Browsing ODA Open Digital Archive by Author "Bjerke, Annette Hessen"
Now showing items 1-20 of 21
Aldersblanding i matematikkundervisinga. Samanhengen mellom læraren sitt syn på aldersblanding og nyttiggjeringa av fellesskapen
Frøysa, Solveig (Bachelor thesis, 2018-04-19)Sjølv om effekten av læring gjennom sosial interaksjon og praktisk læring i elevfellesskapen er godt dokumentert i forskingslitteraturen, er det mindre kjent korleis lærarar i aldersblanda elevgrupper gjer seg nytte av ... -
Computational Thinking in the Primary Mathematics Classroom: a Systematic Review
Nordby, Siri Krogh; Bjerke, Annette Hessen; Mifsud, Louise (Digital Experiences in Mathematics Education;Volume 8, issue 1, Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022-02-11)Computational thinking (CT) has acquired the status of a necessary 21st-century skill and is currently being introduced in school curricula around the world, despite a lack of consensus about what it entails. The aims of ... -
Developing Self-Efficacy in Teaching Mathematics: Pre-Service Teachers’ Perceptions of the Role of Subject Knowledge
Bjerke, Annette Hessen; Solomon, Yvette (Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research;Published online 25 Mar 2019, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019-02-19)Two major concerns in mathematics teacher education are the role of subject matter knowledge and the development of self-efficacy in pre-service teachers. This article brings these issues together in an exploration of the ... -
The development of pre-service teachers' self-efficacy in teaching mathematics
Bjerke, Annette Hessen (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)Teacher efficacy has received much attention in the general field of educational research, but applications in mathematics teacher education are few. In order to deepen the understanding of the nature and development of ... -
The Digital Transformation of Higher Education Teaching: Four Pedagogical Prescriptions to Move Active Learning Pedagogy Forward
Røe, Yngve; Wojniusz, Slawomir; Bjerke, Annette Hessen (Frontiers in Education;January 2022 | Volume 6 | Article 784701, Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022-01-14)Digital learning technologies are expected to reform higher education: The recent Digital Education Action Plan (2021–2027) of the European Commission (EC) states that digital education should facilitate more personalised, ... -
The Effect of Level-Marked Tasks on Students’ Mathematics Self-Efficacy and Persistence—Investigating a Tiered Activity
Herset, Maria Klaussen; Bjerke, Annette Hessen; el Ghami, Mohamed (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)In school mathematics, tiering tasks according to students’ readiness levels is a common approach to adapting content to address students’ varying abilities. To distinguish between different tiers, the tasks are commonly ... -
Elevers mestringsforventning i matematikk med fokus på algebra: En studie av sammenhengen mellom måloppnåelse og mestringsforventning
Baksaas, Martha (SKUT;2019, Master thesis, 2019)Formålet med dette masterprosjektet har vært å studere elevers mestringsforventning i matematikk. Prosjektets overordnede problemstilling er: "Hvordan oppfatter og vektlegger elever på åttende trinn informasjon som er ... -
En kvantitativ studie av elevers mestringsforventninger i matematikk knyttet til kjønn
Terjesen, Elisabeth (Master thesis, 2021)Formålet med min masteroppgave er å belyse konstruktet mestringsforventninger i matematikk og knytte dette opp mot kjønn. Dette gjøres ved å sette fokus på følgende problemstilling: Hvilke forskjeller, om noen, er det ... -
Identitet og mestringsforventning hos høyt-presterende og lavt-presterende elever i matematikkfaget
Anda, Erlend Kanages (Master thesis, 2020)Denne masteroppgaven har som formål å undersøke hvordan ´høyt-presterende´ og ´lavt-presterende´ elever uttrykker identitet og grad av mestringsforventning i matematikkfaget. Dette vil være med på å gi en bredere forståelse ... -
Making decisions about attainment grouping in mathematics: teacher agency and autonomy in Norway
Eriksen, Elisabeta Iuliana; Solomon, Yvette; Bjerke, Annette Hessen; Gray, James; Kleve, Bodil (Research Papers in Education;, Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)Grouping by attainment is a relatively new and contested practice in Norway, where strong historical discourses of heterogeneous education are under pressure from international test comparisons, particularly in mathematics. ... -
