Browsing ODA Open Digital Archive by Author "Pajalic, Zada"
Now showing items 21-40 of 43
The importance of a good therapeutic alliance in promoting exercise motivation in a group of older Norwegians in the subacute phase of hip fracture; a qualitative study
Stødle Vestøl, Irene; Debesay, Jonas; Pajalic, Zada; Bergland, Astrid (BMC Geriatrics;20, Article number: 118 (2020), Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020-03-12)Background: Hip fractures represent a global public health issue that demands high cost both from the patient and from the society. Functional exercise in the subacute phase of a hip fracture is essential in reducing these ... -
Jordmor i møte med den overvektige gravide
Nystuen, Irene (MAJO;2016, Master thesis, 2016)Hensikt Å være overvektig og gravid medfører risiko for mor og barn. Det er derfor viktig å undersøke i hvilken grad de overvektige gravide får individuell oppfølging i svangerskapsomsorgen når det gjelder livsstil. ... -
Jordmors beskrivelse fra fødeavdelingen, om kvinner som har vært utsatt for seksuelle overgrep
Andreassen, Guro; Halleland, Kristin Lylou Sætra (MAJO;2017, Master thesis, 2017)Hensikt: Hensikten med denne studien er å få frem hvilke beskrivelser jordmødrene gjør i møte med kvinner som har vært utsatt for seksuelle overgrep. Problemstilling: Hvordan beskriver jordmødre på sykehus tilnærmingen ... -
Jordmødres erfaringer med å gi informasjon til kvinner i svangerskapsomsorgen med fokus på epiduralanalgesi
Hammersborg-Elvenes, Veronica (MAJO;2018, Master thesis, 2018)Hensikt: Etablere innsikt og forståelse for hvordan jordmor gir informasjon om epiduralanalgesi til kvinner i svangerskapsomsorgen. Problemstilling: Hvordan erfarer jordmødre å gi informasjon til kvinner i ... -
Kvinners erfaring med ammeveiledning
Sverdrup-Thygeson, Mari; Jonsson, Jenny (MAJO;2017, Master thesis, 2017)Hensikt: Etablere innsikt og forståelse for hvordan norske kvinner opplever ammeveiledningen fra helsepersonell. Forskningsspørsmål: Hvordan beskriver kvinner sin erfaring av ammeveiledningen de fikk av helsepersonell? ... -
Maternal plasma levels of oxytocin during physiological childbirth – a systematic review with implications for uterine contractions and central actions of oxytocin
Uvnäs Moberg, Kerstin; Berg, Marie; Ekström, Anette; Buckley, Sarah; Downe, Soo; Hadjigeorgiou, Eleni; Kielbratowska, Bogumila; Kotłowska, Alicja; Lengler, Luise; Leon-Larios, Fatima; Lindstrom, Bengt; Meier-Magistretti, Claudia; Pajalic, Zada; Dencker, Anna (BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth;19, Article number: 285 (2019), Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019-06-17)Background:Oxytocin is a key hormone in childbirth, and synthetic oxytocin is widely administered to induce orspeed labour. Due to lack of synthetized knowledge, we conducted a systematic review of maternal plasma levelsof ... -
The meal as a performance: food and meal practices beyond health and nutrition
Nyberg, Maria; Olsson, Viktoria; Örtman, Gerd; Pajalic, Zada; Andersson, Håkan S; Blücher, Anna; Lindborg, AnnLouise; Wendin, Karin; Westergren, Albert (Ageing & Society;Volume 38, Issue 1, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018-08-30)The proportion of elderly people in the population is increasing, presenting a number of new challenges in society. The purpose of this qualitative study was to investigate how elderly persons with motoric eating difficulties ... -
Motebransjens krav til kropp og utseende: En kvalitativ studie om internasjonale modellers opplevelse av motebransjens krav til kropp og utseende
Bastiansen, Birgitte (MAEH;2018, Master thesis, 2018)Hensikt: Det spekuleres i om motemodeller er en høyrisikogruppe for å utvikle spiseforstyrrelser, men det mangler gode studier om spiseforstyrrelser i denne gruppen. Hensikten med denne studien er å oppnå innsikt og ... -
Mødres erfaringer med ammeveiledning
Stien, Sigrid Sunniva (MAPO;2020, Master thesis, 2020)BAKGRUNN: Amming er nært knyttet til opplevelse av mestring i morsrollen, og støtte og veiledning kan forstås som helsefremmende. Veiledning kan bidra til en frigjøring av morens egne ressurser. Helsesykepleier er ansvarlig ... -
A Network for Eating and Nutrition as a platform for cooperation over the organisational borders between healthcare sectors in Sweden
Pajalic, Zada; Westergren, Albert (Journal of Health Sciences;4(3), Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2014-12-26)Introduction: Requirements to implement scientific knowledge in practice within the Swedish health and social care sectors have increased during the last decades. One of these networks was the Network for Eating and Nutrition ... -
Norwegian midwives' perceptions of empowerment
Lukasse, Mirjam; Pajalic, Zada (Sexual & Reproductive HealthCare;2015, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2015-12)Introduction: Midwives are educated to care for women during pregnancy, birth and the postnatal period. For midwives to be able to fulfill their professional role they need to be empowered to do so. Aim of the study: To ... -
Nursing Students’ Views on Promoting Successful Breastfeeding in Sweden
Pajalic, Zada (Global journal of health science;6(5), Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2014)Promoting breastfeeding is important work for health-care personnel in the Swedish context. This promotion is multifaceted and demands the ongoing development of knowledge and competence among both health-care personnel ... -
Omsorg over grensene - helsepersonells opplevelse av samarbeid mellom barsel- og nyfødt intensivavdeling.
