Browsing ODA Open Digital Archive by Author "Thorstensen, Erik"
Now showing items 1-20 of 26
Assessments of emerging science and technologies: Mapping the landscape
Forsberg, Ellen-Marie; Thorstensen, Erik; Nielsen, Rasmund Øjvind; De Bakker, Erik (Science and Public Policy;41(3), Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2014-05-23)This paper presents comparative work from the EST-Frame project on technology appraisal. It focuses on studies of ‘advisory domains’ (more or less distinct traditions for assessment of technologies, such as risk analysis, ... -
Community Health Care Workers’ Experiences on Enacting Policy on Technology with Citizens with Mild Cognitive Impairment and Dementia
Holthe, Torhild; Halvorsrud, Liv Torill; Thorstensen, Erik; Karterud, Dag; Laliberte Rudman, Debbie; Lund, Anne (Journal of Multidisciplinary Healthcare;Volume 2020: 13, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020-05-19)Purpose: Assistive technologies and digitalization of services are promoted through health policy as key means to manage community care obligations efficiently, and to enable older community care recipients With mild cognitive ... -
Creating Golems: Uses of Golem Stories in the Ethics of Technologies
Thorstensen, Erik (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017-03-23)People tell stories. In stories, the narrator and the receiver can perceive meanings. These meanings can be analyzed again through larger interpretative framings. In this article, different ethical uses of the golem story ... -
Den nye ateismens grunnlag og argumentasjon
Thorstensen, Erik (DIN: Religionsvitenskapelig tidsskrift;(2), Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2013)Den nye ateismen påberoper seg en moralsk og epistemologisk overlegenhet ved å være fundert i vitenskapen. Med utgangspunkt i Ulrich Becks tese om risikosamfunnet ser jeg på oppkomsten av den naturalistiske religionskritikken ... -
Evaluating Ethical Frameworks for the Assessment of Human Cognitive Enhancement Applications
Forsberg, Ellen-Marie; Shelley-Egan, Clare; Thorstensen, Erik; Landeweerd, Laurens; Hofmann, Bjørn (SpringerBriefs in Ethics;2017, Book; Peer reviewed, 2017)This book offers the policy-maker or decision-maker key insights and practical information regarding the features of ethics frameworks best suited to the ethical assessment of human cognitive enhancement (HCE) applications, ... -
Exploring value dilemmas of brain monitoring technology through speculative design scenarios
Risnes, Martha; Thorstensen, Erik; Mirtaheri, Peyman; Berg, Arild Skarsfjord (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)In the field of brain monitoring, the advancement of more user-friendly wearable and non-invasive devices is introducing new opportunities for application outside the lab and clinical use. Despite the growing importance ... -
Hva nå, Tøyen?
Brattbakk, Ingar; Hagen, Aina Landsverk; Rosten, Monika Grønli; Sæter, Oddrun; Osuldsen, Jenny; Andersen, Bengt; Thorstensen, Erik; Bratseth, Katja (AFI Rapport 2015:8, Research report, 2015)AFI har, i samarbeid med Storbyprogrammet (HiOA) og arkitektfirmaet Snøhetta, gjennomført en bred sosiokulturell stedsanalyse av Tøyen på oppdrag for Oslo kommune ved Bydel Gamle Oslo. Oppdraget var å kartlegge og analysere ... -
Images of Place, Secularity and Gentrification: On Urban Religious Belonging in an Inner City Neighbourhood in Oslo
Thorstensen, Erik; Hagen, Aina Landsverk; Brattbakk, Ingar (Ubiquity Press;volume 10, issue 1, Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021-03-25)Through extensive fieldwork conducted in an inner city neighbourhood in Oslo, Norway, the authors found that a variation of actors and settings evoked different religious and secular images of place. In what ways is the ... -
Integrated assessment of emerging science and technologies as creating learning processes among assessment communities
Forsberg, Ellen-Marie; Ribero, Barbara; Heyen, Nils B.; Nielsen, Rasmus Øjvind; Thorstensen, Erik; De Bakker, Erik; Klüver, Lars; Reiss, Thomas; Beekman, Volkert; Millar, Kate (Journal article; Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2016-07-28)Emerging science and technologies are often characterised by complexity, uncertainty and controversy. Regulation and governance of such scientific and technological developments needs to build on knowledge and evidence ... -
Involving older adults in technology research and development discussions through dialogue cafés
Lund, Anne; Holthe, Torhild; Halvorsrud, Liv Torill; Karterud, Dag; Johannessen, Adele Flakke; Lovett, Hilde; Thorstensen, Erik; Casagrande, Flavia Dias; Zouganeli, Evi; Norvoll, Reidun; Forsberg, Ellen Marie (Research Involvement and Engagement;7:26, Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021-05-10)Abstract Background: Citizen involvement is important for ensuring the relevance and quality of many research and innovation efforts. Literature shows that inadequate citizen involvement poses an obstacle during the research, ... -
Involving older adults in technology research and development discussions through dialogue cafés
Lund, Anne; Holthe, Torhild; Halvorsrud, Liv Torill; Karterud, Dag; Flakke-Johannessen, Adele; Lovett, Hilde; Thorstensen, Erik; Casagrande, Flavia Dias; Zouganeli, Evi; Norvoll, Reidun; Forsberg, Ellen-Marie (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)Citizen involvement is important for ensuring the relevance and quality of many research and innovation efforts. Literature shows that inadequate citizen involvement poses an obstacle during the research, development, and ... -
Is RRI a new R&I logic? A reflection from an integrated RRI project.
