Blar i ODA Open Digital Archive på forfatter "Henriksen, Lena"
"It is a difficult topic! - A qualitative study of midwives' experience with routine antenatal enquiry for intimate partner violence
Henriksen, Lena; Garnweidner-Holme, Lisa; Thorsteinsen, Kine Karoline; Lukasse, Mirjam (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)Background Intimate partner violence (IPV) during pregnancy may jeopardize maternal and fetal health (IJFWM 49:159-164, 2004; IJGO 133:269-276, 2016). In recognition of the significant public health impact of IPV, the ... -
Jormødre og kvinners erfaringer med kartlegging av vold i svangerskapsomsorgen - en kvalitativ metasyntese
Solberg, Sophie Skau; Johansen, Stine (Master thesis, 2023)Hensikt: Å undersøke jordmødres erfaringer med å kartlegge for vold, og kvinners erfaring med å bli kartlagt for vold. Problemstilling: Hvordan erfarer jordmødre og kvinner kartlegging av vold i nære relasjoner i ... -
Kvinners opplevelse av å ha et barn i seteleie. En systematisk litteraturstudie og kvalitativ syntese om kvinners erfaringer med ett barn i seteleie og deres ønske om vaginal setefødsel.
Troiner, Tine; Ekholdt, Tine (Master thesis, 2023)Hensikt: Finne ut hvilke erfaringer kvinner har med seteleie og deres ønske om vaginal setefødsel, samt øke forståelsen for hvordan ivareta og betrygge disse kvinnene. Problemstilling: «Hva er kvinners erfaringer med ... -
Lifetime sexual violence and childbirth expectations - A Norwegian population based cohort study
Henriksen, Lena; Schei, Berit; Lukasse, Mirjam (Midwifery; (36), Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2016-05)Objective this study aimed to explore the association between lifetime sexual violence and expectations about childbirth. Design Norwegian population-based cohort study. Setting women presenting for routine ... -
Management of Suspicions of Child Maltreatment at Child and Family Clinics: A Mixed-Methods Study
Midtsund, Astrid Durdei; Henriksen, Lena; Lukasse, Mirjam; Valla, Lisbeth (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)This study investigated Norwegian public health nurses working in child and family health clinics’ decision-making practices concerning child maltreatment. A one-phase convergent mixed-method design was utilized, with ... -
Midwives' attitudes toward and experience with a tablet intervention to promote safety behaviors for pregnant women reporting intimate partner violence: Qualitative study
Garnweidner-Holme, Lisa; Henriksen, Lena; Flaathen, Eva Marie; Bøhler, Tone Klette; Lukasse, Mirjam (JMIR mHealth and uHealth;Vol 8, No 5 (2020): May, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019-10-29)Background: Violence against women is considered a global health problem, and intimate partner violence (IPV) around the time of childbirth can have severe consequences for mother and child. Prenatal care is considered a ... -
Norwegian midwives' opinion of their midwifery education - a mixed methods study
Lukasse, Mirjam; Lilleengen, Anne Marie; Fylkesnes, Anne Margrethe; Henriksen, Lena (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)Background Midwifery education in Norway has undergone radical reforms in the past few decades. In 2004, the compulsory year of paid internship was removed from the requirement to become an authorised midwife. Since ... -
Norwegian midwives' perceptions of their practice environment: A mixed Methods study
Lukasse, Mirjam; Henriksen, Lena (Nursing Open;Volume 6, Issue 4 October 2019, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019-07-15)Aim: To investigate Norwegian midwives’ perceptions of their working environment. Design: A nationwide postal survey in 2014 collected information from 489 midwives, including the Practice Environment Scale and seven ... -
Pregnant Women's Attitudes Toward and Experiences With a Tablet Intervention to Promote Safety Behaviors in a Randomized Controlled Trial: Qualitative Study
Walter, Bente; Indreboe, Hege; Lukasse, Mirjam; Henriksen, Lena (JMIR Formative Research;Vol 5, No 7 (2021): July, Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021-07-20)Background: Intimate partner violence (IPV) is recognized as a global health problem. Women with low education and limited resources are more vulnerable, as are immigrant women. There is a lack of evidence on how health ... -
A qualitative study of public health nurses' experiences detecting and preventing child maltreatment in primary care settings
Midtsund, Astrid Durdei; Garnweidner-Holme, Lisa; Valla, Lisbeth; Henriksen, Lena (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)Aim: To explore how public health nurses in child and family health centres experi- ence detecting and preventing child maltreatment. Design: Qualitative study. Methods: Fourteen semi-structured individual interviews ... -
