Browsing ODA Open Digital Archive by Author "Rabani, Mehrdad"
Now showing items 1-20 of 27
Achieving zero-energy building performance with thermal and visual comfort enhancement through optimization of fenestration, envelope, shading device, and energy supply system
Rabani, Mehrdad; Madessa, Habtamu Bayera; Nord, Natasa (Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments;Volume 44, April 2021, 101020, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2021-02-01)Building retrofitting towards nearly zero energy building (nZEB) with comfortable visual and thermal conditions, requires a comprehensive parametric analysis of building retrofit measures. This paper presented an optimization ... -
Aerodynamic Characteristics Investigation of a Passenger Train Under Crosswind
Rabani, Mehrdad; Faghih khorasani, Ahmadreza; Rabani, Ramin (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2016)The aim of this study is to investigate experimentally and numerically the effect of the crosswind and wagon numbers to the aerodynamic characteristics as well as fuel consumption of the locomotive Alstom AD43C and some ... -
Analyse av energibrønn for oppvarming av kontorbygg
Torgersen, Jørgen (Master thesis, 2019)Grunnvarme er en mye anvendt ressurs for oppvarming av bygninger. Bygningssimulering viser seg stadig mer gjeldende for gode systemløsninger og problemløsning tilknyttet prosjektering. I den sammenheng er data fra ... -
Analyse av faseendrede materialer i passivhus enebolig under forskjellige klimatiske forhold
Ali, Umar Vaqas (MAEN;2020, Master thesis, 2020)Avhandlingens første hoveddel er konsentrert rundt referansebygget som har passivhuskrav iht. NS3700. PCMer anvendes for å se hva som gir best resultat. Målet er optimalisering av hva som er best i henhold til hvilket ... -
Analyse av solassistert varmepumpe i norske passivhus eneboliger
Rastad, Lars Øgar (MAEN;2019, Master thesis, 2019)Det er gjort simuleringer og analyser av et modulert varmesystem hvor det er tatt i bruk solassistert varmepumpe. Undersøkelsene tar utgangspunkt i en bolig modulert i simuleringsprogrammet IDA ICE. Boligen representerer ... -
Bruken av faseendringsmaterialet i kontorbygg under forskjellige klimatiske forhold
Abdirazak, Mohamed (MAEN;2020, Master thesis, 2020)Denne avhandlingen gikk ut på å vurdere bidraget til faseendringsmaterialet så kalt PCM for å få ned temperatur og antall timer over 26 grader celsius samt kjølebehovet i et kontorbygg som tilfredsstiller passivhuskravet, ... -
Building Retrofitting through Coupling of Building Energy Simulation-Optimization Tool with CFD and Daylight Programs
Rabani, Mehrdad; Madessa, Habtamu Bayera; Nord, Natasa (Energies;Volume 14, Issue 8, Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021-04-14)Simultaneous satisfaction of both thermal and visual comfort in buildings may be a challenging task. Therefore, this paper suggests a comprehensive framework for the building energy optimization process integrating ... -
CFD study on the effect of Archimedes number and heating rate on the thermal stratification of aventilated office
Rabani, Mehrdad; Madessa, Habtamu Bayera; Nord, Natasa (Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2018)This paper dealt with simulating a typical occupied office equipped with displacement ventilation using CFD method. The STAR-CCM+ commercial software was employed for performing the simulations in order to analyze the trend ... -
Cooling Performance of a New Designed Trombe Wall Integrated with Solar Chimney, Water Spraying System, and Rectangular Thermal Fin Arrays: An Experimental Approach
Rabani, Mehran; Rabani, Mehrdad; Rabani, Ramin; Kalantar, Vali (International Journal of Design & Nature and Ecodynamics;Vol. 15, No. 3, June, 2020, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020-06-30)With the shortage of the energy and the improvement of people's environmental requirements, it has received more and more attention to realize building energy efficiency through new energy sources. Trombe wall is a technology ... -
Detailed Assessment of Hybrid Ventilation Control in a Mixed-Mode Building in Cold Climate
Rabani, Mehrdad; Petersen, Arnkell (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2023)This paper investigates a hybrid ventilation control method for a mixed-mode office landscape in a cold climate, i.e. Norway. The mixed-mode building utilizes a hybrid ventilation system that combines natural ventilation ... -