Primary Mathematics Teachers’ Understanding of Computational Thinking
Nordby, Siri Krogh; Bjerke, Annette Hessen; Mifsud, Louise (Künstliche Intelligenz;Volume 36, issue 1, March 2022, Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022-02-23)Computational thinking (CT) is often regarded as providing a ‘soft start’ for later involvement with artificial intelligence and, hence, as a crucial twenty-first century skill. The introduction of CT in primary mathematics ... -
Prospective primary teachers’ efficacy to teach mathematics: measuring efficacy beliefs and identifying the factors that influence them
Leavy, Aisling; Bjerke, Annette Hessen; Hourigan, Mairéad (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)Prospective teachers’ mathematics efficacy beliefs affect school placement experiences and influence later teacher behaviour and subsequent student outcomes. These efficacy beliefs are open to change during initial teacher ... -
Prospective teachers navigating intersecting communities of practice: early school placement
Solomon, Yvette; Eriksen, Elisabeta; Smestad, Bjørn; Rodal, Camilla; Bjerke, Annette Hessen (Journal of Mathematics Teacher Education;;, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2015-10-19)An issue of particular concern in mathematics teacher education is the relationship between theory and practice, and the nature of university–school partnerships. We report here on results from a research project answering ... -
Relationship between Birth Month and Mathematics Performance in Norway
Bjerke, Annette Hessen; Smestad, Bjørn; Eriksen, Elisabeta Iuliana; Rognes, Andre (Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research;, Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021-08-03)Due to the fixed school start in Norway in August of the calendar year of students’ sixth birthday, the age span in one class is up to twelve months. This can impact academic performance both in the early years and later. ... -
Relativ alderseffekt og mestringsforventninger i matematikk - En kvantitativ studie av sammenhengen mellom relativ alderseffekt og mestringsforventninger i matematikk hos elever på 9.trinn i Norge
Iversen, Anna (Master thesis, 2021)Forskning viser at det er sammenheng mellom alder og prestasjon i matematikk i et og samme skolekull. De som er født tidlig på året ser ut til å ha et fortrinn i forhold til de som er født sent på året. Samtidig viser ... -
The story of Maia: I will try to survive!
Bjerke, Annette Hessen (Proceedings of the Eleventh Congress of the European Society for Research in Mathematics Education;, Conference object, 2019)Two major concerns in mathematics teacher education research are the role of subject matter knowledge and the development of self-efficacy in teaching mathematics (SETM) in preservice teachers (PSTs). These two bodies of ... -
Teacher Learning towards Equitable Mathematics Classrooms: Reframing Problems of Practice
Solomon, Yvette; Eriksen, Elisabeta Iuliana; Bjerke, Annette Hessen (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)This study responds to the debate on understanding and evaluating teacher learning in professional development programmes, with particular reference to the development of equitable mathematics classrooms. Conducted in ... -
Teaching for Robust Understanding. Students’ accounts of learning mathematics in problem-solving classrooms.
Nesbo, Gunnar Voigt (Master thesis, 2018)The aim of this thesis is to explore connections between a problem-solving approach to teaching mathematics and student learning. The student learning has not been based on test results, but on measures of activity, knowledge ... -
The growth of self-efficacy in teaching mathematics in pre-service teachers: developing educational purpose
Bjerke, Annette Hessen (Doctoral thesis; Peer reviewed, 2017) -
Theorising mathematics teaching: pre-service teachers’ perceptions before and during school placement
Bjerke, Annette Hessen; Eriksen, Elisabeta; Rodal, Camilla; Smestad, Bjørn; Solomon, Yvette (Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2013)Pre-service teachers frequently experience a tension between their research-informed university college training and their in-school practice. In mathematics teaching, this is a particularly sharp contrast, since personal ...