-07)I denne litteraturgjennomgangen om incels og nettsamfunn ønsker vi å øke kunnskapen om et fenomen som det er begrenset forskning på. Incels (akronym fra det engelske involuntary celibate) utgjør en ny distinkt nettbevegelse ... -
Inequalities in the making: The role of young people’s relational resources through the Covid-19 lockdown
(Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)Since the outbreak of the Covid-19 pandemic, youth researchers have reported increased inequalities between young people, but the social processes that drive these changes are not well understood. In this paper, we draw ... -
Military Leadership
(Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2017)