Tellefsen, Sølvi Christina P.; Hall, Anna Maria (MAJO;2016, Master thesis, 2016)Hensikt: Å få innsikt i jordmødres og sykepleieres opplevelser av det tverrfaglige samarbeidet i oppfølgingen av den inneliggende barselkvinnen med barn på nyfødt intensivavdeling. Problemstilling: Hvilken opplevelse har ... -
Public home care professionals' experiences of being involved in food distribution to home-living elderly people in Sweden - a qualitative study with an action research approach
Pajalic, Zada; Westergren, Albert; Persson, Lena; Skovdahl, Kirsti (Journal article; Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2012-05-01)Background: Research focusing on Food Distribution (FD) from various professionals’ and organisational perspectives are lacking. The aim of this study was therefore to explore various professionals ’ experiences of ... -
Reflections on using Story-Dialogue Method in a workshop with interaction design students
Saplacan, Diana; Herstad, Jo; Elsrud, Marthe N.; Pajalic, Zada (Proceedings of the Fifth International Workshop on Cultures of Participation in the Digital Age: Design Trade-offs for an Inclusive Society co-located with the International Conference on Advanced Visual Interfaces (AVI 2018);, Chapter; Chapter; Peer reviewed, 2018-05-23)Various narrative methods have been used in Human-Computer Interaction field (HCI), such as digital storytelling, and co-construction of stories. In this position paper, we shed light on the Story-Dialogue Method (SDM) ... -
Reflections on using Story-Dialogue Method in a workshop with interaction design students
Saplacan, Diana; Herstad, Jo; Elsrud, Marthe N.; Pajalic, Zada (CEUR Workshop Proceedings;2018, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018)Various narrative methods have been used in Human-Computer Interaction field (HCI), such as digital storytelling, and co-construction of stories. In this position paper, we shed light on the Story-Dialogue Method (SDM) ... -
A Researcher’s self-reflection of the facilitation and evaluation of an action research project within the swedish social and care context
Pajalic, Zada (Global Journal of Health Science;7(3), Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2014)The AR’s (Lewin, 1946) assumption was that human beings exist in life spaces through interaction, and communication, and that knowledge development is the result of changes in cognitive structures through communication ... -
Suboptimal iodine status among pregnant women in the Oslo area, Norway
Henjum, Sigrun; Aakre, Inger; Lilleengen, Anne Marie; Garnweidner-Holme, Lisa; Borthne, Sandra; Pajalic, Zada; Blix, Ellen; Gjengedal, Elin Lovise Folven; Brantsæter, Anne Lise (Nutrients;Volume 10, Issue 3, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018-03)Norway has been considered iodine replete for decades; however, recent studies indicate reemergence of inadequate iodine status in different population groups. We assessed iodine status in pregnant women based on urinary ... -
The Experiences of Elderly People Living at Home Related to Their Receiving Meals Distributed by a Municipality in Sweden
Pajalic, Zada; Persson, Lena; Westergren, Albert; Berggren, Vanja; Skovdahl, Kirsti (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2012-02-01)The purpose of the study was to descri be the experiences of elderly people, living at home who receive hot meals that are distributed by their municipa lity. Qualitative content analysis was used to analyse the ... -
The Swedish Municipal Food Distribution Service to the Elderly Living at Home as Experienced by the Recipient’s Relatives
Pajalic, Zada (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2013)The municipal Food distribution service (FD) to the elderly living at home is a part of the public social and care service in Sweden, The objective of this service is to ensure proper food intake for persons who are ...