Blar i ODA Open Digital Archive på forfatter "Beyene, Wondwossen"
A Case for Adaptation to Enhance Usability and Accessibility of Library Resource Discovery Tools
Beyene, Wondwossen; Ferati, Mexhid (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)Library resource discovery tools (RDTs) are the latest generation of library catalogs that enable searching across disparate databases and repositories from a single search box. Although such “Google-like” experience has ... -
Comparative Evaluation of Accessibility and Learnability of Learning Management Systems: Case of Fronter and Canvas
Ahmad, Faizan; Beyene, Wondwossen; Giannoumis, G. Anthony (Communications in Computer and Information Science;Volume 851, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018-06-07)Learning Management systems (LMSs) are becoming integral parts of the teaching and learning process in higher learning institutions. As they are sup-posed to be used by students who are diverse in terms of ability/disability, ... -
Developing heuristics for evaluating the accessibility of digital library interfaces
Ferati, Mexhid; Beyene, Wondwossen (Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence;, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)Digital libraries are important resources for the education of all, including people with disabilities. Designing their interfaces to include broader range of users has been a challenge, partly because to evaluate their ... -
Evaluating learnability and accessibility of a software for engineers: Case of model server manager (MSM) at Jotne
Faizan, Ahmad (MAUU;2018, Master thesis, 2018)Learnability and accessibility are fundamental aspects of every system. They are important qualities that make a system easily and quickly usable and understandable by new users as well as users with disabilities. There ... -
Evaluating Learnability and Accessibility of a Software for Engineers: Case of Model Server Manager (MSM) at Jotne
Ahmad, Faizan (Master thesis, 2018)Learnability and accessibility are fundamental aspects of every system. They are important qualities that make a system easily and quickly usable and understandable by new users as well as users with disabilities. There ... -
Evaluation of Interactive Learning Materials for Universal Design: Case of GeoGebra in Norwegian High Schools
Shrestha, Pooja (Master thesis, 2017)The popularity of interactive learning materials is increasing in the field of education. In the field of mathematics, the GeoGebra online web application has become the part of curriculum in the higher secondary education ... -
Finding an optimal method for conducting accessibility evaluations of the Norwegian Tax Administration Website
Hess, Benedicte Paulsen (Master thesis, 2016)This research was done in collaboration with the Norwegian Tax Administration who had concluded that they were in need of an accessibility-testing manual that they could use for ensuring accessible contents in their website. ... -
Identifying and overcoming Organizational Barriers in Organizations to Ensure Universal Design in Practice: A Case Study of the Norwegian Broadcasting Corporation
Nordli, Lars Henrik (Master thesis, 2016)Universal design (UD) of information and communication technology (ICT) is a fundamental principle that ensures accessibility to ICT products and services, anti-discrimination, and in turn equal ability participation in ... -
Improving resource discovery and access through user-controlled adaptation: Exploring the role of library metadata
Beyene, Wondwossen; Aasheim, Marius Wiker (Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence;volume 10908, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018-06-06)Accessibility of library search tools is measured not only by their adherence to accessibility guidelines, but also by the ease they offer users to find accessible resources. This makes library metadata an object of study ... -
Metadata and Universal Access in Digital Library Environments
Beyene, Wondwossen (Library hi tech;Volume 35 Issue 2, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)Purpose- Accessibility metadata has been a recurring theme in recent efforts aimed at promoting accessibility of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) solutions to all regardless of their disabilities, cultural ... -
Resource Discovery and Universal Access: Understanding Enablers and Barriers from the User Perspective
Beyene, Wondwossen (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2016)Resource discovery tools are keys to explore, find , and retrieve resources from multitudes of collections hosted by library and information systems. Modern resource discovery tools provide facet - rich ... -
Web accessibility and technology protection measures: Harmonizing the rights of persons with cognitive disabilities and copyright protections on the web
Giannoumis, G. Anthony; Land, Molly; Beyene, Wondwossen; Blanck, Peter (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)The United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD) obligates State Parties to ensure full and equal access to the web for persons with disabilities. However, copyright law and policy sometimes ...