Browsing ODA Open Digital Archive by Author "Henriksen, Lena"
Now showing items 1-20 of 40
Addressing Domestic Violence in Antenatal Care Environments in Nepal (ADVANCE) – study protocol for a randomized controlled trial evaluating a video intervention on domestic violence among pregnant women
Chalise, Pratibha; Manandhar, Pratibha; Infanti, Jennifer Jean; Campbell, Jacquelyn C; Henriksen, Lena; Joshi, Sunil Kumar; Koju, Rajendra; Pun, Kunta Devi; Rishal, Poonam; Simpson, Melanie Rae; Skovlund, Eva; Swahnberg, Katarina; Schei, Berit; Lukasse, Mirjam (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)Background Domestic violence (DV) prior to, and during pregnancy is associated with increased risks for morbidity and mortality. As pregnant women routinely attend antenatal care this environment can be used to offer support ... -
Adherence to the Norwegian dietary recommendations in a multi‐ethnic pregnant population prior to being diagnosed with gestational diabetes mellitus
Torheim, Liv Elin; Henriksen, Lena; Borgen, Iren; Lukasse, Mirjam; Holmelid, Sigrid (Food Science and Nutrition;First published 22 October 2019, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019-09-21)Maternal diet is a modifiable risk factor for the development of gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM). Even though pregnant women are considered to be motivated to eat healthy, previous research found unhealthy eating ... -
Ammestart under en global pandemi
Thorsteinsen, Cathrine; Stette, Ann Helen Høghjelle (MAJO;2020, Master thesis, 2020)Hensikt: Å gi et innblikk i førstegangsfødendes ammestart under en periode hvor rutinene i føde- og barselomsorgen har vært endret. Dette vil kunne gi grunnlag for å vurdere om helsevesenet har klart å fremme amming i tråd ... -
Antenatal depression and the association of intimate partner violence among a culturally diverse population in southeastern Norway: A cross-sectional study
Melby, Thea Cathrine; Sørensen, Nina Benedicte; Henriksen, Lena; Lukasse, Mirjam; Flaathen, Eva Marie (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)Introduction: Antenatal depression and intimate partner violence (IPV) are independently associated with adverse short- and long-term health effects for women and their children. The main aim of the study was to investigate ... -
Burnout among Norwegian midwives and the contribution of personal and work-related factors: A cross-sectional study
Henriksen, Lena; Lukasse, Mirjam (Journal article; Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2016-10)Introduction Burnout can be the result of long-term exposure to personal and/or work-related stressors and affect midwives performance of care. Aim To assess burnout levels among Norwegian midwives and identify ... -
Covid-19: ammestart under en global pandemi
Stette, Ann Helen Høghjelle; Thorsteinsen, Catherine; Henriksen, Lena (Sykepleien Forskning;16 (85747), Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021-05-11)Bakgrunn: Amming og morsmelk har en rekke helsefordeler for både mor og barn. For at kvinner skal få til ammingen, er det viktig med støtte fra partneren deres, og helseinstitusjonen må ha en strukturert og positiv tilnærming ... -
Cultural Sensitivity in Interventions Aiming to Reduce or Prevent Intimate Partner Violence During Pregnancy: A Scoping Review
Henriksen, Lena; Kisa, Sezer; Lukasse, Mirjam; Flaathen, Eva Marie; Mortensen, Berit; Karlsen, Elisabeth (Trauma, Violence, & Abuse;, Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021-06-10)Intimate partner violence (IPV) around the time of pregnancy is a recognized global health problem. Ethnic minorities and immigrant pregnant women experiencing IPV require culturally responsive health services. The aim of ... -
Cultural Sensitivity in Interventions Aiming to Reduce or Prevent Intimate Partner Violence During Pregnancy: A Scoping Review
Henriksen, Lena; Kisa, Sezer; Lukasse, Mirjam; Flaathen, Eva Marie; Mortensen, Berit; Karlsen, Elisabeth; Garnweidner-Holme, Lisa (Trauma, Violence, & Abuse;, Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021-06-10)Intimate partner violence (IPV) around the time of pregnancy is a recognized global health problem. Ethnic minorities and immigrant pregnant women experiencing IPV require culturally responsive health services. The aim of ... -
Developing and validating the Nepalese Abuse Assessment Screen (N-AAS) for identifying domestic violence among pregnant women in Nepal
Manandhar, Pratibha; Chalise, Pratibha; Rishal, Poonam; Campbell, Jacquelyn C; Henriksen, Lena; Infanti, Jennifer Jean; Joshi, Sunil Kumar; Lukasse, Mirjam; Pun, Kunta Devi; Schei, Berit; Swahnberg, Katarina (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)This study culturally adapted and validated a Nepalese version of the Abuse Assessment Screen (AAS) tool for identifying domestic violence among pregnant women in Nepal, creat- ing the Nepalese Abuse Assessment Screen ... -
Effect of the pregnant+ smartphone app on the dietary behavior of women with gestational diabetes mellitus: Secondary analysis of a randomized controlled trial
Garnweidner-Holme, Lisa; Henriksen, Lena; Torheim, Liv Elin; Lukasse, Mirjam (JMIR mhealth and uhealth;Vol 8, No 11 (2020): November, Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020-11-04)Objective: We analyzed secondary data from a two-arm, multicentered, nonblinded randomized controlled trial to determine if a smartphone app with targeted dietary information and blood glucose monitoring had an effect on ... -
