Browsing ODA Open Digital Archive by Author "Goth, Ursula-Georgine Småland"
Now showing items 1-10 of 10
Civic engagement and social capital in ship preservation work in Norway. - The scope, impact and demographics of formal volunteering and publicly funded engagements.
Goth, Ursula-Georgine Småland; Småland, Erik (Nordic Journal of Social Research;4, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2013)Introduction: The current focus on volunteering related to civic engagement in Norway has led to a rise in complementary private initiatives and public funding, specifically with regard to the preservation of historic ... -
Digitale historiefortelling som kontekstuell læring i yrkesfaglig undervisning
Wolden, Anne-Catrine; Goth, Ursula-Georgine Småland; Larsen, Anne Karin (Nordic Journal of Vocational Education and Training;Vol. 8, No. 1, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)Digital skills are needed in order to use digital media for learning purposes and to cope with today’s knowledge society. In recent years, digital storytelling has become a modern way of telling stories, and in learning ... -
Finnes det en faglig felleskomponent for TIP yrkene?
Goth, Ursula-Georgine Småland; Landmark, Brynjar Fowels; Schønfeldt, Espen Braathen (Nordic Journal of Vocational Education and Training;4(2), Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2014)Yrkesfaglig opplæring til et bestemt yrke gir en yrkeskompetanse med eller uten fag- eller svennebrev. Opplæringen foregår både i den videregående skolen og i bedrifter. Første år på programfaget Teknikk og industriell ... -
Fra innvandrer til medstudent og ressurs i undervisningen ved helsefaglig høyskoleutdanning
Goth, Ursula-Georgine Småland; Jensen, Trude Løkhaug; Skyrud, Randi Vangen (Nordic Journal of Vocational Education and Training;5(1), Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2015)Mange opplever det som et nytt fenomen at Norge i stadig større grad blir et flerkulturelt samfunn. Det økende mangfoldet stiller krav til helsepersonellet om at den enkelte helsearbeider øker sin kulturkompetanse og har ... -
Learning by doing : Studentbedrift en tilnærming til entreprenørskap i yrkesfaglærerutdannelsen?
Schøn, Eldbjørg; Goth, Ursula-Georgine Småland (Nordic Journal of Vocational Education and Training;4(3), Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2014)Samfunnet endrer seg, og med det også de utfordringene som yrkesfaglærerne møter. Entreprenørskap ble definert som en av nøkkelkompetansene innen ulike utdanningsprogrammer, og vi ser derfor en sterk satsing på entreprenørskap ... -
The Role of Civic Engagement for Men's Health and Well Being in Norway - A Contribution to Public Health
Goth, Ursula-Georgine Småland; Småland, Erik (International journal of environmental research and public health;11(6), Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2014-06-18)Objectives: Using the example of older men volunteering on teams that restore historic ships, this article examines the effects of volunteering on the well-being of older adults. We consider particularly how volunteering ... -
Teaching Entrepreneurship by Using the “Student Enterprise Model” to Future Vocational Teachers
Goth, Ursula-Georgine Småland; Schön, Eldbjørg Marie (Journal of Education and Vocational Research;6(1), Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2015-03)A recent focus worldwide is on education to foster entrepreneurship, mostly at the college level. Norway's Knowledge Promotion Reform introduces entrepreneurial thinking already in upper-secondary education and gives to ... -
Toleranse, kultursensitivitet og akkulturasjon: Interkulturelle utfordringer for primærhelsetjenesten og nyankomne innvandrere i Norge
Goth, Ursula-Georgine Småland (FLEKS-Scandinavian Journal of Intercultural Theory and Practice;1(1), Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2014)Background: Since the 1970s, Norway has experienced a significant increase in population diversity. In 2001, a patient-list system, also referred to as the General Practitioner (GP) Scheme (Norwegian: Fastlegeordning), was ... -
Use of primary care emergency services in Norway: Impact of birth country and duration of residence
Goth, Ursula-Georgine Småland; Godager, Geir (Nordic Journal of Health Economics;1(2), Academic article, 2012)Objective: In Norway, the General Practitioner Scheme was established in 2001. Satisfaction with the system is generally high. However, people often choose to visit community-based emergency wards (EW) for routine care ... -
Utilization of primary health care services based on countrywide register database in Norway, 10 years after the introduction of the Patient List System
Goth, Ursula-Georgine Småland; Hammer, Hugo Lewi; Claussen, Bjørgulf (Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health;11(3), Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2014-03-21)Utilization of services is an important indicator for estimating access to healthcare. In Norway, the General Practitioner Scheme, a patient list system, was established in 2001 to enable a stable doctor-patient relationship. ...