Browsing ODA Open Digital Archive by Author "Hansen, Thomas"
Now showing items 1-20 of 37
The age and well-being “paradox”: a longitudinal and multidimensional reconsideration
Hansen, Thomas; Blekesaune, Morten (European Journal of Ageing;19, Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022-05-23)This paper explores qualifcations to the much-discussed paradox that although aging is associated with multiple physical and social losses, subjective well-being (SWB) is stable or increasing in later life. We explore ... -
Aktivitetsvenn – en studie med vekt på de frivilliges erfaringer
Sørvoll, Jardar; Hansen, Thomas (Kort oppsummert;1, Working paper, 2019)NOVA forsker på frivillighet i lys av omsorgsutfordringene i et stadig mer aldrende samfunn. Dette notatet oppsummerer hovedfunn i en ny studie av Aktivitetsvenn, et frivillig tilbud rettet mot personer med demens. Studien ... -
Aktivitetsvenn. En studie av et frivillig tilbud rettet mot personer med demens med vekt på de frivilliges erfaringer
Sørvoll, Jardar; Hansen, Thomas (NOVA Rapport;4/19, Research report, 2019)Aktivitetsvenner er frivillige som med kurs og veiledning fra Nasjonalforeningen for folkehelsen gjør aktiviteter sammen med en som har demens. Aktivitetsvenntilbudet ble etablert av Nasjonal-foreningen i 2014 og driftes ... -
An “Army of Volunteers”? Engagement, Motivation, and Barriers to Volunteering among the Baby Boomers
Hansen, Thomas; Slagsvold, Britt (Journal of Gerontological Social Work;, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020-05-04)Aging baby boomers are expected to provide a large reservoir for the nonprofit sector. We find evidence which while broadly supportive of this idea also suggest limitations as to what can realistically be expected. Using ... -
Barn og unges levekår i lavinntektsfamilier
Elstad, Jon Ivar; Hansen, Thomas; Nordvik, Viggo; Ugreninov, Elisabeth; Kristofersen, Lars B.; Pedersen, Axel West; Sandbæk, Mona (NOVA Rapport 10/10, Research report, 2010)Målet med prosjektet «Barns levekår – betydningen av familiens inntekt» har vært å se nærmere på sammenhengen mellom familiens levekår og barns hverdag over tid. Hva innebærer det for barn i Norge å vokse opp i en familie ... -
Barn og unges levekår i lavinntektsfamilier
Elstad, Jon Ivar; Hansen, Thomas; Nordvik, Viggo; Ugreninov, Elisabeth; Kristofersen, Lars Bjarne; Pedersen, Axel West; Sandbæk, Mona (NOVA Rapport 10/10, Report, 2010)Målet med prosjektet «Barns levekår – betydningen av familiens inntekt» har vært å se nærmere på sammenhengen mellom familiens levekår og barns hverdag over tid. Hva innebærer det for barn i Norge å vokse opp i en familie ... -
Childlessness and Psychological Well-Being in Midlife and Old Age
Hansen, Thomas (Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2020-12-22)This entry reviews the literature on the relationship between parental status and psychological well-being in middle and old age. Psychological well-being is defined broadly, in order to capture the complexity of the costs ... -
Cohort Profile: The Norwegian Life Course, Ageing and Generation Study (NorLAG)
Veenstra, Marijke; Herlofson, Katharina; Aartsen, Marja; Hansen, Thomas; Hellevik, Tale; Henriksen, Gry; Løset, Gøril Kvamme; Vangen, Hanna (International Journal of Epidemiology;, Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021-01-26)The Norwegian Life Course, Ageing and Generation Study (NorLAG) was set up to gain new and updated knowledge on ageing and age-related changes in Norway. The nationwide, population-based study includes information on core ... -
Covid-fatigued? A longitudinal study of Norwegian older adults’ psychosocial well-being before and during early and later stages of the COVID-19 pandemic
Hansen, Thomas; Nilsen, Thomas Sevenius; Knapstad, Marit; Skirbekk, Vegard Fykse; Skogen, Jens Christoffer; Vedaa, Øystein; Nes, Ragnhild Bang (European Journal of Ageing;, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021-08-25)As the pandemic continues, many older adults are facing prolonged isolation and stress while having less access to traditional ways of coping. There is widespread concern that the situation is increasingly taking its toll ... -
Development of loneliness in midlife and old age: Its nature and correlates
von Soest, Tilmann; Luhmann, Maike; Hansen, Thomas; Gerstorf, Denis (Journal of Personality and Social Psychology;, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018-10-04)Research has long demonstrated that loneliness is a key risk factor for poor health. However, less is known about the development and predictors of loneliness across later adulthood. We examined these questions using ... -
Dynamics of volunteering and life satisfaction in midlife and old age: Findings from 12 European countries
