Blar i ODA Open Digital Archive på forfatter "Vaagan, Robert Wallace"
Confronting stereotypes, racism and xenophobia in Oslo Museum – Intercultural Museum (IKM)
Vaagan, Robert Wallace; Bothner-By, Annelise R. (Intercultural Communication Studies (ICS);2020, Vol 29, No 1, Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2020)Museums play an important role in society as repositories of culture history and knowledge, and also as meeting places for visitors. Oslo Museum – Intercultural Museum (IKM) is a municipal museum located in the Norwegian ... -
Crisis Communication as a Pedagogical Method in Media & Communication Studies and in Journalism Studies in Norway
Vaagan, Robert Wallace (Social journalism as a societal activity: experiences and scientific research in Russia, USA and the Nordic countries. Materials from an international seminar 17-18 March 2014;, Peer reviewed; Chapter, 2014)Crisis communication has been a regular topic in Media & Communication Studies and in Journalism Studies in Norway for many years. This article outlines experiences at Oslo and Akershus University College of Applied ... -
A critical analysis of the digitization of healthcare communication in the EU: A comparison of Italy, Finland, Norway and Spain. Presented at IAMCR, 7-11. July 2019.
Vaagan, Robert Wallace; Toset, Anna Sendra; Farré, Jordi; Torkkola, Sinika; Lovari, Alessandro (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)This article provides a critical analysis of the digitization of healthcare communication in Italy, Finland, Norway, and Spain. Particularly, we focus on organizational communication and interactions among institutions, ... -
Diversity in NRK and Schibsted. A case analysis of recruitment strategy, implementation, and leadership regarding diversity.
Mosaker, Helene (Master thesis, 2022)This master thesis analyses to what extent Norway's largest public and private sector media groups, NRK and Schibsted, recruit, manage and implement policies regarding diversity. Theoretically, this master thesis has ... -
East/West: New Divisions, New Connections in a Populist Political Reality
Vaagan, Robert Wallace (Intercultural Communication Studies;Vol 28, No 2, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)This paper takes as its title the overall theme of the 25th Conference of The International Association for Intercultural Communication Studies (IAICS). Delivered as the brief presidential address at the opening of the ... -
En analyse av holdningskampanjene Hold Fokus og Nåtidshjernen. Fokus på sentrale aktører, interesser, kjennetegn og utfall.
Paulsen, Mathilde Turvan (Master thesis, 2022)Masteroppgaven har tatt sikte på å undersøke holdningskampanjene Hold Fokus og Nåtidshjernen. Det har blitt forsket på hvem de sentrale aktørene var og hvilke interesser, kjennetegn og utfall som var sentrale. Tidligere ... -
Ethics, globalization and intercultural communication
Vaagan, Robert Wallace (Intercultural Communication Studies;Volume 28, No. 1, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)Ethics and intercultural communication are usually discussed in terms of cultural relativity, identity issues and communication and/ or value systems. In response to our ethical responsibility as communication scholars, ... -
Ethics, Social Media and Mass Self-Communication
Vaagan, Robert Wallace (Cahiers de la Documentation;65 (2), Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2011-06)Un modèle révisé de l’éthique en matière d’information est présenté. Il peut s’avérer utile dans l’analyse des défis éthiques, dans ce que Manuel Castells décrit comme un système émergent d’"auto-communication de masse" ... -
Faktuell: Youths as journalists in online newspapers and magazines in Norway
Sevincer, Vedat; Biseth, Heidi; Vaagan, Robert Wallace (Youth and news in a digital media environment – Nordic-Baltic perspectives;, Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2018-12-04) -
Information Ethics Revisited : New Media and Freedom of Expression
Vaagan, Robert Wallace (Ibersid - Journal of Information and Documentation Systems;(1), Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2010)A model of information ethics used to analyze intellectual property rights versus public access rights (Vaagan and Koehler, 2004/2005) is refined in two ways. First, the model is expanded to include new media which ... -
Kommentarfunksjon og egenmarkering - VG som aktør i flyktningpolitiske diskusjoner våren 2015
Haugen, Ingvild Tennøe (Master thesis, 2018)Denne masteroppgaven belyser hvordan en ledende norsk avis forvalter sin kommentarfunksjon og -praksis i politiske diskusjoner. VG er landets mest leste avis og regnes som en aktør med betydelig definisjonsmakt. Her ... -
Media, market, state and politics in Norway
Vaagan, Robert Wallace (Informacijos mokslai;47 (4), Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2008)The article builds on Hallin & Mancini (2004) who have used a democratic corporatist model to analyze the media markets of several Northern and Central European countries, including Norway. An analysis of the Norwegian ... -
Moscow as the main heroine in Pasternak´s novel Doctor Zhivago?
Vaagan, Robert Wallace (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2016)In 2008, Robert N. St. Clair and Wei Song published a book entitled The Many Layers of Culture Within Each City, applying their analytical framework to case studies of Harbin, Rio de Janeiro, ... -
Online newspaper repositories and Norwegian-Russian media frames of Svalbard
Vaagan, Robert Wallace (Academic article, 2013)Online newspaper repositories of two leading Norwegian and Russian daily newspapers (Aftenposten and Rossiyskaya gazeta [Российская газета]) offer different media frames of the Arctic group of islands known as Svalbard. ... -
Political rhetoric, populism, leadership and intercultural communication
Vaagan, Robert Wallace (Bd. 111: Guntars Dreijers/Jānis Sīlis/Silga Sviķe/Jānis Veckrācis (eds.);Bridging Languages and Cultures II – Linguistics, Translation Studies and Intercultural Communication, Conference object, 2020)Taking as a starting point a politically motivated mass killing in Norway in 2011, the article argues that this was not an isolated incident but forms part of a broader European surge of right-wing extremism and populist ... -
Presidential Web sites and the Georgian-Russian War, 8-16 August 2008
Vaagan, Robert Wallace (First Monday;14 (9), Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2009-09-07)During the war between Georgia and Russia, 8–16 August 2008, the Web sites of Presidents Mikheil Saakashvili and Dmitry Medvedev were used actively to promote their countries’ conflicting views on the war. This article ... -
Professor Robert N.St.Clair in memoriam
Vaagan, Robert Wallace (Intercultural Communication Studies;2018, Vol. 27, No. 2, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018) -
Seeking, sharing and co-creating: a systematic review of the relation between social support theory, social media use and chronic diseases
Toset, Anna Sendra; Farré, Jordi; Vaagan, Robert Wallace (Social Theory & Health;2019, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019)The use of social media is increasing in the treatment and management of health. Patients with chronic diseases are especially interested in using these technologies to look for support, but organizations are lagging behind. ... -
The European Media Cloud Campus Project
Rinsdorf, Lars; Kirklar, Alper; Nina, Nusta; Christensen, Nikolaj; Vaagan, Robert Wallace (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2016)Five partner institutions have received Erasmus + financing 2015-2017 to create a European Media Cloud Campus (EMCC). This is an innovative, cloud- based learning environment for cross-media content production based on ... -
Youth on the Move - an online European magazine in a global media environment
Vaagan, Robert Wallace; Ekaterina, Pashevich (Intercultural Communication Studies;23(1), Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2014)Youth on the Move started as a three-year project 2013-2015 between 4 partner institutions in the Netherlands, Germany, Turkey and Norway. Students and staff in media-related disciplines from the four countries set out to ...