Browsing ODA Open Digital Archive by Author "Aasland, Aadne"
Now showing items 1-20 of 39
A note on sampling procedures for the hotel survey
Aasland, Aadne; Guri Tyldum (NIBR-notat 2011:105, Notat, 2011)Last ned gratis The paper decribes the sample for the survey of hotel employees in Oslo and Akershus. it gives details of challenges met and measures made to obtain a representative sample of the target population. The ... -
Agents of centralization? Local school administrations and contested school closures in Norwegian rural districts
Aasland, Aadne; Søholt, Susanne (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)In recent decades, the number of schools in Norwegian rural municipalities has been reduced substantially, often accompanied by much contestation in the local community. In Norway's decentralized governance system, the ... -
Attitudes towards women’s participation in local politics in South Asia
Haug, Marit; Aasland, Aadne; Aasen, Berit (Forum for Development Studies;2019, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)Survey data from selected geographical areas in India, Nepal and Bhutan show that attitudes towards women’s participation in local politics are overwhelmingly positive. The findings indicate a shift from the deeply embedded ... -
Attitudes Towards Women’s Participation in Local Politics in South Asia
Haug, Marit; Aasland, Aadne; Aasen, Berit (Forum for Development Studies;Published online 15 Jul 2019, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019-07-15)Survey data from selected geographical areas in India, Nepal and Bhutan show that attitudes towards women’s participation in local politics are overwhelmingly positive. The findings indicate a shift from the deeply embedded ... -
Between Collaboration and Subordination: State and Non-state Actors in Russian Anti-drug Policy
Aasland, Aadne; Kropp, Sabine; Meylakhs, Anastasiya (Voluntas: International Journal of Voluntary and Nonprofit Organizations;03 September 2019, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)Due to weak state and administrative capacity, the Russian government has involved resource-rich nonstate actors into policy-making since about 2005 and established numerous institutionalized platforms, networks, and forums. ... -
Boforhold og boligtilfredshet blant innvandrere i Distrikts-Norge
Aasland, Aadne; Søholt, Susanne (Tidsskrift for bolig forskning;Årgang 2, nr.2-2019, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)Artikkelen diskuterer boforhold og boligtilfredshet blant innvandrere i norske distriktskommuner. Basert på registerdata, en spørreundersøkelse blant ulike kategorier innvandrere og norskfødte, samt feltarbeid i tre ... -
Building Neighbourhood
Dybtsyna, Elena; Holm-Hansen, Jørn; Aasland, Aadne (NIBR-rapport 2008:04, Report, 2008)The evaluation covers the period of 2002-2006, during which the "aid" perspective on the cooperation with Russia became obsolete to the benefit of mutual benefit, equality and partnership. The Barents project co-operation ... -
‘Crimea will forever be Russian’: dissenting Norwegian media discourses on Russia’s annexation of Crimea
Myhre, Marthe Handå; Aasland, Aadne; Holm-Hansen, Jørn (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)The scholarly literature on Russia’s influence in Europe has so far mainly focused on Russia’s influence activities, discussed either as ‘disinformation’ or ‘soft power’. Less attention has been paid to understanding the ... -
"Derfor blir vi her"- innvandrere i Distrikts-Norge
Søholt, Susanne; Aasland, Aadne; Onsager, Knut; Vestby, Guri Mette (NIBR-rapport 2012:5, Report, 2012)Formålet med studien har vært å skaffe mer kunnskap om hva innvandrere selv legger vekt på når de velger å bli boende i norske distriktskommuner. I tillegg til arbeid og bolig er hovedfunnene: opplevelse av trygghet og ... -
Dimensions of social cohesion in a transitional society: The case of Ukraine
Aasland, Aadne; Filippova, Olga; Deineko, Oleksandra (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2022)Focusing on the local community level, this study draws on representative survey data to examine how Ukrainians perceive social cohesion on the basis of objective and subjective criteria. Building on Chan et al.'s ... -
Encouraged but controlled: governance networks in Russian regions
Aasland, Aadne; Berg-Nordlie, Mikkel; Bogdanova, Elena (Journal article; Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2016-06-10)The article examines the role of civil society in Russian governance networks, focusing on power relations between state and non-state actors. The analysis is based on empirical evidence from concrete governance networks ... -
Enhanced local-level willingness and ability to settle refugees: Decentralization and local responses to the refugee crises in Norway
Søholt, Susanne; Aasland, Aadne (Journal of Urban Affairs;, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019-02-11)The sudden mass influx of asylum-seekers in Europe in 2015, emplaced major stresses on refugee reception systems and challenged central – local migration policymaking. This article explores how this crisis affected ... -
Exploring Departures: Perceptions of Emigration from Norway in Online Discourses
Aasland, Aadne (NIBR Working Paper;2023:104, Working paper, 2023-09)This working paper analyses experiences and opinions related to the factors motivating emigration from Norway. The data was primarily collected from responses to an online article that introduced the EXIT Norway project ... -
Exploring Dimensions of Women's Social Exclusion and Inclusion in Nepal
Haug, Marit; Aasland, Aadne (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2015-12-15)The article examines a variety of social exclusion and inclusion indicators grouped by domains that are commonly referred to in the social exclusion literature: economic, social, political and intra-household. Levels of ... -
Facilitating labour migration from Latvia: strategies of various categories of intermediaries
Zabko, Oksana; Aasland, Aadne; Endresen, Sylvi Birgit (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017)Within the broad category of migration industries, we focus on intermediaries between employers in Norway requiring migrant labour, and suppliers of Latvian workers willing to migrate. Mediation of labour power is a regulated ... -
Health and Social Affairs in Norway and Russia
Malik, Larisa S.; Holm-Hansen, Jørn; Aasland, Aadne (NIBR-rapport 2007: 20, Report, 2007)This report evaluates the Cooperation Programme on Health and Related Social Issues in the Barents Region and under the Northern Dimension Partnership in Public Health and Social Wellbeing 2002-2006. The overall picture ... -
“It Seemed Like Forever!” Shrinking Spaces of Conviviality at the Border of Norway and Russia
Gubrium, Erika; Aasland, Aadne; Lindskog, Benedikte V; López Arteaga, Erika Garcia; Mikheev, Igor (Journal of Borderlands Studies;, Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)“Conviviality” is a useful term for exploring interactions and relationships taking place between different groups of people. While conviviality may arise through everyday processes, rhythms, and senses of belonging, it ... -
Lithuanian circular migrants’ experiences in wandering between Lithuanian and Norwegian welfare states
Liciute, Evelina (Master thesis, 2018)Background. Economic demands, new technologies and flexibility of national and international legislation led to the development of various migration and employment patterns. One of the highly promoted but little researched ... -
Local democracy in Ukrainian cities: civic participation andresponsiveness of local authorities
Aasland, Aadne; Lyska, Oleksii (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2015-05-08)This article examines local democracy in Ukrainian cities from the perspective of the local population, with a focus on citizen participation and city authorities’ responsiveness to the concerns of local inhabitants. It ... -
Mange vil hjelpe, men hjelper det? En gjennomgang av hjelpetjenester for personer utsatt for negativ sosial kontroll, tvangsekteskap og kjønnslemlestelse
Leirvik, Mariann Stærkebye; Aasland, Aadne; Staver, Anne Balke (NIBR-rapport;2020:5, Research report, 2020-06)Formålet med denne studien er å kartlegge hvordan hjelpetjenestene for personer utsatt for negativ sosial kontroll, tvangsekteskap og kjønnslemlestelse fungerer, med et spesielt fokus på de særskilte tjenestene på tematikken ...