Effektiv og trygg fødselsinduksjon: En retrospektiv kohortstudie av førstegangsfødende indusert med Misoprostol® eller Misodel® på Kvinneklinikken Ullevål sykehus, OUS, i 2017
Fjellseth, Karoline; Angell, Martine (MAJO;2018, Master thesis, 2018)Hensikt: Studiens hensikt er å undersøke eventuelle forskjeller i tidsutfall og keisersnittfrekvens ved induksjon med Misoprostol®og Misodel®. Problemstilling: Er det forskjell i tid til aktiv fødsel, tid til forløsning ... -
Er det en assosiasjon mellom svangerskapsdepresjon og en historie med partnervold? - En tverrsnittstudie av gravide kvinner i Sørøst-Norge
Sørensen, Nina Benedicte; Melby, Thea Cathrine (MAJO;2021, Master thesis, 2021)Hensikt: Å kartlegge forekomsten av svangerskapsdepresjon og partnervold, samt å undersøke en eventuell assosiasjon mellom de to. Studiens funn kan være bidragsytende og benyttes som implikasjon for å heve kunnskapen ... -
Experiences of childbirth care among immigrant and non-immigrant women: a cross-sectional questionnaire study from a hospital in Norway
Reppen, Kristin; Henriksen, Lena; Schei, Berit; Magnussen, Elisabeth Balstad; Infanti, Jennifer Jean (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)Background Immigrant women have higher risks for poor pregnancy outcomes and unsatisfactory birth experi- ences than the general population. The mechanisms behind these associations remain largely unknown, but they may ... -
Factors associated with the level of physical activity in a multi‑ethnic pregnant population – a cross‑sectional study at the time of diagnosis with gestational diabetes
Garnweidner-Holme, Lisa; Henriksen, Lena; Bjerkan, Kirsti; Lium, June Siren; Lukasse, Mirjam (BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth;22, Article number: 1 (2022), Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022-01-03)Background: Regular physical activity during pregnancy can prevent several adverse health outcomes during this period of a woman’s life. Previous studies have shown that many women do not meet national recommendations for ... -
Factors related to a negative birth experience - A mixed methods study
Henriksen, Lena; Grimsrud, Elisabeth; Schei, Berit; Lukasse, Mirjam (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017-05-08)Objective this study aimed to explore factors associated with a negative childbirth experience including descriptions from women themselves. Design we performed a mixed methods study based on data from the Norwegian ... -
Fear of birth: Prevalence, counselling and method of birth at five obstetrical units in Norway
Henriksen, Lena; Borgen, Anette; Risløkken, Jeanette; Lukasse, Mirjam (Women and Birth;, Journal article; Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018-12-03)Background: There is increasing evidence that fear of birth can have long-term effects on the childbearing woman and the method of birth. Aim: To examine differences between five hospitals in Norway in the occurrence ... -
Fødselshjelp til fostre i seteleie ved Oslo universitetssykehus, Ullevål fra 2000–2012
Henriksen, Lena; Knutsen, Hanne Karoline; Laine, Katariina (Sykepleien Forskning;Updated 02.01.2020, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)Bakgrunn: Det er omdiskutert hvordan kvinner bør føde ved seteleie. I oktober 2000 kom resultatene av The Term Breech Trial (TBT), som konkluderte med at planlagt keisersnitt var tryggest ved seteleie til termin. Studien ... -
Hvordan opplever jordmødre å samtale med den gravide om vold: En systematisk oversikt over kvalitative studier
Moldestad, Cecilie (MAJO;2019, Master thesis, 2019)Bakgrunn: Jordmødre anbefales å snakke med gravide kvinner om deres voldserfaringer. Hensikt: Hensikten med studien er å få oversikt over tidligere forskning og sammenfatte en systematisk oversikt over hvordan jordmødre ... -
The impact of severe perinatal events on maternity care providers: a scoping review
Nieuwenhuijze, Marianne; Leahy‑Warren, Patricia; Healy, Maria; Aktaş, Songül; Aydin, Ruveyde; Calleja‑Agius, Jean; Goberna‑Tricas, Josefna; Hadjigeorgiou, Eleni; Hartmann, Eatharina; Henriksen, Lena; Horsch, Antje; Lange, Ute; Murphy, Margaret; Pierron, Annabelle; Schäfers, Rainhild; Pajalic, Zada; Verhoeven, Corine; Ruiz Berdun, Dolores; Hossain, Sheima (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2004)Background Severe events during the perinatal period can be experienced as traumatic by pregnant women, their partners or others who are closely involved. This includes maternity care providers who can be affected by being ... -
Intimate partner violence and the association of pregnancy intendedness – A cross-sectional study in southeastern Norway
Flaathen, Eva Marie; Lukasse, Mirjam; Småstuen, Milada Cvancarova; Garnweidner-Holme, Lisa; Henriksen, Lena (Sexual & Reproductive HealthCare;Volume 29, September 2021, 100651, Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021-08-05)Objectives: Unintended pregnancy in the context of intimate partner violence (IPV) is a public health issue. It is associated with increased health risks for women and their children. Our objective was to investigate the ...