Forsberg, Ellen-Marie; Thorstensen, Erik; Casagrande, Flavia Dias; Holthe, Torhild; Halvorsrud, Liv Torill; Lund, Anne; Zouganeli, Evi (Journal of Responsible Technology;Volume 5, 100007, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020-12-04)This article presents an analysis of a project in the field of assisted living technologies (ALT) for older adults where Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI) is used as an overall approach to the research and technology ... -
New Czech & Certified Methodology „Tools of Resilience“
Dobeš, Pavel; Novotný, Petr; Danihelka, Pavel; Baudišová, Barbora; Nešporová, Veronika; Thorstensen, Erik; Toseroni, Fulvio (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)The article deals with possibilities of better governance regarding natural and anthropogenic risks and building of resilience of medium towns and cities against disasters. Such systematic approach could be applied for ... -
Patent-holders on expert committees. Can there be a conflict of interest?
Thorstensen, Erik (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2015)The presence of experts holding patents and simultaneously providing policy advice on areas in which they hold these patents poses several normative questions. Through a comparative study of several IPCC ... -
The Places of Memory in a Square of Monuments: Conceptions of Past, Freedom and History at Szabadság Tér
Thorstensen, Erik (E-Journal of the American Hungarian Educators Association;5 (8), Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2012)In this paper I try to approach contemporary Hungarian political culture through an analysis of the history of changing monuments at Szabadság Tér in Budapest. The paper has as its point of origin a protest/irredentist ... -
Privacy and Future Consent in Smart Homes as Assisted Living Technologies
Thorstensen, Erik (Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2018)In the field of assisted living technologies, one central strand is to investigate how smart homes might fulfill ambitions for older adults to live longer at home. With the advent of the General Data Protection Regulative ... -
Public involvement and narrative fallacies of nanotechnologies
Thorstensen, Erik (NanoEthics;, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2014-08-12)This paper analyzes a European research project called ‘Deepening Ethical Engagement and Participation in Emerging Nanotechnologies’ with the abbreviation DEEPEN. The DEEPEN’s findings and conclusions on the narratives, ... -
Regional Development and Climate Change Adaptation: A Study of the Role of Legitimacy
Thorstensen, Erik; Forsberg, Ellen-Marie; Underthun, Anders; Danihelka, Pavel; Řeháček, Jakub (Peer reviewed; Journal article; Journal article, 2016)This paper presents results from a study of Czech Local Action Groups (LAGs), focusing on gaining knowledge about their internally perceived legitimacy and their potential role in local ... -
A Report from the Field: Doing RRI from Scratch in an Assisted Living Technology Research and Development Project
Forsberg, Ellen-Marie; Thorstensen, Erik (Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2018)The transdisciplinary Assisted Living project conducts research within (ICT), health science, social science and ethics. The overall aim of the project is to advance responsible research and innovation (RRI) in the field ... -
Responsibility for Assistive Technologies: Product Assessment Frameworks and Responsible Research and Innovation
Thorstensen, Erik (Etikk i praksis - Nordic Journal of Applied Ethics;Årgang 13 No 1, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019-05-10)The approach to innovations known as Responsible research and innovation (RRI) aims to move the innovation system towards creating products that strive to realize social values along with economic benefits. This paper ...