Effekten av vindusåpning som hybridventilasjonsteknologi på termisk inneklima og energibruk i Klimahuset
Ahmadi, Zolykha (Master thesis, 2023)I dag står det 40% av totalet energiforbruket i Europa og 36% av CO2-uslippene relatert til bygninger. Det er forventninger til å kutte ned klimagassutslippene samtidig som det er strengere krav til energiforbruket. Et av ... -
Evaluating Hybrid Ventilation Effects on Indoor Air Quality and Particulate Matter Levels in Cold Climate Mixed-Mode BUILDINGS
Alkhouri, Ketano mouris (Master thesis, 2024)This study investigates the quality of outdoor air in cold-climate countries such as Norway, focusing on the concentration of particulate matter (PM), and examines the impact of changes in PM concentrations on the operation ... -
Heating performance enhancement of a new design trombe wall using rectangular thermal fin arrays: An experimental approach
Rabani, Mehran; Rabani, Mehrdad (Journal of Energy Storage;Volume 24, August 2019, 100796, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019-05-31)It has been nowadays recognized that addressing energy use in buildings can reduce the fossil fuels usage and CO2 emission. Trombe wall is a widely applicable passive solar design option that can significantly reduce the ... -
Hybrid Ventilation Systems for Reduced Lifetime Emissions in Cold Climates
Rabani, Mehrdad; Petersen, Arnkell Jonas; Steneng, Christian; Utstøl, Simon; Halla, Haakon (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2024)Heating, ventilation, and air conditioning systems are notable sources of emissions in buildings. In cold climates, mechanical ventilation systems are characterized by significant initial embodied emissions but benefit ... -
Life cycle analysis of GHG emissions from the building retrofitting: The case of a Norwegian office building
Rabani, Mehrdad; Madessa, Habtamu Bayera; Ljungström, Malin; Aamodt, Lene; Løvvold, Sandra; Nord, Natasa (Building and Environment;Volume 204, 15 October 2021, 108159, Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021-07-16)Through a systematic study, this paper conducted a life cycle assessment (LCA) consisting of evaluation of both embodied and operational emissions of different building retrofitting scenarios for a typical office building, ... -
Minimizing delivered energy and life cycle cost using Graphical script: An office building retrofitting case
Rabani, Mehrdad; Madessa, Habtamu Bayera; Mohseni, Omid; Nord, Natasa (Applied Energy;Volume 268, 15 June 2020, 114929, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020-04-21)Selecting the most cost-effective retrofit interventions to achieve a significant reduction of energy use and CO2 emissions in the building sectors is challenging, because a large number of possible retrofitting options ... -
Multi-objektiv optimalisering av et kontorbygg: Klimaskjerm og settpunkt til ventilasjonsenhet
Fauske, Odd Austin (MAEN 2021, Master thesis, 2021)I dette studiet har det blitt gjennomført en multi-objektiv optimalisering av parametere til klimaskjermen og settpunkt temperaturer til ventilasjonsenheten for et kontorbygg lokalisert i Oslo. Hensikten med optimaliseringen ... -
Optimalisering av klimaskjerm og ventilasjonsparametere i et eksisterende kontorbygg
Mohseni, Omid (Master thesis, 2019)Denne forskningsoppgaven har tatt for seg optimalisering av et eksisterende kontorbygg. Målet av optimaliseringen har vært å vurdere om det er mulig å oppgradere dette bygge, ved å endre på kritiske parametere i klimaskjermen ... -
Parametric analysis of ground source heat pump system for heating of office buildings in Nordic climate
Rabani, Mehrdad; Madessa, Habtamu Bayera; Torgersen, Jørgen; Nord, Natasa (BuildSIM-Nordic 2020: Selected papers;, Conference object, 2020)This paper presents a sensitivity analysis followed by an optimization to improve the performance of a ground source heat pump (GSHP) system for an office building located in Norway, for Oslo, Stavanger, and Tromsø climatic ... -
Passive cooling performance of a test room equipped with normal and new designed Trombe walls: A numerical approach
Rabani, Mehran; Rabani, Mehrdad; Kalantar, Vali (Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments;Volume 33, June, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019-03-29)This paper is dedicated to numerically appraise the passive cooling performance of the new designed and normal Trombe walls combined with solar chimney and water spraying system (WSS) in a test room under Yazd (Iran) desert ...