• By eller forstad? En diskusjon av barnefamiliers flyttemotiver 

      Andersen, Bengt; Skrede, Joar (Nordic Journal of Urban Studies;Volume 2, No. 1-2022, Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022-06-10)
      Oslo kommune har som uttalt mål at indre by skal være et attraktivt bosted for barnefamilier. Flere kommentatorer, inkludert forskere, har hevdet at reurbanisering er en tydelig trend. Det vil si at bylivet er populært, ...
    • The directors of urban transformation: The case of Oslo 

      Andersen, Bengt; Hannah, Ander; Skrede, Joar (Local Economy;Vol 35, Issue 7, 2020, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020-11-01)
      We investigate the urban transformation strategies of major developers and other key actors in the context of neoliberalism and its influence on politics, including urban development governance. Drawing primarily on ...
    • The Emotional Element of Urban Densification 

      Skrede, Joar; Andersen, Bengt (Local Environment: International Journal of Justice and Sustainability;Volume 27, 2022 - Issue 2, Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022-02-06)
      In this paper, we will delve into a somewhat unexplored element of urban densification – namely, people’s emotional responses to physically and socially densified neighbourhoods. Undoubtedly, there is a vast amount of ...
    • Erfaringer med å sikre arkitektonisk kvalitet gjennom planlegging 

      Andersen, Bengt; Dalseide, Astri Margareta; Hanssen, Gro Sandkjær; Skrede, Joar; Staven, Helle Dyrendahl; Mamelund, Svenn-Erik (AFI FoU-resultat;2020:04, Research report, 2020)
      Arbeidsforskningsinstituttet (AFI) ved OsloMet – storbyuniversitetet har, i samarbeid med arkitektkontoret Kåmmån, Norsk institutt for by- og regionsforskning (NIBR, OsloMet) og Norsk instiutt for kulturminneforskning (NIKU), ...
    • Medvirkningsideologiens inntog i byplanleggingen - en invitasjon til grubling 

      Andersen, Bengt; Skrede, Joar (Kart og plan;01-02 / 2021 (Volum 114), Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021-05-31)
      Researchers, urban planners, developers, public officials and research funders, argue that public participation is democratic and just, as well as necessary in order to develop good plans and a better urban development. ...
    • Remembering and reconfiguring industrial heritage: the case of the digester in Moss, Norway 

      Skrede, Joar; Andersen, Bengt (Landscape Research;Volume 46, 2021 - Issue 3: Special Section: Multidisciplinary Engagements with Port Arthur’s Landscapes of In/justice, Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020-12-28)
      In Moss, Norway, a former cellulose factory is currently being adapted for new uses. The onsite digester, a high-rise steel structure that was used to make cellulose before the factory closed in 2012, is a landmark on the ...
    • Selling homes: the polysemy of visual marketing 

      Skrede, Joar; Andersen, Bengt (Social Semiotics;, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020-05-19)
      In this article, we will demonstrate how a social semiotic reading of a housing advertisement campaign differs from the audience reception of it. We have talked to the campaign’s producer – the Norwegian housing developer ...
    • A Suburban Dreamscape Outshining Urbanism: The Case of Housing Advertisements 

      Skrede, Joar; Andersen, Bengt (Space and Culture;First published online May 21, 2019, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)
      Cities and suburbs are often constructed as different socio-spatial entities to afford different ways of life. Although that dichotomy has been challenged, it has maintained its popularity in academic discourse. As with ...
    • Visualising the past for the future: a social semiotic reading of urban heritage 

      Skrede, Joar; Andersen, Bengt (Social Semiotics;, Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022-02-02)
      Peterson, Norway, was a former cellulose factory that is in the process of being transformed into new usage. A landmark at the premises is the “digester,” a high-rise steel structure used to make cellulose before the factory ...