Browsing ODA Open Digital Archive by Author "Hofvind, Solveig"
Now showing items 21-36 of 36
Menopausal hormone therapy and risk of melanoma: Do estrogens and progestins have a different role?
Botteri, Edoardo; Støer, Nathalie; Sakshaug, Solveig; Graff-Iversen, Sidsel; Vangen, Siri; Hofvind, Solveig; Ursin, Giske; Weiderpass, Elisabete (International Journal of Cancer;Volume 141, Issue 9, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2017-11-01)The association between use of menopausal hormone therapy (HT) and occurrence of skin malignant melanoma (SMM) is controversial. We investigated the issue in a nationwide cohort of 684,696 Norwegian women, aged 45-79 ... -
Patient doses from screen-film and full-field digital mammography in a population-based screening programme
Hauge, Ingrid Helen Ryste; Pedersen, Kristin; Sanderud, Audun; Hofvind, Solveig; Olerud, Hilde Merete (Radiation protection dosimetry;, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2011-02-17)The aim of this study was to compare mean glandular dose (MGD) in all full-field digital mammography (FFDM) and screen film mammography (SFM) systems used in a national mammography screening program. MGD from 31 screening ... -
Patterns of aggressiveness: Risk of progression to invasive breast cancer by mammographic features of calcifications in screen-detected ductal carcinoma in situ
Lilleborge, Marie; Falk, Ragnhild Sørum; Hovda, Tone; Holmen, Marit Muri; Ursin, Giske; Hofvind, Solveig (Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021)Background Mammographic features of calcifications on mammograms showing invasive breast cancer are associated with survival. Less is known about mammographic features and progression to invasive breast cancer among women ... -
Polymorphisms in hormone metabolism and growth factor genes and mammographic density in Norwegian postmenopausal hormone therapy users and non-users
Ellingjord-Dale, Merete; Lee, Eunjung; Couto, Elisabeth; Ozhand, Ali; Qureshi, Samera A; Hofvind, Solveig; van Den Berg, David J; Akslen, Lars A; Grotmol, Tom; Ursin, Giske (Breast Cancer Research;14 (R135), Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2012-10-27)Introduction Mammographic density (MD) is one of the strongest known breast cancer risk factors. Estrogen and progestin therapy (EPT) has been associated with increases in MD. Dense breast tissue is characterized by ... -
Radiological review of prior screening mammograms of screen-detected breast cancer
Hovda, Tone; Tsuruda, Kaitlyn; Hoff, Solveig Roth; Sahlberg, Kristine Kleivi; Hofvind, Solveig (European Radiology;, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020-10-01)Objective: To perform a radiological review of mammograms from prior screening and diagnosis of screen-detected breast cancer in BreastScreen Norway, a population-based screening program. Methods: We performed a ... -
A randomized controlled trial of digital breast tomosynthesis versus digital mammography in population-based screening in Bergen: interim analysis of performance indicators from the To-Be trial
Aase, Hildegunn Siv; Holen, åsne Sørlien; Pedersen, Kristin; Houssami, Nehmat; Haldorsen, Ingfrid S.; Sebuødegård, Sofie; Hanestad, Berit; Hofvind, Solveig (European Radiology;March 2019, Volume 29, Issue 3, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2018-08-29)Objectives: To describe a randomized controlled trial (RCT) of digital breast tomosynthesis including synthesized two dimensional mammograms (DBT) versus digital mammography (DM) in a population-based screening program for ... -
The relation of number of childbirths with age at natural menopause: a population study of 310 147 women in Norway
Gottschalk, Marthe Sørli; Eskild, Anne; Hofvind, Solveig; Bjelland, Elisabeth Krefting (Human Reproduction;Volume 37, Issue 2, Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021-11-13)Study question: Does age at natural menopause increase with increasing of number of childbirths? Summary answer: Age at menopause increased with increasing number of childbirths up to three childbirths; however, we found ... -
Risk of breast cancer after false-positive results in mammographic screening
Roman, Martha; Castells, Xavier; Hofvind, Solveig; von Euler-Chelpin, My (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2016)Women with false-positive results are commonly referred back to routine screening. Questions remain regarding their long-term outcome of breast cancer. We assessed the risk of screen-detected breast cancer in women with ... -
