Blar i ODA Open Digital Archive på forfatter "Bjerk, Maria"
A falls prevention programme to improve quality of life, physical function and falls efficacy in older people receiving home help services: study protocol for a randomised controlled trial
Bjerk, Maria; Brovold, Therese; Skelton, Dawn A; Bergland, Astrid (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)BACKGROUND: Falls and fall-related injuries in older adults are associated with great burdens, both for the individuals, the health care system and the society. Previous research has shown evidence for the efficiency ... -
Arbeidsrettede rehabiliteringstiltak ved langtidssykmelding: en systematisk oversikt
Tingulstad, Alexander; Echavez, Jose Francisco Meneses; Evensen, Line; Bjerk, Maria; Holte, Hilde H (Research report, 2021-03-03)Folkehelseinstituttet har på oppdrag fra Arbeids- og velferdsdirektoratet (NAV) utført en systematisk oversikt om effekten av arbeidsrettede rehabiliteringstiltak på retur til arbeid for personer som er, eller står i fare ... -
Associations between health-related quality of life, physical function and fear of falling in older fallers receiving home care
Bjerk, Maria; Brovold, Therese; Skelton, Dawn A; Bergland, Astrid (BMC Geriatr;18(253), Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)Falls and injuries in older adults have significant consequences and costs, both personal and to society. Although having a high incidence of falls, high prevalence of fear of falling and a lower quality of life, older ... -
Effect of nutritional and physical exercise intervention on hospital readmission for patients aged 65 or older: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials
Lærum-Onsager, Ellisiv; Molin, Marianne; Olsen, Cecilie Fromholt; Bye, Asta; Debesay, Jonas; Hestevik, Christine Hillestad; Bjerk, Maria; Pripp, Are Hugo (International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity;18, Article number: 62 (2021), Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021-05-10)Background: Unplanned readmission may result in consequences for both the individual and society. The transition of patients from hospital to postdischarge settings often represents a discontinuity of care and is considered ... -
Effectiveness of work-related interventions for return to work in people on sick leave: A systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials
Tingulstad, Alexander; Meneses Echavez, Jose Francisco; Holtet Evensen, Line; Bjerk, Maria; Berg, Rigmor (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)Long-term sick leave is a serious concern in developed countries and the cost of sickness absence and disability benefts cause major challenges for both the individual and society as a whole. Despite an increasing body of ... -
The Effects of High-Intensity Aerobic Exercise on Cognitive Performance After Stroke: A Pilot Randomised Controlled Trial
Pallesen, Hanne; Bjerk, Maria; Roer Pedersen, Asger; Feldbæk Nielsen, Jørgen; Evald, Lars (Journal of Central Nervous System Disease;Volime 11, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019-04-22)Background: Aerobic exercise is an effective treatment to improve aerobic capacity following stroke and might also improve cognitive impairments in sub-acute stroke survivors. The aim of the study was to assess the effect ... -
Falls prevention to improve health-related quality of life, physical function and falls self-efficacy in older adults receiving home care
Bjerk, Maria (OsloMet Avhandling 2020;Nr 21, Doctoral thesis; Peer reviewed, 2020)Background: Falls and fall-related injuries in older adults are associated with great burdens for the individuals, the health care system and society. Although they have a high incidence of falls, a high prevalence of ... -
Feasibility of an implementation strategy for preventing falls in homecare services
Linnerud, Siv; Kvæl, Linda Aimee Hartford; Bjerk, Maria; Taraldsen, Kristin; Skelton, Dawn A.; Brovold, Therese (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Background Falls among older adults represent a major health hazard across the world. In 2022, the World Falls Guidelines was published, summarising research evidence and expert recommendations on how to prevent falls, but ... -
Fettsuging (lipektomi) ved behandling for fettansamling forårsaket av kronisk lymfødem: en forenklet metodevurdering
Kvist, Beate Charlotte Fagerlund; Holte, Hilde H; Movik, Espen; Bjerk, Maria; Næss, Gunn Eva (Research report, 2021-05-12)Lymfødem er en kronisk og progressiv tilstand som rammer opp mot 10 000 nordmenn til enhver tid. Fettsuging kan være en aktuell behandlingsmetode hos pasienter som har hatt utilstrekkelig behandling og har utviklet ... -
Lindrende behandling og omsorg i sykehjem og eget hjem: oversikt over systematiske oversikter
Meneses-Echávez, José Francisco; Borge, Tiril Cecilie; Tingulstad, Alexander; Bjerk, Maria; Refsdal, Tonje Lehne (Research report, 2021-09-17)Dette oppdraget består av en oversikt over systematiske oversikter som har sett på effekten av lindrende behandling og omsorg i sykehjem og eget hjem. Vi utførte i oktober 2020 et litteratursøk i relevante databaser. Vi ... -
Managers’ perspectives on their role in implementing fall prevention interventions: a qualitative interview study in Norwegian homecare services
Linnerud, Siv; Bjerk, Maria; Olsen, Nina Rydland; Taraldsen, Kristin; Brovold, Therese; Kvæl, Linda Aimee Hartford (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Introduction: The implementation of fall prevention interventions in homecare services is crucial for reducing falls among older adults and effective leadership could determine success. Norwegian homecare services ... -
A qualitative study exploring physical therapists’ views on the Otago Exercise Programme for fall prevention: a stepping stone to “age in place” and to give faith in the future
Cederbom, Sara; Bjerk, Maria; Bergland, Astrid (Physiotherapy Theory and Practice;Published online 24 Feb 2020, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020-01-16)Background: One of the most effective interventions to prevent falls is exercise. A commonly used program that prevents falls is the Otago Exercise Programme (OEP). Despite this, user-based knowledge of its applicability ... -
Sammenhengen mellom bekymring for fall, muskelstyrke i underekstremiteter, helserelatert livskvalitet innenfor fysisk funksjon og alder blant hjemmeboende eldre personer som mottar hjemmetjenester.
Slåstuen, Ragnhild Kyte (Master thesis, 2024)Bakgrunn: Andelen eldre stiger raskt nasjonalt og globalt. Parallelt vil fall og fallrelaterte konsekvenser også øke, inkludert bekymringen for å falle (FoF). Hjemmeboende eldre personer med hjemmetjenester har høy ... -
Tailored implementation of national recommendations on fall prevention among older adults in municipalities in Norway (FALLPREVENT trial): a study protocol for a cluster-randomised trial
Bjerk, Maria; Flottorp, Signe A.; Pripp, Are Hugo; Øien, Henning; Hansen, Tonya Moen; Foy, Robbie; Close, Jacqueline; Linnerud, Siv; Brovold, Therese; Solli, Rune; Olsen, Nina Rydland; Skelton, Dawn A.; Rydwik, Elisabeth; Helbostad, Jorunn L.; Idland, Gro; Kvæl, Linda; Vieira, Edgar; Taraldsen, Kristin (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Background Despite substantial research evidence indicating the effectiveness of a range of interventions to prevent falls, uptake into routine clinical practice has been limited by several implementation hallenges. The ... -
The tensions between micro-, meso- and macro-levels: physiotherapists’ views of their role towards fall prevention in the community – a qualitative study
Cederbom, Sara; Bjerk, Maria; Bergland, Astrid (BMC Health Services Research;20, Article number: 97 (2020), Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020-01-28)Background: Falls are a global public health concern. Physiotherapists are a key resource in this context, but there is sparse knowledge about how they perceive their role in the primary care setting. Therefore, the purpose ...