Hansen, Thomas; Slagsvold, Britt; Aartsen, Marja; Deindl, Christian (Social Sciences;Volume 7, Issue 5, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018-05-04)A growing literature shows that doing voluntary work not only helps the wider community but can also improve one’s own well-being. To date, however, few studies have examined the relationship between volunteering and ... -
The East-West divide in late-life depression: Results from the Generations and Gender Survey
Hansen, Thomas; Slagsvold, Britt (Scandinavian Psychologist;, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017-03-08)This study explores Europe’s country differences in depressed mood among older men and women and the role individual-level socioeconomic status, health, and social variables play in these patterns. We use cross-sectional, ... -
Educational inequalities in late-life depression across Europe. Results from the Generations and Gender Survey
Hansen, Thomas; Veenstra, Marijke; Slagsvold, Britt (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)This study explores country- and gender-stratified educational differences in depression among older adults from 10 European countries. We examine inequalities in both absolute (prevalence differences) and relative (odds ... -
"En god forberedelse til å bli fosterforeldre": Evaluering av opplæringsprogrammet PRIDE
Stefansen, Kari; Hansen, Thomas (NOVA Rapport;2014:03, Research report, 2014-01)På oppdrag fra Barne-, ungdoms og familiedirektoratet (Bufdir) har NOVA gjennomført en evaluering av opplæringsprogrammet PRIDE (Parenting Resources for Information, Development and Education). Programmet retter seg mot ... -
Et Øst-Vest skille for eldres livskvalitet i Europa? En sammenligning av ensomhet og depressive symptomer i 12 land
Slagsvold, Britt; Hansen, Thomas (Nordisk Østforum;Volume 33, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)This study explores late-life loneliness and depression in European countries, noting the role of micro-level differences in socioeconomic status, health, and social variables. Findings from cross-sectional, nationally ... -
Exclusion from Social Relations in Later Life and the Role of Gender: A Heuristic Model
Aartsen, Marja; Walsh, Kieran; Villar, Feliciano; Lowenstein, Ariela; Katz, Ruth; Naim, Sigal; Motel-Klingebiel, Andreas; Wanka, Anna; Urbaniak, Anna Maria; Hansen, Thomas; Vidovićová, Lucie (Gender and Research;2021, 22 (1), Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021-08-30)Being socially connected is a universal human need, but a substantial number of older men and women are or become excluded from these connections in later life. Exclusion from social relations (ESR) is unwanted as it ... -
Exclusion from Social Relations in Later Life: Micro- and Macro-Level Patterns and Correlations in a European Perspective
Hansen, Thomas; Kafková, Marcela Petrová; Katz, Ruth; Lowenstein, Ariela; Naim, Sigal; Pavlidis, George; Villar, Feliciano; Walsh, Kieran; Aartsen, Marja (International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health (IJERPH);Volume 18, Issue 23, Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021-11-25)Older adults face particular risks of exclusion from social relationships (ESR) and are especially vulnerable to its consequences. However, research so far has been limited to specific dimensions, countries, and time points. ... -
Human values and retirement experiences: A longitudinal analysis of Norwegian data.
Blekesaune, Morten; Hansen, Thomas (Social Indicators Research;157 (2021), Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021-04-22)Motivational factors, such as one’s value system, may affect how people cope with the opportunities and challenges of retirement. This article explores the moderating roles of Schwartz’s four basic values (self-enhancement, ... -
Is There an Association Between Childhood Conditions and Exclusion from Social Relations in Later Life?
Kafková, Marcela Petrová; Fučík, Petr; Aartsen, Marja; Hansen, Thomas; Katz, Ruth; Naim, Sigal; Pavlidis, George; Serrat, Rodrigo; Villar, Feliciano; Vidovicova, L (Journal article, 2023)This study aims to explore the effects of childhood circumstances and conditions on the risk of exclusion from social relations in old age, using a life-course perspective and examining gender influence. Secondary analysis ... -
Late-life loneliness in 11 european countries: results from the generations and gender survey
Hansen, Thomas; Slagsvold, Britt (Social Indicators Research;124(1), Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2015-09-29)This study explores country differences in late-life loneliness in Europe among men and women and establishes the role of micro-level differences in socioeconomic status, health, and social variables in these patterns. We ...