Risk of breast cancer by prior screening results among women participating in BreastScreen Norway
Lilleborge, Marie; Falk, Ragnhild Sørum; Russnes, Hege Elisabeth Giercksky; Sauer, Torill; Ursin, Giske; Hofvind, Solveig (Cancer;Volume 125, Issue 19, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019-05-13)Background: This registry‐based cohort study followed women who participated in the organized breast cancer screening program in Norway, BreastScreen Norway, in 1995‐2016. Incidence rates and incidence rate ratios were ... -
Screening at stationary versus mobile units in BreastScreen Norway
Holen, Åsne Sørlien; Sebuødegård, Sofie; Wåde, Gunvor Gipling; Aase, Hildegunn Siv; Hopland, Nina; Pedersen, Kristin; Larsen, Marthe; Tsuruda, Kaitlyn; Hofvind, Solveig (Journal of Medical Screening;Vol 27, Issue 1, 2020, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019-08-20)Objective To compare breast characteristics, compression parameters, and early performance measures (rates of recall, screen-detected and interval breast cancer, and histopathologic tumour characteristics) for mammographic ... -
Sensitivity and specificity of mammographic screening as practised in Vermont and Norway
Hofvind, Solveig; Geller, BM; Skelly, J.; Vacek, PM (Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2012)Objective: The aim of this study was to examine the sensitivity and specificity of screening mammography as performed in Vermont, USA, and Norway. Methods: Incident screening data from 1997 to 2003 for female patients aged ... -
Survival among women diagnosed with screen-detected or interval breast cancer classified as true, minimal signs, or missed through an informed radiological review
Tsuruda, Kaitlyn; Hovda, Tone; Bhargava, Sameer; Veierød, Marit Bragelien; Hofvind, Solveig (European Radiology;, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2020-11-12)Objectives: “True” breast cancers, defined as not being visible on prior screening mammograms, are expected to be more aggressive than “missed” cancers, which are visible in retrospect. However, the evidence to support ... -
Terminal digit preference: a source of measurement error in breast cancer diameter reporting
Tsuruda, Kaitlyn; Hofvind, Solveig; Akslen, Lars A.; Hoff, Solveig Roth; Veierød, Marit Bragelien (Acta Oncologica;Published online 30 Sep 2019, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019-09-14)Objectives: Women diagnosed with breast cancer are offered treatment and therapy based on tumor characteristics, including tumor diameter. There is scarce knowledge whether tumor diameter is accurately reported, or whether ... -
True and Missed Interval Cancer in Organized Mammographic Screening: A Retrospective Review Study of Diagnostic and Prior Screening Mammograms
Hovda, Tone; Hoff, Solveig Roth; Larsen, Marthe; Romundstad, Linda; Sahlberg, Kristine Kleivi; Hofvind, Solveig (Academic Radiology;Volume 29, Supplement 1, January 2022, Pages S180-S191, Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021-04-21)Rationale and Objectives: To explore radiological aspects of interval breast cancer in a population based screening program. Materials and Methods: We performed a consensus-based informed review of mammograms from ... -
Two-view digital breast tomosynthesis versus digital mammography in a population-based breast cancer screening programme (To-Be): a randomised, controlled trial
Hofvind, Solveig; Holen, åsne Sørlien; Aase, Hildegunn Siv; Houssami, Nehmat; Sebuødegård, Sofie; Moger, Tron Anders; Haldorsen, Ingfrid S.; Akslen, Lars A. (Lancet Oncology;Volume 20, Issue 6, June 2019, Journal article; Peer reviewed, 2019-05-08)Background Digital breast tomosynthesis is an advancement of mammography, and has the potential to overcome limitations of standard digital mammography. This study aimed to compare first-generation digital breast tomo- ... -
Women’s conceptual knowledge about breast cancer screening and overdiagnosis in Norway: a cross-sectional study
Tsuruda, Kaitlyn; Veierød, Marit Bragelien; Houssami, Nehmat; Wåde, Gunvor Gipling; Mangerud, Gunhild; Hofvind, Solveig (BMJ Open;Volume 11, Issue 12, Peer reviewed; Journal article, 2021-12-14)Objective: To investigate conceptual knowledge about mammographic screening among Norwegian women. Design: We administered a cross-sectional, web-based survey. We used multiple-choice questions and a grading rubric ...