The Safe Pregnancy study - promoting safety behaviours in antenatal care among Norwegian, Pakistani and Somali pregnant women: a study protocol for a randomized controlled trial
Henriksen, Lena; Flaathen, Eva Marie; Angelshaug, Jeanette; Garnweidner-Holme, Lisa; Småstuen, Milada Cvancarova; Noll, Josef; Taft, Angela; Schei, Berit; Lukasse, Mirjam (BMC Public Health;19, Article number: 724 (2019), Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019-04-30)Background: Intimate partner violence (IPV) around the time of pregnancy is a recognized global health problem with damaging consequences. However, little is known about the effect of violence assessment and intervention ... -
Sexual violence and mode of delivery: a population-based cohort study
Henriksen, Lena; Schei, Berit; Vangen, Siri; Lukasse, Mirjam (BJOG: an International Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2014-06-18)Objective This study aimed to explore the association between sexual violence and mode of delivery. Design National cohort study. Setting Women presenting for routine ultrasound examinations were recruited to ... -
Sexual violence and neonatal outcomes: a Norwegian population-based cohort study
Henriksen, Lena; Schei, Berit; Vangen, Vangen Siri; Lukasse, Mirjam (BMJ Open;4(10), Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2014-10-14)Objective The objective of this study was to explore the association between sexual violence and neonatal outcomes. Design National cohort study. Setting Women were recruited to the Norwegian Mother and Child Cohort ... -
Sexual violence and pregnancy-related physical symptoms
Lukasse, Mirjam; Henriksen, Lena; Vangen, Siri; Schei, Berit (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2012-08-11)Background Few studies have investigated the impact of sexual violence on health during pregnancy. We examined the association between sexual violence and the reporting of physical symptoms during pregnancy. Methods A ... -
Talking about intimate partner violence inmulti-cultural antenatal care: a qualitativestudy of pregnant women’s advice forbetter communication in South-EastNorway
Garnweidner-Holme, Lisa; Lukasse, Mirjam; Solheim, Miriam; Henriksen, Lena (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)Background Intimate partner violence (IPV) against women constitutes a major public health problem. Antenatal care is considered a window of opportunity to disclose and to communicate about IPV. However, little is known ... -
Umbilical cord blood acid–base analysis at birth and long-term neurodevelopmental outcomes in children: a systematic review and meta-analysis
Myrhaug, Hilde Tinderholt; Kaasen, Anne; Pay, Aase Serine Devold; Henriksen, Lena; Smedslund, Geir; Saugstad, Ola Didrik; Blix, Ellen (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)Background: Umbilical cord blood acid–base sampling is routinely performed at many hospitals. Recent studies have questioned this practice and the association of acidosis with cerebral palsy. Objective: To investigate ... -
User-involvement in the development of a culturally sensitive intervention in the safe pregnancy study to prevent intimate partner violence
Flaathen, Eva Marie; Lukasse, Mirjam; Garnweidner-Holme, Lisa; Angelshaug, Jeanette; Henriksen, Lena (Violence against Women;, Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020-09-28)Intimate partner violence (IPV) during pregnancy has negative health impacts on the woman and the fetus. There is a lack of evidence supporting effective interventions to prevent IPV during pregnancy. This user-involvement ... -
Vold i svangerskapet – en kvalitativ studie av jordmødres opplevelse av kommunikasjonen om vold med gravide i svangerskapsomsorgen
Thorsteinsen, Kine Karoline (MAJO;2016, Master thesis, 2016)Hensikt: Å øke kunnskapen om hvordan jordmødres opplever kommunikasjonen om vold med gravide kvinner, etter at Nasjonal Faglig Retningslinje for Svangerskapsomsorgen ble revidert i 2014. Denne anbefaler å spørre alle gravide ... -
Women's preference for caesarean section and the actual mode of delivery - Comparing five sites in Norway
Lindstad Løvåsmoen, Elin Marie; Bjørgo, Mari Nyland; Lukasse, Mirjam; Schei, Berit; Henriksen, Lena (Sexual & Reproductive HealthCare;Volume 16, June 2018, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018-04-17)Objectives: The caesarean (CS) section rate varies among hospitals in Norway, and little is known about whether this is influenced by women’s preferences. The aim of this study was to investigate the differences in women’s ... -
Ønske om keisersnitt og faktisk fødselsutfall ved fem sykehus i Norge - En prospektiv kohortstudie
Bjørgo, Mari Nyland; Løvåsmoen, Elin Marie Lindstad (MAJO;2017, Master thesis, 2017)Hensikt: Å undersøke forskjeller mellom fem sykehus i Norge i forhold til kvinner som i svangerskapet ønsket keisersnitt, og hvordan disse kvinnene endte opp med å føde. Metode: En prospektiv kohortstudie av 2177 uselekterte ...